Study of Solubility of Ferric Chloride in Etching process
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
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The etching process is the process of removing copper from a PCB with FeCl3 solution by means of automatic
spraying. Etching itself aims to remove copper on PCBs that have been coated with dry film or commonly known as
the laminating process. To remove copper from PCBs, an etching process must be carried out, this process uses
FeCl3 solution as the dissolved material and DI water as the solvent. During the etching process, the FeCl3 solution
has its own saturation point. From the problem above, the author made a final assignment entitled "Study of
Solubility of Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) in Etching Process" namely by analyzing and conducting experiments on
problems that occur in the etching process. With this project, I hope that I can help companies to analyze the
problems that occur and to find out the saturation point of etching itself so that it can reduce defects or rejects on
PCBs. The method is carried out by conducting experiments using several PCBs with machine parameters (speed,
temperature and max flow).
TECHNOLOGY::Chemical engineering::Chemical process and manufacturing engineering