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Item 3DoF Kinematik Robot Lengan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017) Nugroho, Dionisius Adji; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Toar, HandriThis research contains of design in 3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) robotic arm, which was a small prototype of robot industry. The design of this research to simulate the actual movements of the robot industry. This robotic arm designed with kinematics using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics by showing the movement of any DoF. This design includes the mechanical design model and available to control with microcontroller by using Arduino UNO. Each DoF are driven by DC motor which is controlled by using microcontroller. This application of robot arm is connected using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Visual C# with calculation data covers kinematics. The result of this research obtained the lowest error percentage at special angle movements in the process of inverse kinematics at θ1, θ2 amounting to 0% of 0.011% and θ3 of 0.233%. While in the process forward kinematics retrieved the value of the error in x, y of 0%, and z of 0.39%.Item Alat Diagnosa Tingkat Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Umur, Dan Berat Badan Menggunakan Metode Back-Propagation.(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Kurniawan; Wivanius, NadhrahNutrition status is a health status generated by a balance between needs and input nutrition. Method of assessment of nutrition status of toddler is anthropometry, that is calculation of nutrition status by using parameter of age, body weight, and height. In using anthropometry there are 3 methods of calculation: using weight and height body, using height body comparison with age and the last using age and weight body of toddler. Neural Network is a method that can be used to measure toddler nutrition. Artificial neural network systems do not use mathematical schemes to calculate toddler nutrition but use the data to run the learning method, thus getting the average point of data. Measurement weight body of toddler using sensor load cell and height body use ultrasonic sensor. data of measurement will be sent to arduino and visual studio software. data from sensor will be compared to average data from learning system. Tests conducted the learning process is divided into groups based on toddler age from 0 months until 12 months. The result of the artificial neural system will be compared with standart from goverment is book Sk Antropometri with total success of 91%.Item Alat Pengendali Arus pada Mesin Dc-400 Berbasis Mirokontroler dan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Ghafur, Muhammad Abdul; Istardi, Didi; Pratomo Ariyanto, NugrohoPower source is a device that serves to supply electrical current in type of welding SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding), an example is DC-400 machine. The output current of machine is set using a knob on the output control panel in order to generate heat as needed welding. Along with the development, welder realized that there are limitations in the way of controlling current on the machine. Distance control that requires users to go directly to the machine caused inefficiency in work. Therefore, we need a controller for adjusting the output current from long distance. It is necessary to create "Current Control Device for DC- 400 Machine Based Microcontroller and Android". This device can adjust the output current value from long distance and wireless which is a microcontroller as the central controller and android as the input source. From the results of research, the greater value of R1 in potentiometer is set, the greater welding current is generated. The average error between the welding current using the knob and remote is 4.65%.Item Algoritma Menghindari Lawan pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Tinambunan, Devi Gusnaensi; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungKRI is an Indonesia robot contest which consists of 4 main categories and one of them is the Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). On the rules during the game of Wheeled KRSBI, the robots are strictly forbidden to hit or push the opponent robot. If that is the case then the robot will get a yellow card. The robots also are at risk of getting a red card then ejected from the field if the robot hits an opponent with a bang. To prevent this, the author has designed an algorithm to avoid and reduce the intensity of a robot doing a physical contact with opponents. The algorithm was formed from the combination of vision cameras and sensors ping. The camera will detect the opponent robot based on the color of its identity. Color identity must be filter for separating it from the background so it can be identified. The filter used is the color filter HSV plus filter erosion, dilation, and controls the blob. The opponent's robot detection is also facilitated with the use of a Parallax Ping sensor. Sensors ultrasonic wave shooting into the opponent's robot and then receive back the reflections so that known distance between them. After testing done against this system, robot Barelang 7.1 can detect opponent robots with good result. The robot can detect his opponent from a distance of 50 cm to 5.5 meters. Once detected, the robot would avoid his opponent while approximately ≤ 40 cm.Item Analisa Pencatatan Piutang Servis Pada PT Agung Automall Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-20) Zoraya, Laily Shofia; Lubis, FahruddinItem Analisa Praktek Dan Kebijakan Penyusunan Laporan Arus Kas Pemerintah Daerah XYZ Sesuai Dengan SAP(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-23) Marina, Dedet; sinarti, sinartiItem Analisis Akurasi Pergerakan Wajah dengan Penerapan Region of Interest(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Adriyanto, Handry Elsharry; Dzikri, AfdholThe accuracy of facial movement in the facetracking application has the result of rotation 3D objects that different according to the distance between the face with the camera, which in this paper will be tested starting from face detection with the parameters of light intensity level, the distance of the camera with face and part on the face like eye, nose and mouth. Then test the face movement every 10cm will be do face movement starting from 30cm to 110cm. Face movement testing is done with the frontal face of the camera detected then the face will be moved to the left, right, up and down the results of the face movement will also be seen on the rotation value of 3D objects in the facetracking application where the value of the rotation of each distance of movement Different. In addition, every movement of the face to the left, right, up and down will also be measured how much distance can be obtained so that the face cannot be detected by the camera. From the analysis and testing done will get the result of the ideal distance to perform the facial movement that has a good movement accuracy.Item Analisis Dan Evaluasi Jabatan Untuk Menentukan Tingkat Gaji Karyawan (Studi Pada Pt Nok Precision Component Batam)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-11) Sulastri BR Simatupang, Bellayanni; Kartikasari, DwiThis study aims to omprove the basic salary structure of a company based on the results of analysis and evaluation of positions. Factors and sub factor that build a certain position is obtained from the analysis of position by using point system method, the weight of importance of each factor and sub factor can be determined. The point system method is used in job evaluation to determine the relative value of positions in the basic salary structure. Payroll system in PT NOK Precision Component Batam used as object in this research.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Motion Grafis Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dengan Metode Semiotika Peirce(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-18) Anggraini, Yuni; Antoni, Condra; Prasetyaningsih, SandiT9echnological development at the moment is very influential in life. One form of utilization of technological development today is in the form of using the media to deliver public service ads. Motion grafiss more widespread use as a medium to deliver the message because it is considered more attractive and cost effective. Making motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of smoking is also one form of media messaging technology curve. Motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of cigarettes was analyzed and implemented by the method of Semiotics of Peirce. In this study, in the design phase, namely when design the objects that will be used to do the analysis based on the typology of signs by analyzing icon,index, and symbols contained in each object design. The research result is aproduced motion grafisspublic service announcements presented in MP4 format. The results of the analysis of icon, index and symbol based semiotic typology mark against motion grafiss are: (1) Icon able to represent a source of reference of images disease caused by cigarettes through a form of replication, imitation or expression characteristics from what was intended. (2) Index is able to carry out the functions as a marker that implies a design object in question. (3) Symbol able to perform the function as markers that reinforce a design object in question.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Penggunaan Mel Script Untuk Rigging Karakter Pada Film Animasi 3d Jati Diri Si Kacang dengan Prinsip Squash And Stretch(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Ramonda, Febrian; RiwinotoToday the use of 3D animation increasingly popular, because it can be applied to various aspects, and has a wide range of benefits. But 3D animation has some flaws in the manufacturing process. Some of them are the amount of resources, time, and effort required and there are several fatal human errors in the manufacturing process of 3D animation, as in the rigging. Of course, one of principle of animation is squash and stretch that one of many form of rigging. One solution to these problems is to use MEL script. For that purpose, the research was made on the implementation of MEL script on rigging. This research uses several characters in a 3D animation film as the test sample. Testing method used consisted of calculating the speed of the process of rigging, analysis of the number of human errors that occur, also comparasion of volume from an object that use squash and stretch. Results of the test proved that the method of MEL scripts can make the process of 3D animation of the rigging to be more effective.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis Fingerprint(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Dwi Prakastia, Sigit; Cahyono, Nur; SartikhaItem Analisis Faktor - Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Wirausaha Wanita Berbasis Pangan Di Kecamatan Batu Aji Kota Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-29) Yuniarti, Ela; Hati, Shinta WahyuThe purpose of the research are: (1) to know and analyze the internal factors influence the performance of women entrepreneur based on food in Batu Aji district; (2) to know and analyze the external factors influence the performance of women entrepreneur based on food in Batu Aji district; (3) to know and analyze the external factors influence internal factors of the performance of women entrepreneur based on food in Batu Aji district. Total respondents are 77 which divided from four location in Batu Aji district. The sample technique uses purposive sampling with Slovin’s formula. The data analyzed by descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. Data processing by SPSS version 20 and Partial Least Square version 3.0. The result indicate that: (1) internal factors which consist of human resource, marketing, finance, and production and operation have possitive affect to the performance of women entrepreneur; (2) external factors which consist of social and culture, business competition, and related institute role have possitive effect to the performance of women enterpreneur; (3) external factors of performance have possitive affect to internal factors of performance.Item Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Shot Animasi 3d Oleh Animation Supervisor dan Lead Animator Sebagai Shot yang Layak untuk Diperlihatkan Pada Sutradara(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) David, David; Riwinoto; Rahmi, AnisOftenly what happens in the animation learning and what happens in animation industry are not alike. This leads to frequent rejections of shots that have been created by new animators. As a result, it inhibits the production of animation in the industry. Therefore many things that need to be learned first when we are just starting to enter into the animation industry in order to have a considered as a decent shot. Therefore, this research is done by researching an animation project that is expected to be a reference. This study aims to reveal what factors affect the acceptance of 3D animated shot by animation supervisor and lead animator as a decent shot to show to the director of case study X. This disclosure is done through interviews with subjects in X project. The results of the research concluded several important factors affecting the approval of 3D animated shot in X project.Item Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Niat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Nurhasikin, Nurhasikin; Hasanah, AfriyantiItem Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Struktur Modal Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-15) Iqbal, Muhammad; Hasanah, AfriyantiItem Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Underpricing pada Penawaran Umum Perdana di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2014-2016 (Studi Perusahaan Non Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bei 2014-2016)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-30) Silaban, Vicky Joel Parulian; sinarti, sinartiThis study aims to analyze the factors that affect the occurrence of underpricing in companies that go public (Studies on companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2014). Factors used in this research are Reputation of Underwriter, Company Size, Return on Asset (ROA) and Earning Per Share (EPS). The sample selection method used is Purposive Sampling and the sample used is 41 samples of companies conducting Initial Public Offering. This research uses by using partial test. The result of partial regression analysis shows that only Reputation of Underwriter and Company Size has significant effect on underpricing. with a tcount greater than ttable. While the significance value of the two variables smaller than the level of significance of 0.1. For companies that conduct IPOs in the future, it is advisable to pay attention to the reputation of underwriters, company size, ROA and EPS because in this study has a positive correlation coefficient of underpricing. A good underwriter's reputation, company size, ROA and EPS will lower the underpricing so that the company's profits will be greater. For investors who will invest in IPO companies can pay attention to Reputation of underwriters, the size of the company because it can be used as one of the considerations in investing capital so that the profits can be maximized. In this study the reputation of underwriters, firm size, ROA and EPS have negative correlation coefficients against underpricing. The higher the underwriter's reputation, firm size, ROA and EPS will lower underpricing.Item Analisis Film "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)" Menurut Fungsi Vladimir Propp(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-10-08) Ferinda, Tania; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetyaningsih, SandiItem Analisis Filtering Noise Menggunakan Metode Statistik Mean, Median pada Objek Citra Malam Hari(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Rahmad, Rahmad; Kirana, Mira ChandraImage filtering is one part of image quality improvement, by smoothing and eliminating noise on the image, both linearly and non-linearly. The mean filter is one linear filtering that works by replacing the pixel value intensity with the average of the pixel value with its neighboring pixel values. While the median filter is one of the non-linear filtering that sort the intensity value of a pixel group, then replace the pixel value that is processed with its median value. This study studied noise reduction techniques using the mean and median filter method, to reduce the noise subsequently conducted in a trial of multiple color images with 30 previously selected image seals, Test image is given the noise of Salt & Pepper shaped like black spots and White on the image to reduce the noise is required method of noise filtering using median and mean filter. Then analyzed the performance qualitatively by comparing the image output filter, image bernoise and original image by naked eye. Quantitatively measured through PSNR, SNR and MSE values. Testing more in depth on the performance of this filter by finding the value of the difference between each value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and get good results. The difference is in the value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and the difference that has been obtained through filtering noise. It is concluded that good noise filtering using median filter method mean method is not good to be used in testing noise filtering on image.Item Analisis Framing Dan Type Of Shot Pada Film Dokumenter “ Earthlings ”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-09-05) Fahmi, Muhammad; Antoni, CondraThe Earthlings film is a documentary film that tells about animal’s tortures. The film shows that many animalss are treated and killed in unnatural ways. The researchers uses framing analysis from Zhongdang Pan and Kosicky (Eriyanto. ( 2009 ) to see how reality is organized, narrated, written, and emphasized in the film. Further, type of shots to determine individual emphasis on shooting.Item Analisis Graph Editor Ease In dan Ease Out dengan Value Graph(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-04-17) Damu, Ayyadin; Riwinoto; MariaAnimation ease in and ease out the value of graph is crucial dal am workmanship every frame count with a movie shot is limited, due to address the limited frame count using value graph to adjust ease in and ease out. There are two methods used in this research that the value graph and deviation deviation (standard deviation). Value graph is the coordinate value of a graph that can affect the movement and position of the character in 3D animation, while the deviation deviation (standard deviation) is a statistical value used to determine how the distribution of data in the sample and how close the individual data points of the average value of the sample. Observation data used is swing and pendulum animation. Animation swing version has 3 pieces each have a value range on the 2 first keyframe graph respectively -120, -100 and -130 with an average deviation deviation 67.69680305, 79.60766893, 52.79835856. While pendulum aniamsi has 3 pieces of each version has the average range value graph on keyframe 4-11 is 10,07379, 14, 83451, 26,25119 with deviation deviation 7,211590762, 9,191676474, 14,50964475. Based on the qualitative test animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that in the swing, animation has the greatest deviation graph deviation value 79.60766893 quality ease in and ease out the best 73.3%. While. At the pendulum animation, the animation has a qualitative test against animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that the pendulum animation, the animation has a deviation value deviation graph 9.191676474 quality best ease in ease out by 66.7%.