D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Elektronika
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/PL029/1762
Item Automatic Animal Feeding Place Based on Microcontroller System with Sound Sensor and Weight Sensor(2023-12-21) Amanda, Athaya Rizqa; Fahruzi, ImanAnimal care requires a lot of time and effort in maintaining and caring for them, especially in feeding. In the era of technology 4.0, humans need technology that can make it easier, one of which is in feeding animals automatically. The purpose of this research is to be able to detect the rattling sound used by animals, detect the weight of the feed in the control reservoir for the Microcontroller-Based Automatic Animal Feeding Place. To support this research, the author takes several examples of research that has been carried out related to the title "Automatic Animal Feeding Places Based on Microcontroller Systems using Sound Sensors and Weight Sensors". As a reference, the authors take examples of research from the past 3 years as an improvement for this research based on the shortcomings and weaknesses of previous studies, the authors have innovations to solve problems that occur with the presence of a sound sensor using the Easy VR module, a weight sensor using a load cell scale, and servo motor to control the valve opening and closing. so that the pet's food and drink needs will always be available when the animal needs it without direct human control first and without periodic feeding.Item IoT - Based Cat Feeding and Cage Door Control(2024-01-11) Azahra, Nadyla; Fahruzi, ImanA much-loved pet is a cat because of its cute and adorable behavior, in keeping animals sometimes many owners have busy outside the home, so that the basic needs of cats such as cage conditions, feed, and activities outside the cage to play are less controlled. In this increasingly sophisticated era, there are many technologies that can be utilized, especially the utilization of the Internet of Things. Therefore a tool is needed that can control the cat's cage door and feed when the owner is busy, this tool uses ESP32 as a microcontroller and telegram application as a remote control. Where this tool uses the HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor as a distance detector for cats outside the cage which is limited to 100 cm from the sensor and the HCSR501 PIR Sensor as a detection of cat movement in the cage. When the distance of the cat is less than 20 cm from the ultrasonic sensor then the door will open and the PIR sensor will detect the cat, if the cat is detected then the door will close, from the test results using ultrasonic sensors and rulers it is found that measurements at a distance of less than 50 cm have a smaller difference than the distance of more than 50 cm.Item RANCANG BANGUN BUS TRACKER BERBASIS ANDROID(2023-12-20) Sinaga, Sabina Feriyani Septosa; Panjaitan, Eko Aryanto; Fahruzi, ImanAbstract—Bus tracker is a thing that can track the location of the bus in form of coordinate points that can be observe in real time on the android application that installed on the smartphone. This android application is build for the people bus user community to make it easier to knowing the locationof the bus and the time when the bus is arrive. This research method uses a combination of GPS technology (Global Positioning System) to determine the position and GSM technology as a bridge for sending data from the microcontroller to the database. The results of this researchwill be useful and attract other people to participate in using the bus as the main transportation in order to reduce traffic jam.