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    Kontrol Suhu Dan Kelembaban Pada Mesin Pengembang Roti Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy-Pid
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Hameliani, Wahyumithali; Aisyah, Siti ; Amalya Fatekha, Rifqi
    Bread is a type of snack that with times becoming a primary food on daily life. In the process of making bread, beside the composition of materials, there is a step that conclude whether the dough is ready for baking or not, which called Proofing. In this proofing process, the temperature and humidity will be controlled according to the required proofing standard. The trouble is to control the stable temperature at 35°C and 80% RH humidity when the proofing is being process so we can have the perfect dough before we start with the baking process. For this research, a machine was made to help the proofing process where the temperature and humidity can be controlled with using Fuzzy-Pid method to an oven so we can make the dough expand perfectly. To display the temperature and humidity inside the oven, the machine equipped with LCD Temperature Display with censor DHT22. Based on the research, we acquired a respectable result where the fastest time to reach the set point of 35°C and humidity 80% RH is 8 minutes. Room temperature 29.3°C and room humidity is 69%RH.
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    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (survei pada nasabah Bank Mandiri Batam Batu Ampar)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-09-07) Agustrianto, Andri; Sinaga, Inggrid
    Banking institutions is an important instrument for Governments is controlling the financial and monetary policy in stabilizing and increasing economic growth. As a service company, the bank sued the more professional, trustworthy and superior in service as well as the customer desires can compensate for the changes effectively. This study aims to examine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, the survey was conducted at Bank Mandiri Batam Batu Ampar Branch. This study aims to determine the effect of each variable on the quality of the most influential service and test the hypothesis that has been formulated previously. The variables of this research are Tangible (physical aspect), Reliability (reliability aspect), Responsiveness (aspect of catch power), Assurance (aspect of guarantee), Empathy (aspect of awareness) together and partially significant effect on customer satisfaction variable with the most dominant factor Is variable Reliability and Empathy to customer satisfaction. This research uses explanatory research approach (explanatory research) with a sample of 116 people who are customers who transact at the teller. This research use regression equation test, the result of this research get the regression equation formed is Y = - 0,640 + 0,299X1 + 0,504X2 + -0,194X3 + 0,298X4 + 0,130X5. Based on the result of t test, tangible, reliability, assurance, empathy have positive and significant influence to customer satisfaction while responsiveness variable has negative and significant effect to customer satisfaction.
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    Manajemen Modal Kerja dan Profitabilitas Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur dan Konstruksi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-07) Ayu Suginda, Diah; Sulaksono Adi Wibowo, Seto
    liabilities. The purpose of working capital management is to manage current assets and current liabilities in order to obtain a decent working capital and ensure the level of corporate liquidity. This study purpose to examine the effect of working capital management proxy with cash turnover, fixed asset turnover, cash conversion cycle to profitability. The data used are secondary data in the form of financial statements of manufacturing and construction companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2011-2015. Sampling method using purposive sampling technique. The analysis tool used is simple linear regression analysis and partial test (t statistic test). The results of the study found that cash turnover had a significant positive effect on the profitability of the company. The fixed assets turnover has a positive and insignificant effect on the profitability of the company. The cash conversion cycle has a positive and insignificant effect on the profitability of the company. Subsequent research is expected to add proxies as well as other independent variables that are suspected to have an effect on the profitability of the company and expand the corporate sector so that the results of the research not only have implications for the manufacturing and construction sectors but also have implications for other companies in different sectors and take into account the size of the company and see Its influence on the results of further research.
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    Manajemen Modal Kerja dan Kinerja Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Perdagangan Eceran di Indonesia
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-24) Olfimarta, dania; Sulaksono Adi Wibowo, Seto
    Working capital management is the management of current assets and current liabilities. The purpose of working capital management is to manage current assets and current liabilities in order to obtain a decent working capital and ensure the level of corporate liquidity. This study purpose to examine the effect of working capital management proxy with working capital turnover, cash turnover, inventory turnover, receivable turnover to coorporate performance. The data used are secondary data in the form of financial statements of retail trade companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2012-2016. Sampling method using purposive sampling technique. The analysis tool used is simple linear regression analysis and partial test (t statistic test). The results of the study found that working capital turnover had a significant positive effect on the performance of the company. The cash turnover has a positive and insignificant effect on the performace of the company. The inventory turnover has a significant positive effect on the performance of the company. The receivable turnover has a significant positive effect on the performance of the company. Subsequent research is expected to add proxies as well as other independent variables that are suspected to have an effect on the performance of the company and expand the corporate sector so that the results of the research not only have implications for the retail trade sectors but also have implications for other companies in different sectors and take into account the size of the company and see Its influence on the results of further research.
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    Pengaruh Risiko Likuiditas Dan Kompensasi Eksekutif Terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan Perbankan Di Indonesia
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-26) Ayu Kusuma, Dhira; sinarti, sinarti
    This study aims to examine the effect of liquidity risk and executive compensationon bank profitability listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2011-2015. Liquidity risk is proxied by deposit, cash, liquidity gap, and NPL. Executive compensation is proxied by total compensation given by the company to its executives. Profitability is proxied by income before taxes. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling and sample selection criteria. The analysis technique used in this research is simple regression analysis. The results showed that the liquidity risk affect bank profitability significantly and executive compensation affect bank profitability significantly. The increase in cash and deposits can increase the profitability of banks. Both of these faktors have a positive affect on bank profitability, while the liquidity gap and NPL as faktors exacerbating bank profitability and negatively affect on bank profitability. Executive compensation has a positive effect on bank profitability. The result of the study are expected to add to the research literature that discuss the faktors that affect of profitability on banking companies. Further research can add control variable is firm size.
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    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-20) Jaya, Perwira; Irawan Setiyanto, Adi
    This study aims to analyze the effect of Intellectual Capital on Corporate Performance in banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which publishes the financial statements of 2011-2015. The independent variable in this research is Intellectual Capital influence is a performance that can be measured by value added created by VAHU, STVA, and VACA. The dependent variable is financial performance measured by ROA (Return On Asset). This research also use control variable that is Size, Leverage, and ROE (Return On Equity). Samples taken by using purposive sampling and meet sample criteria. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the intellectual capital component of Structural Capital Value Added (STVA), Value Added Capital Employed (VACA) had positive effect on ROA, and intellectual capital had positive effect on ROA, while other intellectual capital component like Value added Human Capital (VAHU) Effect on ROA. The results of this study are expected to add to the research literature on the influence of intellectual capital on the performance of banking companies. Future research can use other models to find intellectual capital.
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    Pengaruh Kualitas Audit Dan Manajemen Laba Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-22) Nur Aeni; Lestari, Nanik
    This study aims to examine the effects of audit quality on earnings management, audit quality and earnings management impact on the performance of non financial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2010-2015 . Audit quality is proxied by auditor size, audit tenure and audit fee. The earning management used is discretionary accrual measured using three methods namely modified jones model by dechow (1995), kasznik model (1999) and Kothari model (2005). firm performance is proxied by Tobins Q. This study uses secondary data with database collection technique. Total sample used in this research is 1350. The analysis technique used is panel data regression analysis. The results of the study found that audit quality has an effect on firm performance, but audit quality has no effect on earnings management and earnings management has no effect on firm performance. The results of this study are expected to add to the research literature on audit quality, earnings management and company performance.
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    Sistem Kontrol Dan Monitoring Load Bank 150 Kw Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-18) Dolly Harahap, Syukri; Febriansyah Juwito, Arif
    By using automation technology, everyone can do anything without act direct manually. With the convenience offered, the human need for automation applications will always increase. One of The example is control of load bank. Load bank is needed in the commissioning process of medium voltage generating system. The manual operation of load bank is considered inefficient because it is ineffective in time and communication, which slows down the work. Control and monitoring of load bank based on Android is felt to be able to solve the problem. By using a smartphone we can control and observe the power loading system in one time. To apply on the load bank, it require a system which can communicate and perform commands remotely. Remote method can determine which execution will be done through android smartphone. In testing of load bank, control is done at different distances, The distance between the user and the load bank affects the decision-making speed of the device. The response is proper and accurate, the speed of the load transfer process occurs for 1,0 seconds from a distance of 50 meters, and 1.42 seconds from a maximum distance of 100 meters. The largest drop in voltage occurs at load 45 kW in amount of 3.25%.
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    Kipas Otomatis Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Andhika Fernanda, Dio; Juwito, Arif; Ridwan, Ridwan
    Fan is an electronic device which has function to produce wind. In general, fan still using manual system that need push button provided by manufacturer. By controlling fan using this manual system, it requires the operator to change speed of the fan. Therefore it is necessary to control the speed of the fan automatically. The automatic control used microcontroller with fuzzy logic method. By utilizing this method, we can adjust condition of the fan according to the value of two temperature sensors that will become fuzzy logic input. The result are obtained when the input fuzzy temperature 1 equals 30,74oC and temperature 2 equals 29,77oC, then output fuzzy it in the range 0-100% is 72.30% the result is mapped into PWM as input dimmer circuit. Then the PWM determined the speed of fan, and within 10 minutes if the PIR sensor did not detect any movement the fan will turned off until it detect any movement again.
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    Rancang Bangun Configurable Lambda Sensor Controller Pada Oxygen Detection System
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Adhiyatma Tp, Yoga; Pamungkas, Daniel
    Oxygen detection system is a system which is capable to detect presence of oxygen in one place. One kind of the sensor used in an oxygen detection system is lambda sensor. This sensor only operate effectively at temperature 300°C to 750°C . So, it needs lambda controller on its application. Problem arise when controllers in market only has one kind of output for specific application. That way, a configurable controller would facilitate user to comply for many system. To resolve this problem, writer designed a configurable lambda sensor controller. This controller designed with some selection of output, that is 4-20 mA, 0-10 V, and a relay output. The presence of this device is expected to ease user in installation of lambda sensor, especially for instrumentation needs.