Kontrol Dan Monitoring Pada Inkubator Bayi Berbasis Fuzzzy Logic
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Julius Nababan, Andreas
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
When the baby is in the womb, they could live inside his mother womb with the
same temperature as their mother beetwen 36oC-37oC. When the premature babies were
born, they cannot adapt to the temperature around them. Therefore, the newborn premature
babies are needed to use an incubator. The incubator helps them to adapt to the
environment. But, there is only manual incubator that available nowadays, which is the
temperature controlled manually. The research aimed to make an automatic incubator that
temperature and humidity was controlled automatically. Fuzzy logic is one of the methods
that can control the paramaters. In this research, the setpoint of the temperature was set 36
– 37oC. The setpoint was reached during 300s.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)