Pengoreksi Lampu Belok Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Accelerometer dengan Metode Fuzzy
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Waluyo, Joko
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The manual switch on motor cycle is used to inform a rider movement when they are
taking left or right, it means the sign light can not turn on automatically as movement when
the rider take a turn right but switch on left. Accelerometer attached on side of front tire and
motor cycle body to detect angel of maneuver to be used as motor cycle parameter, and use
fuzzy logic as control to make decision which one of sign lights will be turned on
automatically. Data that come from 2 accelerometers as input will be processed by fuzzy in
microcontroller until it got analog data output that decide the right one or left one of sign
light will turn on. Kalman filter will process output data from accelerometer to reduce and
minimize the noises so that data will become more stable. Next, all system will be tested
with give it angel per 5° from 75° to 105° (each one 15° to right way and left way). Result
shows that the system successful make sign light turn on as motorcycle movement with give angel accuration score of accelerometer about 96.6% at 0° until 5° and decrease if angel detected by sensor getting larger.
Teknik Elektro, Mekatronika, Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem