Optimalisasi Identifikasi Sidik Jari Menggunakan Metode Neural Network Pada Keamanan Sepeda Motor
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Burhannudin, Alan
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Motorcycle theft rate each year is quite high. The cause of the rampant motorcycle
theft due to the weakness of the security system on the motorcycle. Therefore required a
system that can overcome the breaking of a motorcycle. One of them by making a security
system on a motorcycle. A growing security system is using fingerprints. Fingerprints or
human fingerprints have different characteristics in each individual. To be able to use
fingerprint as authentication tool used Fingerprint Scanner Sensor. But sometimes there are
still errors that occur in the recognition process caused by the problem of less accurate sensor
specifications. Therefore, the authors do research by making a motor security system using
fingerprints that are integrated with Neural Network alghoritma. The Neural Network
algorithm is used to optimize the fingerprint recognition process, thereby reducing the error
in the identification process. The result of this research is to produce motorcycle equality
system using fingerprint integrated with Algorithm Neural Network, so that motorcycle can
only be turned on by motor owner.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Engineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan), Social Problems and Services; Associations (Permasalahan Sosial, Layanan Sosial; Asosiasi)