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    Keyboard Braille Dengan Menggunakan Output Suara Sebagai Alat Bantu Untuk Tuna Netra
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-11) Putra, Rio Robinsar; Wijanarko, Heru
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    Elektronik Peggle Game
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-06) Syaukani; Wikanta, Prasaja
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    Sistem Pemisah Barang Berdasarkan Berat Berbasis Mikrokontroler
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-16) Iswahyudi, Sugeng; Oktani, Dessy; Fitriyah, Qoriatul
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    Sistem Monitoring Cuaca Berbasis Web
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-06) Safrizal; Risandriya, Sumantri K
    The difference in weather conditions (rain, temperature, humidity, direction and speed of wind) in Batam from one place to other places, although in one sub-district. With this different, will disturb many people actually motor cycle rider and public transport users. Information of actual weather conditions has been there in meteorological stations website in Hang Nadim Batam. But, in the website still just predict of weather condition in batam generally. This weather sensors consist by red switch, optocopler and PCB series that connect to microcontroller. The microcontroller will read the voltage witch come from sensor, and then the voltage will change to ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) value. From this ADC value will send to server using GPRS and then save to server so if there is a reaquest from client, data will show in the web. The data in web will be update every 10 -15 second. Value from this website is a device can monitoring data from weather sensor as realtime and can acces everywhere and everytime.
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    Alat Bantu Uji Ipx1 Dan Ipx2 (Water Resistance)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-07) Ekhlas, Juliono; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo; Sani, Abdullah
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    Sistem Monitoring Pemakaian Daya listrik
    (2010-07-19) M. Syaiful; Rozzy, Handoko; Boni, Rahmat; Istardi, Didi
    "The monitoring system wind turbine" is a device designed to ease in knowing how much current, voltage and power generated by a wind turbine, where we use a microcontroller as the main controller. Before the data entered into the microcontroller, the data is first read by the sensor 712 ACS. The data have been processed in the microcontroller will also be sent with RS 232 serial communication to the Personal Computer, which then displays the value of current, voltage and power by using VB software. In making this tool voltage source, the ACS current sensor 712, voltage sensor and the ADC on the microcontroller is the most important thing that must be considered because it will affect the accuracy in reading the current, voltage and power.
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    Smart Building (Prototype Alat)
    (2012-08-07) M. Bahrudin; Adytia, Darmawan
    Current technological developments increasingly facilitate the conduct of human activities. But also adds many new problems such as high rise buildings that have a lot of ground, making it difficult to monitor the existing space in the building. To facilitate such work, then designed a tool for controlling and monitoring electric appliance in the office/building. This tool basically consists of two electrical devices are controlled via rs485. In the monitoring system consists of several electronic circuits which function light sensor for monitoring lamp, a voltage sensor function is to monitor the voltage-controlled, microcontroller (Arduino) serves as a data processing unit, in order to control and monitor the data is then sent to a computer for display to the application acquisition of data via RS-485 as a communication of some of the microcontroller to the computer. While the control system consists of an electric circuit breaker in which there is a relay and relay driver circuit, this circuit AC current will decide when it gets a signal or data from a computer and processed by a microcontroller. In making this tool a voltage source, a light sensor, voltage transformers, communication RS-485 and ADC on the microcontroller is important to note because it will affect the accuracy in reading the voltage condition, lights, and RS-485 communications. For feedback from the controlled device used a light sensor and voltage sensor. Sensor voltage is used to detect the voltage on the device being controlled, while the light sensor is used as a detector lights. To find out the control data input from the user database is used as a control data storage media.
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    Stamping Machine Berbasis Mikrokontroler
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-12) Wiranata, Agung; Risandriya, Sumantri