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    Redesain Logo PT. Agung Perkasa Engineering Sebagai Penguat Identitas Visual
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-11-21) Pangesti, Retno; Suandi, Fadli
    PT. Agung Perkasa Engineering merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada jasa pemesinan logam dan fabrikasi di Kota Batam untuk pengerjaan manufacturing, repair, replace, dan custom spare part beserta komponen atau equipment pendukung produksi industri kapal, mobil, motor, molding, dll. PT. Agung Perkasa Engineering sebelumnya sudah memiliki logo sebagai identitas visual perusahaan. Namun, logo tersebut dibuat secara spontan tanpa mempertimbangkan syarat/kriteria logo. Selain itu, logo yang dimiliki belum konsisten diterapkan pada media pendukung sehingga belum dapat menjadi sarana penguat identitas visual perusahaan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut dilakukan perancangan ulang logo untuk menghasilkan citra baru perusahaan yang merepresentasikan kepribadian perusahaan dan memenuhi syarat/kriteria logo. Tujuan perancangan ini adalah redesain logo perusahaan dan pembuatan pedoman penggunaan logo beserta penerapannya pada media pendukung sebagai sarana penguat identitas visual. Dalam melakukan redesain logo perusahaan, digunakan analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats). Proses mendesain logo menggunakan pengembangan dari metode Surianto Rustan yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan, yaitu RSVP (Riset, Strategi, Visualisasi, dan Penerapan/Produksi). Hasil penelitian berupa logo baru PT. Agung Perkasa Engineering dan Graphic Standard Manual (GSM) sebagai pedoman penggunaan logo perusaahaan pada media pendukung.
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    The importance of creating two-dimensional (2D) characters that act as important elements in Visual Novel games using rigging techniques to make them expressive. Rigging techniques are used to provide detailed movements to the body, expressions, and poses of characters looks interactive. This research takes one main character, namely Hang Tuah from the Hikayat Hang Tuah book who has a brave and intelligent nature. This research aims to create more expressive 2D character assets when played in visual novel games and to give another choice for rigger and animator for using another type of rigging. Rigging and character animation were carried out using Live 2d Cubism software. Research testing was conducted by interviewing four respondents who were experienced and have recent job as Live 2D riggers. The design method used three pipeline animation production and the research method used qualitative research. The results of the this research showed that rigging of two-dimensional character assets Hang Tuah using Live 2D Cubism software can be said to have attractive and enjoyable movements when displayed in Visual Novel games by respondents. But, some improvements were needed for the rigging.
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    (2024-11-13) Hagianto, Fadliman; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia
    This research explores the Implementation of Digital Billing Recording System at Yani Grocer, a micro-enterprise operating in the Grocery sector. The aim is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of billing management through information technology, with a focus on Prototype development methods. Micro-enterprises like Yani Grocer, amidst intense business competition, need to adapt to technological advancements to remain relevant and enhance competitiveness. The Prototype development method was chosen because it provides flexibility, enabling developers to understand user needs and refine solutions throughout the development process. The research process begins with an in-depth analysis of Yani Grocer's business needs, serving as the basis for designing the Prototype system. This method facilitates changes and updates based on feedback received during development. The digital system encompasses billing transaction recording, payment, and real-time financial reporting. The implementation results indicate that the adoption of the Digital Billing Recording System significantly improves Yani Grocer's operational efficiency. Record-keeping becomes more accurate, payments are quicker, and business owners can easily access the necessary financial information. In the context of micro-enterprises, the success of this implementation positively impacts customer responsiveness and Yani Grocer's financial management capabilities. This research provides an understanding of the benefits and challenges of implementing digital systems for billing management in micro-enterprises using Prototype development methods. Implementation evaluation demonstrates increased operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The conclusions of this research provide guidance for micro-enterprise owners considering adopting similar solutions in billing management. This digital system implementation is not only relevant to Yani Grocer but can also serve as a model for similar micro-enterprises aiming to enhance competitiveness in this digital era.
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    (2024-10-15) Triswanto, Aditya Bagas Triswanto; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia
    Rapid technological advances have changed the company's operational processes, shifting from manual systems to systems that rely on technology. PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam faces the need to utilize technology, especially for goods entry and exit permits. Previously, this process was only done for some categories of goods that were already automated, while other categories still used manual processes that resulted in lengthy procedures, accumulation of physical documents, and excessive use of paper, impacting the environment. With the development of this system, this research produces a web-based entrance and exit approval system at PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam using the waterfall method. This research contributes positively by simplifying the entry and exit clearance process for all goods, with the transition from manual recording to digital recording. This research was conducted to develop a web-based system that can control the entry and exit of fixed assets and raw materials at PT Schneider Manufacturing Batam. The conclusion was to automate the process of monitoring and controlling access to fixed assets and raw materials to improve control over their use and movement. With the Return feature, it is hoped that the process of returning assets and raw materials can be improved. Overall, the development of this system is expected to reduce errors and bureaucracy related
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    The importance of creating two-dimensional (2D) characters that act as important elements in Visual Novel games using rigging techniques to make them expressive. Rigging techniques are used to provide detailed movements to the body, expressions, and poses of characters looks interactive. This research takes one main character, namely Hang Tuah from the Hikayat Hang Tuah book who has a brave and intelligent nature. This research aims to create more expressive 2D character assets when played in visual novel games and to give another choice for rigger and animator for using another type of rigging. Rigging and character animation were carried out using Live 2d Cubism software. Research testing was conducted by interviewing four respondents who were experienced and have recent job as Live 2D riggers. The design method used three pipeline animation production and the research method used qualitative research. The results of the this research showed that rigging of two-dimensional character assets Hang Tuah using Live 2D Cubism software can be said to have attractive and enjoyable movements when displayed in Visual Novel games by respondents. But, some improvements were needed for the rigging.
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    (2024-07-05) Natasya, Regita; Wirawan, Adhitomo
    Di dalam gudang terdapat tiga aktivitas utama yaitu proses penerimaan barang, proses penyimpanan barang, dan proses pendistribusian barang. Permasalahan yang kerap kali terjadi dalam pengelolaan gudang yaitu, sering mengalami perbedaan stok barang yang ada didatabase gudang dengan pencatatan secara manual. Sehingga penggunaan Cyber-physical System (CPS) dengan teknologi atau alat berupa RFID(RC522) sebagai tanda pengenal barang dan Infrared sebagai media komunikasi data yang akan dikirimkan kepada Arduino Uno IDE 2.3.2 sebagai laporan perhitungan barang. Perancangan ini dapat membantu operator gudang dalam menangani permasalahan tersebut, sehingga dalam pendataan persediaan tidak terdapat perbedaan antara stok di database dengan stok aktual dan juga aktivitas gudang menjadi efisien dalam pencarian barang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatatif simulasi. Berdasarkan dari hasil simulasi yang telah dilakukan waktu proses untuk penyimpanan barang serta pengambilan barang di gudang membutuhkan waktu 38 detik untuk setiap aktivias, sedangkan jika menggunakan RFID(RC522) proses penyimpanan barang dan pengambilan barang hanya membutuhkan waktu 10 detik. Sehingga persentase efektifitas dan efisiensi dari prototype ini sangat membantu operator gudang dalam aktivitas gudang tersebut.
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    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Reservasi Ruangan Meeting Berbasis Website di PT. Sat Nusapersada Tbk.
    (2024) Hilman, Ade
    PT. Sat Nusapersada Tbk. produsen elektronik terkemuka di Indonesia, menghadapi tantangan dalam mengelola reservasi ruang pertemuan secara manual untuk 10 ruang pertemuannya. Staf saat ini memesan ruang pertemuan dengan menghubungi resepsionis melalui telepon atau langsung, dan resepsionis mencatat reservasi secara manual di Microsoft Excel. Solusi yang diusulkan adalah Sistem Manajemen Reservasi Ruang Rapat berbasis web. Sistem ini memungkinkan resepsionis untuk memesan ruang pertemuan yang tersedia, menghilangkan kerumitan reservasi manual dan memfasilitasi komunikasi dua arah dan notifikasi melalui aplikasi MySatnusa. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan metodologi Lean Software Development (LSD), memanfaatkan siklus “Build-Measure-Learn”, dan diimplementasikan dengan framework laravel dan database MySQL. Metode tersebut adalah metode yang mementingkan feedback yang diberikan melalui survei pengguna, dan diterjemahkan ke dalam analisis kebutuhan terperinci, feedback ini juga memandu pengembangan sistem yang sedang berlangsung untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan ruang rapat di PT. Sat Nusapersada Tbk.
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    Analysis of Defect Issues in Wire Bond ASM I Hawk Extreme 099 Before-After Preventive Maintenance(PM)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2023-07-11) Permadhi, Dede Gading; Prebianto, Nanta Fakih; ; Wijanarko, Heru
    Non-stick on pad (NSOP) is a defect that falls under the defect category and is very problematic to the manufacturing process because it can cause the production machine to stop working immediately and prevent the material from being reused or removed. The production schedule was thrown off when NSOP issues appeared. This causes a lot of unplanned downtime and may cause it to exceed the management of the company's recommended range. The IHAWK Extreme 099 ASM machine was studied by the authors utilizing the fishbone method, where the fishbone itself is highly useful in determining the reason of errors that occur besides that the author also uses DOE (Design of Experiment) to find the best parameters use. Find causes of NSOP is the goal of this study, defects on the machine minimize the possibility that NSOP defects will develop on the machine, and increase the machine's output. The results of the research are get 1 good parameter to use in production line, there is use 116 DAC (Digital analog Convert) for the Bond Power Parameters, use 35 gf for the Bond Force Parameter. After this parameters implemented during production running, the number of occurrences of NSOP issues can be reduced to 42%.
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    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2023-12-23) Gurning, Bentra; Nakul, Fitriyanti; Asaad, Nur Sakinah; Suciningtyas, Ika Karlina Laila Nur
    Tempat mencuci tangan biasanya membuat tangan kita kembali menyentuh keran untuk mematikan air setelah mencuci tangan, proses tersebut tidaklah higienis karena bisa membuat kuman atau kotoran menempel kembali ke tangan kita. Maka dari itu kita membutuhkan alat cuci tangan yang lebih higienis yang dapat membuat tangan kita tidak menyentuh keran menggunakan sensor infrared untuk mendeteksi tangan, setelah tangan terdeteksi oleh sensor maka air dan sabun akan keluar secara berurutan. Alat ini juga mempunyai sensor ultrasonik untuk memantau ketersediaan sabun yang akan ditampilkan oleh lampu led dan memakai modul esp8266 yang mempunyai modul wifi alat cuci tangan ini dapat mengirim data ketersediaan sabun ke aplikasi dismartphone secara realtime yang akan memudahkan pekerjaan mengecek isi sabun pada alat ini. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada alat ini dapat dipastikan bahwa alat ini sudah bekerja dengan sesuai dengan yang diharapakan.