D-3 Teknik Elektronika

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/123456789/79





Search Results

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    Pemotongan dan Timbangan Singkong Otomatis
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Ramadhan, Faiqal Aditya; Risandriya, Sumantri Kurniawan; Analia, Riska
    In general, cassava cutting machines are made by manual tools such as knive or scraper that need long time to do. Thin cassava cutting machine made to produce the same thickness of cassava chips and practice. The pressure motor which writer use is DC Motor for Power Window, and the cutter motor will work when the pressure motor touched cassava bowl. The product will measured by loadcell sensor, if it read 1 kg then the second DC Motor push bowl to the right and repeat by the secong DC Motor push the opposite way into the bowl, and if both bowls are full, so the third motor will move down equal the second bowl’s rack and so it is. All the motors will turn of if the pressure motor touched the limit switch which located at the edge the device. So, with this system the number of production capacity will grow faster and concise. This machine produce 5kg per 3 minutes in advance produce 5Kg per 15 minutes.
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    Transformerless Power Supply
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-27) Nurlatifah, Nurlatifah; Sugandi, Budi
    Power supply is an Electronic device that function to supply voltage on other electronic equipments that require a DC supply such as computer power supply and adapter. Power supply are transformator (trafo) step-down to lower AC voltage. When viewof the size of the power supply that uses transformer size is larger, to reduce the size and cost of making a power supply in final project the author makes a power supply without transformer where voltage reduction processed using a non polar X-capacitor with high voltage in parallel with resistor to withstand inrush current and next rectification by diodes to convert AC voltage to DC voltage. Power supply use IC 7812 produces a voltage output 12 Volt DC and used as an adapter for a 5 meters LED light strip.From the design results obtained the size of the power supply becomes smaller and cheaper.
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    Starting Up Sepeda Motor Automatic Menggunakan Remote Control dan Security System Menggunakan GSM
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-11-03) Agustin, Belly Andre Cindi; Risandriya, Sumantri K
    Making and development of this application is motivated by the motorcycle security system that still depends on the distance, for example use the buzzer as an indicator. This system is less effective because if the buzzer continues to sound and then the battery will quickly be damaged. Making the system automatic starting up and security system using GSM is to create new innovations to make the use of motorcycles easier. This tool uses bluetooth HC-05 module and GSM sim900A module as the communication intermediary. From the results of the implementation that the automatic startup system using the remote control and security system using GSM can be operated with AT-Mega 328 microcontroller as the control center of the circuit. Work of the system starts up is when pressed the ON button then the motorcycle will turn on and when pressed the starting motorcycle will start the starter for 5 seconds, while for the security system when done manual starter GSM module will call the owner's phone number and after the motor delay will die. With this system motorcycle users more easily monitor and operate vehicle.
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    Design of Experiment ( DoE ) Liquid Photoimageable Solder Masks ( LPISM ) PCB pada Teaching Factory Manufacturing of Electronics ( TFME ) Politeknik Negeri Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Zamzami, Ira; Asaad, Nur Sakinah; Wivanius, Nadhrah
    In an electronic circuit, a component that can connect to each other without using a cable on a board acts as the conductor for electrical current called a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Implementation of the PCB by screen printing process uses the LPISM (Liquid Photoimageable Solder Masks) application which in application for PCB plating by controlling the amount of solder masks in a single coating using the appropriate parameters with Design of Experiment (DoE) method. This method of DoE, aimed at improving quality using the minimum cost. LPISM will be implemented in Teaching Factory, Politeknik Negeri Batam to protect PCB lines not connected each other,to give proper dosage, and to reduce the using solder masks lamination, so laboratory assistant in Teaching Factory, Politeknik Negeri Batam can produce PCB using LPISM method with IPC-SM-840C standar or near using experiment data-24 with thikness of solder masks is 2,5 μ.
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    Pengembangan Sistem Nirkabel Charging for Mobile Phones
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Hape, Tri Mardian; Sugandi, Budi; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya
    Electricity becomes the need to be able to turn on various electronic devices. Mobile became one of the electronic devices that require power supplies to be active. Electricity nowadays can be delivered without going through the media cable, that is with wireless charging technology, where the electricity user simply add the receiver module diperangkatnya, then the device can be filled wirelessly if closer to the sender module. In this final project will be discussed the realization of wireless charger for mobile phone that uses oscillator circuit which can change from power supply to AC signal or alternating current in sender module and use regulator circuit for receiving module to get 5vdc output
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    Switch Otomatis Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan RFID
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011) Maulana, Muhammad; Wijanarko, Heru
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    Navigasi Solar Cell
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-06) Sonsania, Arif; Toar, Handri
    The globalization demand in era for electricity is increasing, along with the development of information and technology world. While the fuel used to generate electricity is almost exhausted. So the people started to look for other energy to generate electricity, one of the solar cell. Using solar cell is better if the position perpendicular to the sun. In this final project designed a tool that serves movement of solar cell, in order to follow the direction the sun moves. Solar cell navigation was designed using a microcontroller as controller, DC motor as actuator and LDR as light sensor. Position control of navigation solar cell using PID controller. Solar cell navigation can following the direction of the sun, the solar cell navigation rotated in the opposite direction of the sun then navigate the solar cell to brighter light. Range of solar cell navigation angle between 40-140 degrees, but there is a lack of tools that can not be silent when it is perpendicular to the sun.
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    Sistem Keamanan Pintu Ruangan 401 Gedung Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis RFID
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011) Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; susanto, susanto
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    Pengaplikasian Sistem SCADA pada Monitoring Motor AC 3 Fasa
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-08-19) Azlinia, Nesya; Pancawati, Ayu; Himawan, M. Asrul; Istardi, Didi
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    Robot Otomatis KRI 2012
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-06-30) Syafi'i, Rian; susanto, susanto; Risandriya, Sumantri K.
    Automatic Robot KRI 2012, is a robot designed to participate in the annual robot contest that held by the DIKTI (Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi) which refers to the rules of contest organized by ABU Robocon (Asia Pacific Broadcase Union). Theme contest in 2012 was a robot that is can construct Peng On Day Gat is one of the traditional activities of the state that held in Hong Kong. Mission of Automatic robot KRI 2012 is take the basket and put it in the manual area. After that brings the Collector Robot to the Island. This robot is designed using multiple sensors as well as detection devices and navigation using actuators are used as prime movers in navigation and in conducting retrieval and laying down the object. The results achieved in the design of the robot is quite complex, developed a robot design in terms of mechanical, electronic and software applications where the robot has been able to work and easy to program and electronically controlled and accurate in making and laying objects.