Prototype Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran Pada Injeksi Chemical Di Water Treatment Plant

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Iskandar, Aulia
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
To reduce risk of the chemical spills that are corrosive and harmful to human health as well as the environment due to leakage in chemical injection at Water Treatment Plant, therefore a system is designed to detect leaks in this chemical injection system. This detection system uses two pressure sensors, the first installed after a dosing pump which is useful for measuring fluid pressure that coming out from the dosing pump and the second pressure sensor mounted on the dosing point to find out the pressure on the endpoint side. This system works by comparing or viewing a decrease in fluid pressure on both sensors. The end result obtained by this system is able to detect any leakage when the pressure less than of 1 bar or a pressure drop greater than 25% injection pump pressure.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Earth Sciences (Ilmu Bumi), Manufacture of Products for Specific Uses (Produksi untuk Keperluan Khusus)