Analysis Broken Wire Module Econo Pack+B in Wire Bonding Process
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Pakpahan, Steven
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Since the establishment of the new Econo line back end site, Infineon Technologies Cegled Kft has experienced
quite rapid improvements in every production line including the wire bonding area. This increase in production in
the wire bonding area resulted in a high number of rejected broken wires which resulted in failure of the Econo
Pack+B product which resulted in expensive production costs resulting in losses for the company and production
output not being achieved. So that the root cause of the broken wire defect can be known for certain and controlled
which will have an impact on improving the quality process and achieving the production target yield of 95.4% to
increase the key performance indicator of the production area and achieving a stable process in the wire bonding
process based on the value cpk shear test.
TECHNOLOGY::Industrial engineering and economy::Manufacturing engineering and work sciences::Manufacturing engineering, TECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::Electronics