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    Penerapan Captive Portal Pada Wifi Hotspot Dalam Penjualan Voucher Internet
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-03-01) Eva Manda Arindika, Maria; Brajawidagda, Uuf
    Captive Portal is a software that can be used to manage wifi hotspot. This software is to verify the user before allowing them to access the internet from a local network. Since there are many captive portal software available, a guidance to choose a captive portal software is needed. The aim of this document is to ease the user to choose the right captive portal software suitable for the user needs. The captive portal software which are compared in this document is monowall, pfsense, and easy hotspot.
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    Usulan Sistem Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Dan Pembuatan Stnk Serta Bpkb Online
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-02-22) Mita Mariana Malau, Dessy; Santiputri, Metta
    As we know, ownership of an item at this time was not free from taxes, which are mandatory contributions to the state. No exception for owners of vehicles, are also required to pay taxes, and must have a Certificate of Vehicle Number (vehicle registration) and the Motor Vehicle Owners Book (MVOB). Vehicle tax payment process and creating vehicle registration and MVOB, including extensions, so far require a relatively long time and still there is a process that handled manually, such as form filling and checking files. These kind of process have many obstacles, among them the queue when we make the tax payment and vehicle registration and MVOB boards. With the Online Vehicle Tax Payment and Vehicle Registration and MVOB Creation Proposal is expected to facilitate the process of making tax payments and vehicle registration and MVOB.
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    Aplikasi Perhitungan Gaji Dan Pengelolaan Absensi Karyawan Berbasis Rfid
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-03-01) Fauzan, Fauzan; Santiputri, Metta
    In the beginning, recording absence was done manually by writing in a notebook. This can only be done effectively if the individual who will absent were little. At a time when most real application environments have many items that should be noted, recording attendance by manual difficult to rely on. For some companies, the management of attendance is very important. This is due to absence of data (number of working days / number of hours worked) employees is a key item in the calculation of the salaries of the employees. Therefore, was made an application that can facilitate the process of calculating pay and absent management which include the timing of entry and time home employees, setting work shift schedules, calculating the number of working days, the number of delay in, the number of truant, the number of negligent, the number of hours of OT, setting public holiday (PH), recap employee personal data and the calculation of the salaries of the employees.
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    Aplikasi Penguji Rabun jauh
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-02-24) Nursobah, Tira; Santiputri, Metta
    The five senses the most influential people in everyday life is the eye. With our eyes can see everything in the world. Existence eye disorders can hamper the process of human activity in everyday life. Disturbances in eye such as nearsightedness (Myopia) occurs due to several reasons, among others, heredity, environment, food is less nutritious, as well as how to read is too close. This causes a patient can not see the maximum distance. The easiest way to test eye sign, can be done only with capitalize room has size 6 feet and a piece of paper containing the letters or number gradually in size, often referred to the Snellen Chart. Snellen Chart is the eye care professionals and others to measure visual acuity. In the tester application farsightedness, changing the use of a manual chart snellen into applications that can facilitate user in examine eyes, especially testing farsightedness by altering the visibility and letters to be tasted.
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    Aplikasi Pengarsipan Elektronik Pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (Kppn) Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-07-27) Noverita, Dian; Meilani, Fitrah; Evaliata, Evaliata
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    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-06-24) Lingga Rizky, Amelia; Salidowati, Rani; Eka Apriyani, Meyti
    The problem often faced by job seekers is difficult to get information about vacancies. The sites still can not cover to the job seekers in providing information. This application is designed to facilitate job seekers in getting the job vacancy information available to him quickly and make it easier to validate a job. The application is developed using Java programming language with Eclipse emulator, Android OS, the PHP programming language and MySQL database, and object-oriented programming concepts.
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    Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran dengan Model Drill and Practicebmengunakan Metode Pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-05) Pandani, Dea; Dzikri, Afdhol
    This research was motivated by the problems is the lack of relevant learning media utilization. This study aims to help the learning process of students kindergarten age (4-5 years) in studying general knowledge and science, the concept of shape, pattern, size, and color using drill and practice models and determine the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia on learning outcomes. This interactive multimedia development methodologies are created using Hannfain and Peck. The study involved students Nur Hidayah Islamic kindergarten Sei drum, Village Mangsang as many as 30 people. Collecting data in this study conducted with test method. The data obtained from the test method quantitatively analyzed descriptively. Interactive multimedia development is designed based on the storyboard. To measure the success rate of this interactive multimedia, then performed a test. This test consists of functional testing applications and tests of significance. Of the two tests performed on the significance test diperolehlah the Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 which means they learning via interactive multimedia works so well.
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    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Shot Animasi 3d Oleh Animation Supervisor dan Lead Animator Sebagai Shot yang Layak untuk Diperlihatkan Pada Sutradara
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) David, David; Riwinoto; Rahmi, Anis
    Oftenly what happens in the animation learning and what happens in animation industry are not alike. This leads to frequent rejections of shots that have been created by new animators. As a result, it inhibits the production of animation in the industry. Therefore many things that need to be learned first when we are just starting to enter into the animation industry in order to have a considered as a decent shot. Therefore, this research is done by researching an animation project that is expected to be a reference. This study aims to reveal what factors affect the acceptance of 3D animated shot by animation supervisor and lead animator as a decent shot to show to the director of case study X. This disclosure is done through interviews with subjects in X project. The results of the research concluded several important factors affecting the approval of 3D animated shot in X project.
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    Analisis Perbandingan Engine Render Mental Ray, Maya Software dan Maya Hardware pada Teknik Low Poly Animasi 3d Jati Diri Si Kacang
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Adewinata, Heru; Riwinoto
    Animation novice when performing the rendering process is still confused because uninitiated choose quality rendering good results. The need for more research on the problem rendering to determine the best image quality in accordance with current standards do the rendering process. The method used for the best picture quality mengeahui necessary to test render to see the results of a program that will serve as the data generated. The experiments were performed using a comparison between the results from different rendering engine to find the best results. By comparative analysis of animators render out the best image quality standards of rendering. In a classification model and the same configuration, Mental ray produces images that are good enough but the rendering process takes longer than Maya 2.0 software and the virtual hardware, while the hardware Maya 2.0 is a relatively fast compared to Maya Software and Maya Hardware 2.0.
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    Pembuatan Film Pendek Berjudul Matinya Sosialisasi dengan Menerapkan Metode Dynamic Cutting di Beberapa Bagian Film
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-07-10) Sitepu, Brim; Wibowo, Ari; Firmanda, Ardiman
    Short film is one of the simplest and most complex films that lasts from 1 to 30 minutes. Currently researchers find almost everyone in the world is using gadgets ranging from small children to adults. Basically the gadget itself is a human creation tool to help humans and the gadget itself is controlled by humans. But now even most people who can not control themselves to use the gadget itself and even cause adverse effects on their lives. Therefore the author wants to make the film Matinya Socialization with the theme of gadgets so that the audience or audience can understand and understand in using gadgets in everyday life. This film contains the message how important we appreciate togetherness with family. In this film the author also apply the method of Dynamic Cutting which is a film editing method that contains the connection of two scenes that do not have continuity, or from one shot with another shot that does not have continuity. The author raises the method of Dynamic Cutting in some parts so that the story in this movie is not too boring with a story that is always sustainable.