Lampu Pijar Sebagai Ballast Pada Lampu Tl 10 Watt
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Manurung, Lovenri Soaduon
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The growing need for fossil fuels for electrification caused greenhouse gas
production (TL) increases. It is to be anticipated with the use of energy saving one done on
the load side. Replacement of conventional ballasts with electronic ballasts in fluorescent
lamps is one such effort. From laboratory observations, the replacement produce higher
power factor and power losses are lower so as to provide potential energy savings reach
65-75% of conventional ballasts. Constraint that arises is that the findings suggest that
most of the test sample produces a lower light intensity when compared with fluorescent
lamps with conventional ballast. In addition, it was found that the resulting flow is very
high electronic ballast. In order aspects of energy savings can be achieved with good,
ballast products are sold in Indonesia need to standardize.
At the researches task this final for energy savings and material on the lamps TL
and Trafo (Ballast) which used on generally which will use the Lamps Pijar as Ballast
Lights TL which its usefulness can be illuminate two the room at once with using the
power on the lights TL such the circuit for turn on lights TL who generally turned on the
AC mains voltage. 1 piece as the incandescent lamp ballast fluorescent lamp with optimal
light level is by using incandescent ballast that has a minimum output power of 4-6 times
greater than the fluorescent lamp to be lit, where incandescent bulbs will be linked in
parallel with the starter to light, heat and turn on electrode the lights TL which will get a
voltage who high enough (less more 400 Watt) which reduces the blurbs on the electrode
dwi metal and starter give heating time initial is right for the Ignition the lights TL at its
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Electronic, Capacitor