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Item Algoritma Menghindari Lawan pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Tinambunan, Devi Gusnaensi; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungKRI is an Indonesia robot contest which consists of 4 main categories and one of them is the Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). On the rules during the game of Wheeled KRSBI, the robots are strictly forbidden to hit or push the opponent robot. If that is the case then the robot will get a yellow card. The robots also are at risk of getting a red card then ejected from the field if the robot hits an opponent with a bang. To prevent this, the author has designed an algorithm to avoid and reduce the intensity of a robot doing a physical contact with opponents. The algorithm was formed from the combination of vision cameras and sensors ping. The camera will detect the opponent robot based on the color of its identity. Color identity must be filter for separating it from the background so it can be identified. The filter used is the color filter HSV plus filter erosion, dilation, and controls the blob. The opponent's robot detection is also facilitated with the use of a Parallax Ping sensor. Sensors ultrasonic wave shooting into the opponent's robot and then receive back the reflections so that known distance between them. After testing done against this system, robot Barelang 7.1 can detect opponent robots with good result. The robot can detect his opponent from a distance of 50 cm to 5.5 meters. Once detected, the robot would avoid his opponent while approximately ≤ 40 cm.Item Pengaruh Pengendalian Internal dan Efektifitas Operasional Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-05) Oktaviani, Batamia; Hasanah, AfriyantiAn organization has a goal to be achieved. The achievement of the goals of each organization is based on firm performance. This study aims to determine whether there is influence between internal control and operational effectiveness of company performance. This study uses panel data regression analysis. The population in this study include consumer goods companies and trade, services & investment firms listing in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The sample was chosen by using purposive sampling method, based on the population that has been described above, then the sample selected in this study is 75 companies. Data collection techniques use content analysis. The test results indicate that internal control has a significant negative effect on company performance. This shows that the implementation of high internal control in the company can reduce the company's performance and affect the amount of net profit that can be obtained from all the assets owned by the company. On the other hand operational effectiveness positively affect the company performance. Operational effectiveness will improve company performance in the form of managing inventory, receivable efficiently and asset management significantly affect company performance.Item Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Pertumbuhan Aset dan Return On Assets (ROA) Terhadap Earning Per Share (EPS) Perusahaan Perbankan di Indonesia(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-01) Purwanti, Desi; SinartiThis study aims to examine the effect of firm size, asset growth, and return on assets to earnings per share listed on the IDX period 2011-2015. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling and meeting the sample criteria. The analysis technique used in this research is simple regression analysis. The results showed that firm size has a positive effect on earnings per share. Asset growth has negative effect on earnings per share. Return on assets has a positive effect on earnings per share. The results of this study are expected to add to the research literature on the factors that affect earnings per share in banking companies. Further research is expected to use more samples, as well as longer periods, in order to obtain accurate results. It is advisable to add independent variables that can affect the amount of earnings per share, such as Quick Ratio, Inventory Turnover, or by adding variable operating cash flows to banking companies in order to obtain better result.sItem Pengaruh Komitmen Kerja dan Motivasi Terhadap Kepuasan Karyawan di Kawasan Industri Batam Center’(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-27) Kamaliah; Darmawan, ArifThis study aims to examine the effect of work commitment and work motivation on employee job satisfaction. This study used 83 respondents from industrial companies (shipping) which is in the batam center area. The type of data used in this study is the interval scale. While the scaling method used in the form of Likert scale instrument with 4 rating categories. Data processing techniques in this study using spss software program 17. The results of this study indicate that work commitment and work motivation have a positive effect on employee job satisfaction.Item Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Niat Berwirausaha pada Mahasiswa di Politeknik Negeri Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-01) Iskandar; Hidayat, HajanUnemployment in Indonesia is faced with growing economic growth. This means that it needs to be overcome by improving entrepreneurship among the people and is expected to have a high entrepreneurial spirit, so that it will be able to open employment independently. In addtion, in the college should be able to prepare students, in order to become a superior entrepreneur in order not to rely on other people's work, but it takes courage to open their own business or entrepreneurship. The problem in research is first whether the need will affect the intention of entrepreneurship. Secondly whether the need will affect the intention of entrepreneurship. Thirdly whether environmental factors influence the intention of entrepeneurship. The method used in this research is quantitative approach. This approach has a purpose to prove the influence of the relationship between independent variables (independent) with dependent variables. This study used as many as 86 samples of business management students at Batam State Polytechnic. The result of this research is that the need for achievement and environmental factors have a positive effect. While for self efficacy have negative effect. The limitation of this research is to study only business management students at Batam State Polytechnic. In conclusion of this study for the future are to expanded variables to be more specific and exercise entrepreneurship to be more trained in a business activity.Item Pengaruh Kualitas Audit, Kondisi Keuangan Perusahaan, Ukuran Perusahaan, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dan Opini Audit Tahun Sebelumnya Terhadap Pengungkapan Going Concern(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-27) Juliani, Elvi; Irianto, DanarThis study is aimed to examine the effect of going concern opinion covering audit quality, financial condition of company, companys size, the company’s growth and audit opinion prior year. The analysis technique used in this research is logistic regression analysis. In addition, the results showed that the quality of the audit, financial condition of company and audit opinion prior year significantly and executive compensation affect bank profitability significantly, and variable that do not significantly the company size and the company’s growth. Moreover the result of the study are expected to add to the research literature that discuss the factors that affect of going concern opinion on manufacturing companies. This the conclusion for the future study should add more independent variabel is audit tenure.Item Pengaruh Organization Life Cycle Terhadap Earnings Management Sebelum dan Sesudah IFRS(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-17) Candra, Regine Cindya; Darmawan, ArifThis study aimed to examine the impact of organization life cycle on earnings management before and after IFRS. The population in this study is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2008-2016, except for 2012 with a total sample of 25 companies. In addition, the sample collection method used purposive sampling method and analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The proxy used to measure organization life cycle is retained earnings/total assets. Moreover, the proxy used for earnings management is to use modified jones models. The results showed that organization life cycle negatively affects earnings management before and after IFRS. Due to there is no significant change of rules between PSAK and IFRS. Futheremore, this study should have to add more variable like growth, ROA, and ROE, and also this study could be used as reference material and comparison for revised PSAK before and after IFRS to make the reader more understand about financial statements after IFRS and to facilitate investors in reading financial statements.Item Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Penghargaan dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Pengelola Keuangan Instansi di Lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kepulauan Riau(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-28) Fauzan Yunus, Wili; Setiyanto, Adi IrawanItem Pengendalian Persediaan Barang Dagang Oli pada Pt X Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-21) Audina, Siti; Wirawan, AdhitomoThis research aims to know the optimal oil trade inventories by using the method of economic order quantity, safety stock, reorder point and know the comparison calculations the cost of inventories of goods trade between the economic order quantity method with calculation of the company. Data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. The methods used in this research is economic order quantity, safety stock and reoder point. The result of the research shows that the method of economic order quantity is more efficient compared to the company's calculations. In 2015 the company can do the savings for these five brands above amounting to Rp 1,218,643 and in the year 2016 the company can do the savings for these five brands above amounting to Rp 3,062,222.Item Pengaruh Working Capital Terhadap Firm Value di Indonesia(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-07) Pertiwi, Diah Retno; Wibowo, Seto Sulaksono AdiThis study aims to examine the influence of working capital on firm value by considering financial constraints as the moderation variable. This study has done by using annual report of non-financial company that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2011-2015 as the sample. Working capital is proxied by Net operating Working Capital (NWC). Firm value is proxied by total market value. Financial constraint is proxied by size. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used in this research is simple regression analysis. The results showed that working capital affect firm value significantly and financial constraints strengthen the affect of working capital on firm value. The results of the study are expected to add the research literature about the influence of working capital on firm value and the influence of financial constraints on that relationship.