Browsing by Author "Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya"
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Item Alat Pemisah Botol Plastik dan Kaleng Secara Otomatis(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Bahri, Rizki Kurnia; Sumantri; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaRecycling is a non organic waste management strategy that includes the collection of trash, sorting, cleaning, and processing waste into items that are new to the production process About sorting trash in particular waste plastic bottles and cans in general still involves human hands in normal use. In this research, the author created a tool that can sort the waste plastic bottles and cans automatically to ease the work of man before the process is recycled. The components used to support the success of this tool is a proximity sensor to detect the difference between plastic bottles and cans, then servo motor as a drag each bottle is discarded and as a separator between plastic bottles and cans corresponding the container. Based on test results that the proximity sensor can detect 10 sample bottles by type consisting of 8 types of plastic bottles and 2 types of cans with a maximum detection distance of 2 cm, and the average time resulting in experiment tool is 10.37 seconds.Item Analisis Efektifitas Kinerja Mesin 3D Print menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness(2023-12-21) Muzadi, M Rafiq; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya—Revolusi industri 4.0 banyak menghasilkan kemajuan dibidang IPTEK. Mesin 3D Print merupakan salah satu kemajuan dibidang manufaktur. Mesin merupakan salah satu peranan penting dalam proses produksi maka kondisi mesin harus di jaga supaya stabil dalam melakukan operasi. Salah satu Metode yang banyak digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja adalah "Efisiensi Peralatan Secara Keseluruhan (OEE)". Yang bertujuan untuk menentukan keefektifan kinerja dari proses, serta memaksimalkan produksi. Mengenai ketersediaan (availability) waktu untuk menghasilkan keluaran (Performance) dengan mutu produk (Quality) terbaik. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukan perhitungan besar nilai avaibility sebesar 87,28%, Performance sebesar 78,83%, Quality sebesar 90,11% dan nilai OEE sebesar 60,78%. Perbaikan dari analisa tersebut antara lain dengan meningkatkan uptime mesin 3D print untuk mengurangi downtime mesin, melakukan monitoring bahan baku agar tidak terlalu banyak kesalahan pada saat proses, dan memastikan tidak terjadi downtime mesin Hal ini meliputi penambahan jam kerja dan penambahan jam perawatan Mesin ini.Item Data Acquisition Prototyping(2023) Syafriansyah, Aldi Roby; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaMikrokontroler adalah komponen umum yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan sistem elektronik. Untuk mengimplementasikan mikrokontroler sesuai dengan skema yang diinginkan, diperlukan proses pengunggahan (upload) program atau sketch. Jika ada perubahan skema program yang diinginkan, pengembang harus memodifikasi program tersebut dan mengunggah ulang sketch ke papan mikrokontroler. Hal ini tidak menjadi masalah jika sketch program yang di unggah tidak rumit, tetapi jika program yang di unggah rumit hingga dapat menyebabkan mikrokontroler not responding / freeze karna keterbatasan spesifikasi yang hanya bisa melakukan komputasi yang rendah. Agar mengurangi beban yang ditanggung mikrokontroler, skema pemrograman user dikerjakan oleh PC, dengan cara memerintahkan mikrokontroler menerima perintah dari PC dan meneruskan hasil pembacaan dari pin input ke PC dengan cara komunikasi UDP, dengan begitu mikrokontroler dialihfungsikan sebagai DAQ (Data Acquisition).Penelitian ini menggunakan Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai kontroler, Wiznet W5500 Lite, sebagai Modul komunikasi ke PC. Dengan konsep data akuisisi, maka ada latensi komunikasi antar device DAQ dengan PC, pada penelitian ini rata-rata latensi yang didapatkan adalah 4.99 ms. Sistem akuisisi data yang di teliti juga memiliki komponen switching, switching yang digunakan adalah optocoupler karena switching optocoupler memiliki keluaran tegangan yang stabil. Dengan cara tersebut dapat memungkinkan mengendalikan sistem elektronik dengan komputasi yang tinggi, dan memiliki keluaran yang stabil sesuai dengan suplai yang diberikan untuk pin output.Item Implementation of Swerve Drive for Straight Motion Movement Stability of Robots(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-08-09) Dzikrullah, Qolbun Latief; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaWheeled robot technology is currently very developed, especially in the type of wheel drive, the models offered are very diverse depending on the function of use. Currently there are several types of wheels used in the movement of wheeled robots such as Differential Wheels, Omniwheels, Mechanumwheels are the most commonly used. In the application of wheel drive, different controls can be used, because the calculation of movement is very dependent on the model used. This research aims to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the Swerve Drive system on the stability of movement in wheeled robots. The implementation method involves a controller that utilizes position and angle sensors to regulate each wheel individually, allowing the robot to rotate or move omnidirectionally with high maneuverability. Field experiments were conducted in several divisions, consisting of testing the steering motor by conducting experiments with direction inputs of 45 degree, 90 degree, 135 degree, 180 degree with each input conducted 3 times.with each input done 3 times with an average error value of 8.78%, and testing the movement of a straight robot is done with a goal distance of 5 meters in the direction of moving forward, left, backward, and right. So that the movement of the robot is assumed to be 4 times the movement with the final result that the robot can move straight according to the setpoint given with an error value of 49.23% but the further the distance the robot travels, the greater the valueItem Kendali Kecerahan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Dan Monitoring Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-01) Sihaloho, Dedi Florensius; Aisyah, Siti ; Wikanta, Prasaja; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; Rudiawan, EkoItem Pengembangan Sistem Nirkabel Charging for Mobile Phones(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Hape, Tri Mardian; Sugandi, Budi; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaElectricity becomes the need to be able to turn on various electronic devices. Mobile became one of the electronic devices that require power supplies to be active. Electricity nowadays can be delivered without going through the media cable, that is with wireless charging technology, where the electricity user simply add the receiver module diperangkatnya, then the device can be filled wirelessly if closer to the sender module. In this final project will be discussed the realization of wireless charger for mobile phone that uses oscillator circuit which can change from power supply to AC signal or alternating current in sender module and use regulator circuit for receiving module to get 5vdc outputItem Pengenalan Suara Terhadap Pergerakan Robot Beroda dengan Metode FFT(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Bayu, Krisina; Risandriya, Sumantri K.; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaSpeech Recognition to Mobile Robot Movement With FFT Method is a system that serves to move the robot direction based on the given sound. Usually to move a wheeled robot someone is still using the PC or remote control. With these problems researchers create a software system and hardware designed to recognize human voice commands. The voice signal will be processed on PC using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method in LabVIEW to find out the amplitude and frequency. Then to know the features of advanced sound, turn right and turn left using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) method then the result of these characteristics is converted into time domain then stored into reference template by DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) method. The experimental results show that the system can recognize forward sound, turn right, and turn left has an average success rate of 81.1% and has an average error of 18.8%. Sound recognition errors are caused because when the speech sounds forward, turn right, and turn left the environment is not always quiet.Item Pengenalan Suara Terhadap Pergerakan Robot Beroda dengan Metode FFT(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-03) Bayu, Krishna; Risandriya, Sumantri K.; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaSpeech Recognition to Mobile Robot Movement With FFT Method is a system that serves to move the robot direction based on the given sound. Usually to move a wheeled robot someone is still using the PC or remote control. With these problems researchers create a software system and hardware designed to recognize human voice commands. The voice signal will be processed on PC using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method in LabVIEW to find out the amplitude and frequency. Then to know the features of advanced sound, turn right and turn left using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) method then the result of these characteristics is converted into time domain then stored into reference template by DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) method. The experimental results show that the system can recognize forward sound, turn right, and turn left has an average success rate of 81.1% and has an average error of 18.8%. Sound recognition errors are caused because when the speech sounds forward, turn right, and turn left the environment is not always quiet.Item Sistem Keamanan Pintu Ruangan 401 Gedung Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis RFID(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011) Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; susanto, susantoItem Sistem Kontrol Pelempar Cincin Pada Robot Gajah Divisi KRAI 2023(2023-12-21) SyahPutra, Lancester; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaAbu Robocon merupakan kompetisi robot internasional tahunan yang melibatkan mahasiswa dari negara-negara Asia-Pasifik. Untuk ABU robocon 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Kamboja dengan tema “casting flowers over Angkor Wat” robot yang bisa melempar cincin ke tiang. Kontes robot Abu Indonesia (KRAI) 2023 adalah kontes robot yang bisa melempar cincin ke tiang. Pada penelitian ini mencari kecepatan motor yang stabil agar lemparan cincin bisa masuk ke tiang. Pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu dengan menggunakan sistem tanpa kontrol dan juga dengan menggunakan kontrol PID. Selain itu ada beberapa parameter yang digunakan seperti jarak robot ke tiang, tinggi tiang dan tinggi pelempar. Untuk pelempar cincin sendiri menggunakan motor brushless yang kemudian kecepatan motor tersebut akan ditransmisikan menggunakan gear dan hasil pengujian lemparan cincin menggunakan motor diperoleh. Pada pengujian pertama tanpa menggunakan sistem kontrol nilai dari Rise Time = 2.3 S dan Settling Time = 2.8 S masih terlalu lama untuk mencapai setpoint sehingga cincin perlu waktu untuk bisa dilemparkan. Selain itu cincin yang dilemparkan juga mempengaruhi grafik Error Steady State yang mana Error Steady State = 2.46% meningkat menjadi 12.15% ketika cincin mulai dilemparkan. Kemudian pengujian sistem dengan kontrol PID didapatkan nilai perhitungan Rise time, Settling time, Oveshoot, Error Steady State hasil dari tuning manual ketika cincin dilemparkan sudah baik dengan nilai Rise time = 0.9 s dan Settling time = 1.3 s. sehingga cincin bisa dilemparkan lebih awal. Selain itu cincin yang dilemparkan juga mempengaruhi grafik Error Steady State yang mana Error Steady State = 2.46% meningkat menjadi 12.15% ketika cincin mulai dilemparkan.Item Trainer Kit Mikrokontroler (Pembuatan Arduino Uno)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Napitupulu, Frans Rino; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaThe study of a microcontroller courses, usually using the Arduino Uno as the controlling microcontroller. Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the IC ATmega 328. In the ATmega328, there are all necessary to build a system microcontroller and other aspects. Board Arduino Uno can be created by using components which are easy to find, but the board Arduino Uno can be created with a series of power supply, USB to serial and pin configuration of input and output on the ATmega328. Once created, the PCB board into the Arduino Uno bootloader will be given to them. To know that the board Arduino Uno can be used, the need for testing on-board Arduino Uno on their regulator, voltage analog input pins, the pin input-output digital data transmission with testing against its velocity, test the voltage on the pin PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on the Arduino Uno. After testing is done it will be obtained that the voltage regulator will be constant when given input voltage is different, the analog input pins which make the ADC reacts with potentiometer, digital input-output pins which push button input and be LED into output, PWM pin that can manipulate the output pin signals to produce digital and analog data transmission speeds that are affected from the baud rate value is given. After all the process passed then will get board Arduino Uno can be used in coursework microcontroller.Item Trainer Kit Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Andika, Rezi; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaNowadays, the development of technology has been unbelievably fast. One of them on the system microcontroller, so knowledge of the microcontroller is in need. On learning microcontroller that already exist today, the use arduino Uno microcontroller as controller board is very popular because it is user friendly. however, the tools - tools used for learning are still in the form of separate components - separation, causing the susceptibility of components and arduino itself is missing. So based on the issue was made a trainer kit which consists of 13 modules to facilitate the learning process of the microcontroller. On testing session the introduction of arduino with testing test LEDs blink, digital I / O with testing the readability digitalRead, analog I / O with testing the readability analogWrite, LCD with test write words on the LCD, interrupt the testing mode falling, rising and anychange, timer with attempted PWM , counter to the counter up testing, testing UASRT with serial communication, power management with experimental sleep mode, system control by testing watchdog timer, a function with testing generating functions, library with a mathematical function testing, testing EPPROM with write / read EEPROM.