Sistem Pergerakan Point to Point Mobile Robot dengan Kontrol Posisi Motor DC

dc.contributor.advisorSoebhakti, Hendrawan
dc.contributor.advisorPratama, Rizky
dc.contributor.authorDanil, Jufrika
dc.description.abstractMobile robot is typically one of numerous types of robots, as it is the foremost used for Differential Wheel Drive that offers low cost. However, regardless of the type, the main issue from mobile robot is related to it’s drive system and it’s simple manually controlled with on-off controller. Furthermore, the automatic drive is necessitated to move to targeted points or positions with ease. Thus, implementing Forward Kinematics method which is received from time discrete feedback and inverse kinematic controlled by PID with feedback of internal encoder at DC motor is supposed to make robot moves automatically. This experiment shows that the driving control system can move the position of the robot where the average error for its movement/motion is 11.9% with respect to X axis, 11.4% with respect to Y axis, as well as 15.4% towards Theta with percentage of successful movement reaches 87.08%. Additionally. The error may due to slip of the wheels while moving as well as system of position’s feedback and the direction that is only obtained by time discrete.en_US
dc.description.abstrakSocial Science, Sociology and Anthropology (Ilmu Sosial, Sosiologi dan Antropologi)en_US
dc.publisherPoliteknik Negeri Batamen_US
dc.subjectTeknik Elektroen_US
dc.subjectEngineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)en_US
dc.subjectComputer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem)en_US
dc.subjectSocial Science, Sociology and Anthropology (Ilmu Sosial, Sosiologi dan Antropologi)en_US
dc.titleSistem Pergerakan Point to Point Mobile Robot dengan Kontrol Posisi Motor DCen_US