Sistem Penggiring Dan Penendang Bola Secara Otomatis Pada Robot Barelang 7.1

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Su Jabbar, Ghylang
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
On Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest Indonesia 2017 there are three robots that each has its functions, one of which is a robot who is in charge of being the scorer to the opponent's goal. In order to score a goal to the opponent's goal, robots should be equipped with the dribble and kicker system. On the determination of the direction of the opponent’s goal, the author makes the compass as a benchmark. For the dribble and kicker system, in this study the author apply the mechanical system. For the kicker system, the author apply the lever method to determine the position and distance needed to test the strength of the kicker. To detect the opponent's goal, the author uses the compass sensor CMPS 11 Tilt Compensated Magnetic Compass, by determining the direction that was used as a benchmark, the robot can know the opponent's goal.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Geography and Travel (Geografi dan Perjalanan Wisata)