Jurusan Teknik Elektro

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    Rancang Bangun Dc-Dc Converter Dan Konfigurasi Lampu Led Pada Lampu Teras Belakang Laboratorium Workshop 7 Dengan Menggunakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Cell)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Sitanggang, Sufridanto; Istardi, Didi
    Solar energy is energy that can be utilized to generate electrical energy. Solar energy can not be directly utilized directly, to utilize solar energy into electrical energy, still needed equipment such as solar cell (solar cell) to convert solar energy into electrical energy that will be used to turn on the light automatically by using ldr sensor as its automatic tool . With the problem, the authors have made solar panels that serve as pensuply electric current.In making the author using the charger controller so batreai not easily damaged. The result of this research is the power generated from the total output power required on the lamp is 0.2429 watt, and the energy generated in the period of 8 hours is 1,943 watts. So to run this terrace lamp automatically for 8 hours it takes 1 battery 12v 100 Ah and 1 solar cell with 100wp (peak wattage) capacity.
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    Rancang Bangun Instrumen Akustik Pasif Pendeteksi Gelombang Bawah Air Berbasis Arduino
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-22) Sihombing, Perdi Novanto; Analia, Riska; Lubis, M. Zainuddin
    The application of passive acoustic in marine can be used to ease the researcher for detecting the moving and static object in the water. The Fast Fourier Transform and wavelet is applied to the signal system in order to detect the noise and signal perform by object detected. The experimental results present the data got from koi fish and gourami fish in the plastic container which dimension is diameter 20cm and height 10cm. The data shows that the object can produce 13 sound patterns which koi fish has -15,66 dB in sound intensity while gourami fish has - 18,71 dB.
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    Pemotong Heat Shrink Otomatis
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-22) Simbolon, Tomy Andrianus; Sani, Abdullah
    Heat shrink is a component in the world of electricity which functions as cable insulation or as a protector other than as a heat shrink can also be used as a phase marker of the cable wiring system as it consists of several colors. In use heat shrink is usually cut into pieces as needed and in this case still using the human ability in the process. In this final project, the author makes a tool that can cut heat shrink automatically to be able to facilitate human work so as to accelerate the production process. The supporting component in the success of this tool is dc motor as a heat shrink driver, servo motor as mechanical cutting, switch rotary encoder as sensor to determine cut length. Based on the results of the test the tool can produce an average cutting of up to 90% as expected and the mean cut angle of 85% of the yield of 10 cuts of any specified size
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    Sistem Keamanan Loker Berbasis Gsm Module, Bluetooth Module Dan Reed Sensor
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-22) Novian, Taufik Ramadhan; Wijanarko, Heru; Wivanius, Nadrah
    Locker is place of storage that important for user, but locker always get some problems when using it such as key easily lost or left behind because the key have small size and easily to duplicated. It is the background of the problems to create ”The system of security locker using GSM module, Bluetooh Module and Reed Sensor”. The purpose of this project is to replace manual key to be smartphone for access the locker because manual key sometime easy lose or left behind. This research was conducted to understand the problems that occur directly and making habits in using a smartphone into a solution. The habit is always to bring smartphone anywhere so the possibility of missing or left behind is very rare. In order to use smartphone as a key, smartphone act as a transmitter which smartphone just send a message or activates bluetooth in order to unlock or lock the locker. The results of using smartphone as a electronic key for locker system is more flexible because user can access the locker anywhere and more effective because the key always bring anywhere and can not be duplicated without the permission of the user as a safety factor.
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    Sistem Kontrol Dan Monitoring Suhu Pada Mini Plant Kontrol Proses Di Laboratorium Kontrol Dan Instrumentasi
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-22) Mutri, Miranti Amalla; Futra, Asrizal Deri
    The temperature control is one of the components that is controlled in the plant control process. It aims to keep the liquid temperature in accordance with the desired temperature. One way to control the temperature of liquid is by using the principle of heat exchanger. The input of the plant is a thermistor sensor with the type NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient). And the output is the servo valve connected to the output of microcontroller. Monitoring of the temperature control system at the plant is designed using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). The PID control system can be applied as a temperature control using LabVIEW software as a data acquisition tool for reading temperature sensors and controlling the temperature. The PID control system can open the valve automatically by giving set point and setting value of Kp, Ki, and Kd. System stability control is a very important issue. The existence of a control system with feedback allows system stability to be achieved despite interference with the valve control system that affects temperature stability using PID controls in LabVIEW. Testing system by PID control using Kp = 1,500; Ki = 0,050; and Kd = 1,000 can give an optimal response to mini plant in this temperature process.
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    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengupas Kulit Kentang Sekaligus Pemotong Stik Kentang Mini Otomatis Untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah Di Pulau Karimun
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Andika, Tio; Sutopo, Daniel; Febriansyah, Arif
    Society use the product of agriculture such as potato for household or industrial needs. Small medium entrepreneurs choose potatoes to be a business opportunity because potatoes be judged to have enough business opportunities. Processed potato products that serve as business opportunities are potato sticks. Potato peelers machine as well as potatoes stick cutter has some advantages such as: time efficiency and save energy especially for potato stick maker. Based in that problem writer purpose the peel and cut automatic mini machine for potato, but in this proposal will only discuss potato sticks cutting machine that has the same dimensions each piece and only takes 3 minutes / 1 Kg. Potato peelers and potter cutters use control with the microcontroller already in the program in accordance with the working system of this tool. After inputting the tool will work, LCD displays the time to be processed. Motor peeler that will first work for potato peeling process. After a few minutes, the peel door opens at the same time as the queue door and the cutting motor is working. In the process of cutting potato sticks using a screw with a reverse forward system. Of all potato cutting machines have the same result on each piece of potato sticks and it only takes 3 minutes every 1kg. Compared to the potato manual pieces of this automatic potato cutter machine can produce potato chunks that are diverse and faster.
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    Desain Sistem Keamanan Motor Menggunakan Sidik Jari
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-16) Pasaribu, Widoro Purwanto; Sumantri, Sumantri
    Making this application is motivated by motorcycle security system that is still dependent on the key handlebar motor. This system is less effective because if only using the motor handlebar lock it can be opened by using the tool. The manufacture of motorcycle security system with fingerprint aims to create new innovations for technological developments to become more developed. The manufacture of this tool includes the manufacture of software, software testing, electrical design, and implementation of tools on a motorcycle. The above series are the steps for the system to work perfectly and minimize the deficiencies that may occur in the system. The system created using the Fingerprint SM630 as an input to detect fingerprints from a motorcycle user. The system is also powered by the ArduinoUNO kit as the brain to process data from the fingerprint sensor to the relay, and CDI to connect ignition to the motor contact. From making this system, it can be concluded that there is only one user who can access motorcycles and CDI will not be connected if the fingerprints entered are not appropriate or not listed in the database. With this system is expected motorcycle users will be easier to use a motorcycle and also minimize the theft of a motorcycle that often occurs when the motorcycle is left or parked by the owner.
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    Vibrator Sebagai Haptic Feedback
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Bekti, Ridho Setia; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo
    Remote control systems to interconnect require communication in the form of feedback. This is very important, because it deals with the human process in the freedom to control the car robot according to the given command. To be able to control the car robot, Many research has been done using the visual form as feedback. Lately haptic technology is increasingly in demand to enhance the interaction of computer and human interface, This feedback provides more accurate information to the user, so this haptic sensation can help the user to feel in the robot environment with his skin, muscles and nerves. designing car robot using vibrator as haptic feedback. Where the information obtained against the vibrations of the actuator is proportional to the distance between the robot and its obstruction. This vibrator is placed on the user's skin so that it can feel the feedback in the form of a vibration. The amount of vibration depends on the combination of the distance between the car robot and the surrounding obstruction. The conclusion from the experimental results is haptic system has potential for increase the acceptance of information between user and cars robot when control it
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    Smart Fan Pad
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-05) Rizaldi, Rizaldi; Kamarudin, Kamarudin; Ridwan, Ridwan
    Laptops are very important personal items for those who need job support, whether in terms of presentation, reporting, designing, chatting and doing the task. When the laptop is used of course we will feel the heat changes on the laptop. This is due to the lack of air circulation on the laptop used. This can cause damage to the laptop in the not-too-long time or can say the laptop will be damaged quickly. Although we use a lot of Fan Pad market, the laptop still works not optimal because the fan when connected to the laptop full power, and our laptops sometimes do not require such a round. Seeing this condition, with the development of technology in mixed with electrical components, for Fan Pad to work in accordance with the condition of laptop temperature. Fan Pad to be made themed SMART FAN PAD, this tool works in accordance with the existing temperature conditions on the laptop. The controlling system used is PID (Proposal Integral Derivative). PID is used to control speed. The working of SMART FAN PAD depends on the position with P = 50; I = 1.75; D = 0.15. If the temperature on the laptop rises from the desired temperature setpoint then, the rotation on the Fan will increase according to the temperature with the PID control. If the temperature of the laptop drops vi from the setpoint of the desired temperature, the rotation of the fan will also slowly decline according to the temperature conditions with the PID control that has been made.