Kontrol Level Air pada Miniplant Menggunakan Kendali Fuzzy Logic dengan Antarmuka Labview
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Tangkai, Amirul Malitang
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
There are some measurement variable that should be controlled correctly in industry
process. Variable control are so important to keep stability of system. Those variable are
temperature, flow, pressure, and level. Water level control sometime have a storage tank
that its level can be controlled and monitor.water level control mostly done by the
controlling the percentage of the input valve of tank which that level controlled by the
setpoint of the tank. Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor is use for reading the water level of the
The miniplant of the water level control using a method of fuzzy logic which display
on the labview are build as a prototype of the water level control plant. Fuzzy logic
controller is use for controlling the percentage of valve opened of tank. The method of
fuzzy logic controller which used a centre of maximum method. When the number of the
setpoint same as the actual level of water of the tank causing the stability of system. The
result of this research show that when the setpoint goes up so the input valve of the tank
will open than fill the tank until the number of setpoint same as actual level of water of the
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem