Pengendalian Robot Perintah Suara Dengan Metode Fuzzy
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Miswanto, Septian
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The voice command robot controller with fuzzy method is a system that the function
is for controlling the direction of movement of robot based on command that given.
Generally, a robot use remote or PC. Because of these problem, the researchers will create
a tool that is a wheeled robot that can be governed by using voice input. The voice command
is processed and sent by LabView, then it will be processed by the microcontroller so that
the robot moves according to the instruction that given. The working system of this robot use
the degree of change with HMC5883L sensor. This robot has some set point such as forward
command voice (0o), turn right command voice (90o) and turn left command voice (-90o).
The results of this experiment shows that the robot can move forward, turn right and turn
left at the main building of Politeknik Negeri Batam that the average success rate is 67.22%
and average error is 32%, at the teaching factory of the State Polytechnic of Batam with the
average success rate is 60% and average error is 39.4%. The movement error in the robot
is caused due to the height that affects the earth's magnetic field.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mekatronika, Fuzzy, Wheeled Robot, Robot Beroda