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    Pengendali Lampu Otomatis dengan Metode Fuzzy Menggunakan RFID Sebagai Identifikasi
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-04) Muis, Muhamad Dahrul; Risandriya, Sumantri K.
    Lamps are a source of lighting used in homes during dark room conditions. To turn on and off the lights in homes today still use manual switches and manual operation of lights cause ineffective and efficient use. Making this research aims to create a tool for turning on and off the lights with RFID with the distance between RFID Reader and RFID Tags that can be read with an acrylic cover is 1 cm and create an automatic room lights that can adjust to the intensity of light required by the room. This tool is expected to help in the process of controlling the room lights. The method used in making this room light controller is fuzzy logic produce light intensity issued by the lamp in accordance with the desire of the customer is dim, rather dim, or bright. Based on the research that has been done, obtained results where the fastest time achieved to achieve setpoint dim for 8,1 seconds, setpoint rather dim is 28,8 seconds and setpoint bright for 4 seconds.
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    Robot Pendeteksi Manusia Menggunakan Sensor PIR
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Rusdi, Muhammad Ibnu; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo
    The higher the crime rate and also the rate of economic growth is slowing, causing a growing need for a surveillance system in the room. This surveillance system to anticipate the level of criminality such as theft, etc. Therefore the author making a tool that is: Human Detection Robots Using Sensor PIR, the Robot serving as supervisor of security which will make it easier for security officers in night shift. The workings of this robot will follow the walls of the left so that the robot is able to surround all the system navigation can use Ultrasonic sensors. The robot will be able to detect the presence of human beings through his movements using a PIR sensor help. Then the robot will send a warning to the security supervisor in the form of sound the alarm through the system interfacenya on android. Where the robot and allows supervisors to communicate in real time. Expected to design this tool later can help in terms of oversight.
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    Sistem Keamanan Pintu Ruangan 401 Gedung Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis RFID
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011) Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; susanto, susanto
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    Prototype Pengecekan Wobbling pada Stone Menggunakan Sensor Laser
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Hutabalian, Bernadenta; Sani, Abdullah
    Technological developments in the world of industry and manufacturing these days have been very rapid where the latest technological developments are also influenced by the progress of research development by scientists and technocrats who ceaselessly develop new discoveries along with technological innovation and improvisation. The development of industry and manufacturing is supported by the rapid increase of research, especially on the more sophisticated sensors. Research in the field of sensors is also always more advanced with more types and types of sensors are made in accordance with the function of the latest technology. One of the supporting technological elements of industry and manufacturing in PT Shimano is CNC Grinding Spindle machine that is used in CNC Grinding Grinding Process which is working principle of Automation. This machine As an important process in industry and manufacturing, this machine requires controlling or calibration, especially on checking Wobbling on Stone Grinding regularly and precisely which will be the key to maximum production success with maximum quality as well. As a means of control or calibration, it is necessary to have a good sensor to get precise calibration results and accurately replace the old method that is still manual with dial gauge. Sensor research as a calibration tool is required for accuracy and precision to be maximally obtained. The results of calibration will greatly determine the quality and quantity of production produced by this machine. One of the sensors that will be examined is a laser sensor, which has sufficient ability and easy to connect with a controller module that has been on the market like Arduino. With the Arduino micro controller as a programmed data processor will make it easier to make the tool control or calibration with laser sensors as a detection component. The measurement results will be processed by the Arduino control module and as output will be paired with Lab View Display Monitoring to facilitate the reading of the measurement results. As part of our contribution to technological advancements in the world of industry and manufacturing, especially in the Auto Check wobbling process it is expected that this tool will assist the company and will also become a future reference as a continuation of further development and research.
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    Sistem Pendeteksi Kebocoran Air Pada Pelanggan Pdam Dengan Menggunakan Arduino Uno
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Shahab, Said Al Rizqi; Fahruzi, Iman
    Water leaks on customer taps we can find in many places. Most of these leaks is a small leak that is invisible to the naked human eye. The situation is often unknown Oleg customer taps, and impressed underestimated. Surely it was not deliberate by the customer, and will have an impact on water wastage and cost overruns water bill for the customer, as well as detrimental to customers. Therefore, to facilitate the detection of water leaks on customers, especially leaks are not visible to the naked eye, it is a tool designed to detect and protect the leak. This tool is called Detection of water leaks on customer taps using arduino uno, which has a main component arduino uno and sensors water flow, sensor water flow reading speed of the plumbing, the voltage generated will be even greater when the pressure in the big pipes and taps in a closed state , and vice versa. When the microcontroller receives data from sensors, microcontroller will process and store data and will display on the LCD.
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    Saklar Otomatis Penerangan dan Kipas Angin Menggunakan Sensor Pir Aplikasi pada Masjid Politeknik Negeri Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-14) Maulana, Moch Riau; Istardi, Didi; Gozali, M Syafei
    Automatic switch for light and fan using PIR sensors that application in polytechnic mosque is a device to easy someone to turn on and turn off lamp and fan with using sensors as detection human. So people dont need to turn on and turn off lamp and fan manually when they left or enter the mosque because this sensor will active when sensor detect if there is a human moving and nonactive when there is no human moving . PIR sensor have fuction to detect human moving and then output of PIR sensors will connect to microcontroller. Data from microcontroller will process to activated relay. After relay has active, relay as a automatic switch will turn on lamp and fan in mosque. Trial of all of this sistem is succes and be evidenced with value of trial of this devise and data from value of devise the amount of power consumption before and after this devise installed in mosque. We can see the amount of power consumption for 24 hour after this devise is installed 90.56 Wh and can save power about 2.89 Wh if we compared before this device is installed.
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    Aplikasi Media Player Menggunakan Sensor Gerak Tangan
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-07-29) Manurung, Sofian; Cahyono, Nur
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    Alat Ukur Tinggi Berat Badan Bebasis Arduino
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-06) Rudy, Rudy; fatekha, Rifqi Amalya