Pemantauan Rumah Pintar Untuk Sistem Manajemen Daya Berbasis Web
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Rohmiyati, Rohmiyati
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Monitoring system is an alternative that can facilitate a more effective and efficient
work system. To support the system, then an online system via the website can be used to
perform monitoring functions either in the office, building, or in the house where we live.
Existing studies prove that controlling and monitoring of electrical equipment is essential
and necessary for residential homes. The system can be accessed from an Internet-
connected PC, so monitoring systems make it easy for homeowners to monitor and control
home appliances remotely just by typing a predefined Link (created) in the address bar.
The present study aims to create a home based monitoring system for web-based power
management systems. This system works with hardware and software. In hardware is done
connection sensor to port NodeMcu. Then from NodeMcu connected to the Monitoring
system. The sensors connect to each load that they want to measure at home. In software,
PHP is used as a programming language and SQLyog is used as its database. This system
is only for monitoring the parameters generated by the sensor. And the load that is
monitored is the load of lights and the load that is on the socket. The results of the
experiment show that the monitoring system can be accessed by the user, can monitor the
electricity usage of load the lamp and load the socket by using the sensor as a detector, the
data received by the server is able to be stored into the database and the electricity
charged can be displayed on the web through visual graphics . The success rate of this
monitoring system is 100%.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika, Website, Smart Home