Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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Search Results

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    Sistem Pelacakan Busway dengan Akuisisi Simulasi Data Gps Via Gprs
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2005-09-20) S, Tandhy Bintang P; riwinoto, riwinoto; Brajawidagda, Uuf
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    Simulasi Lampu Lalu Lintas
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-08-12) Dewi, Ayu Ratna; Brajawidagda, Uuf; riwinoto, riwinoto
    Traffic lights can be interpreted as a lamp that is used to adjust the smoothness of traffic on a road junction. Currently, changing the time value of the traffic lights is done by the Department of Transportation, but it’s does not have a definite size. Time of the traffic lights changed only based on estimates. This allows the occurrence of errors, which resulted in waiting times longer at a crossroads. sWith this background, the Traffic Lights Simulation developed in order to solve the problem. This application simulates a traffic light settings which time of the traffic lights, the number of car and direction of arrival of the car can be arranged. But, this application can only handle four intersections simulation and vehicle type car. Achievement of this application development can estimate the effective time of each path before implementation in real life.
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    Sistem Informasi Jasa Angkutan Laut Berbasis Web
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-03-18) Prathita Rahayu, Hadyanna; Fatulloh, Agus
    Marine transportation services is a business with good prospect. However, the insufficiency of communication and information facilities is one obstacle that must be faced by the principals of this business. Because of the lack of information and communication facilities, shipping and freight companies often suffer losses, both in terms of cost and time. Therefore, this system is designed to offers a solution to the problems mentioned above. Marine transportation information system provides several features that will help both parties, such as data management, freight charter tenders submission, calculation of transaction costs, and also publication of the draft contract by using pdf documents.
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    Aplikasi Rental Mobil Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: PT. Shanghaii Rental Car)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-06-19) Hendra Saputra, Teddy; Rokhayati, Yeni
    Data archiving car rental in PT.Shanghaii Car Rental is still done using manual method in the data storage. Thus in serving the customer takes a long time. Besides the data security is still not guaranteed, because the data is corrupted or lost. Application car rental in PT.Shanghaii Rental Car rental can store data, and view the data as a whole rental with the report. Thus helping the customer in the search data when customers need information, employees can serve customers quickly by simply opening an existing report on this application. At PT.Shanghaii Car Rental is already contained a computer, but with the lack of manpower who know about an application, thus making in PT.Shanghaii Car Rental is still using the manual method. In the making of Web-Based Car Rental Application is software that is used is MySQL.
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    Aplikasi Pemetaan Halte Kota Batam Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Merditha Sebayang, Jessica; Irawan, Sudra; Sartikha, Sartikha
    There are 48 bus stops passed the Government in Batam. Finding the location of halte which are scaterred in Batam are still less accurate information, which helps the mobility of local and foreign tourists and especially for the people of Batam city in their daily activities. This problem often makes the mass transit passengers having trouble to go to a place or a late arrival to their destination. Though there are so many haltes in Batam, but the information was hard to be found. In scientific writing, the author makes an Android-based application to facilitate the search for Halte in Batam city using the Location Based Service ( LBS ). This application is expected and hopefully be able to provide information that is accurate, clear and precise to determine the location of halte, and can facilitate the mobility of local and foreign tourists and also for all the people of Batam city.
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    Aplikasi Pemetaan Dealer dan Bengkel Resmi Sepeda Motor di Kota Batam Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-30) Anthony Manurung, Andre; Irawan, Sudra; Sartikha, Sartikha
    In daily life , sometimes we find there are people who do not know and difficult find the location of the dealers or official workshop motorcycles in the city of batam, This makes the community sometimes difficult to buy motorcycles or do maintenance motorcycles they have. Cellular device has recently been undergo development and change , these cellular a device called the smartphone, Smartphone having many features the excellence and so as to make it increasingly poluler. Because it was necessary to make an application for a dealer and forge the official in the city of batam with location based services based service android.metode used is by linking the location of users with the location of a dealer and forge the official in the city of batam. The method is applicable to connect with the people and the state in a dealer in batam.Dealers and official application for the bikers who have been able to look up in a suit, or the dealer a display of information, the trip to the place and time.
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    Sistem Informasi Geografis Pelabuhan Perdagangan Bebas di Kota Batam Berbasis Web
    (2015) Priyayi, Age; Zahrati Janah, Nur; Sartikha, Sartikha
    Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Batam regulated in Law No. 46 of 2007. Region free trade and free port of Batam This provides convenience to the investors to invest in Batam customs fee exempt investors to export or import activities. The existence of strategic. Batam city makes more and more in coming to the investors. The arrival of investors in Batam certainly bring a change in the city of Batam both in terms of physical and non- physical development. With the policy of free trade zone and free port of Batam certainly provide a lot of jobs to the community and to improve economic growth. In this research will be built system information to determine location as well as information about the free trade zone located in Batam web-based. Geographic information system is expected can help investors to finding a strategic place to build his company