D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Elektronika
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Item Analisis Risiko K3 pada Proses Perakitan Kereta Listrik menggunakan Metode FMEA dan FTA di Perusahaan Skoda Transportation(2024-07-09) Hendrawan; Octowinandi, vivinPenelitian ini menjelaskan tentang analisis risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) pada proses perakitan kereta listrik Perusahaan Skoda Transportation dengan menggunakan teknik Potential Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Latar belakang penelitian ini mencerminkan pentingnya keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di industri perakitan kendaraan, terutama sejak diperkenalkannya teknologi baru seperti kereta listrik sehingga menimbulkan tantangan khusus. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai dan memitigasi potensi risiko yang terkait dengan proses perakitan. teknik FMEA digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis, penyebab, dan akibat kesalahan, sedangkan FTA digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan sebab akibat antara kesalahan yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi risiko K3 memiliki dampak yang signifikan, dengan nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number) berkisar antara 24 hingga 240. Selain itu, persentase riisko yang ada dalam proses perakitan kereta listrik memiliki distribusi yang signifikan, dengan 96% risiko rendah dan 4% risiko sedang. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi yang berharga dalam meningkatkan keselamatan, kualitas produk, dan keandalan operasional proses perakitan kereta listrik.Item DESIGN OF AN IOT-BASED MARINE TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT RESCUE AND DETECTION SYSTEM BY USING SOLAR PANELS AS AN ENERGY SOURCE(2023-12-21) Ambarita, Boas; KamarudinThe use of sea transport is a means of mobility between islands that is often used by the Indonesian people. Data on shipping accident investigations by the KNKT in 2018-2021 show that the number of victims who died / disappeared was 342 people. The purpose of this design is to reduce the number of victims of sea transportation accidents. This design uses a quantitative experimental method. The stages carried out include secondary data collection, product design, manufacturing, testing, and product evaluation. This design is a bracelet equipped with an airbag and GPS module and uses the LoRaWAN network as data communication. The results of data communication testing, it can be concluded that the range of LoRa data communication reaches a distance of 2 km. Based on the test results, it is also concluded that the average error on the NEO-6MV GPS module ranges as far as 1.82 meters from the actual position. The airbag capacity test shows that the airbag used as a buoy can be used by victims with a body weight of up to 86 kg. The results of the power calculation in this design show that the battery discharge and charging time are about 27 hours and 7 hours, respectivelyItem DESIGN OF AN IOT-BASED MARINE TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT RESCUE AND DETECTION SYSTEM BY USING SOLAR PANELS AS AN ENERGY SOURCE(2023-12-21) Ronisamuel, Sormin; KamarudinThe use of sea transport is a means of mobility between islands that is often used by the Indonesian people. Data on shipping accident investigations by the KNKT in 2018-2021 show that the number of victims who died / disappeared was 342 people. The purpose of this design is to reduce the number of victims of sea transportation accidents. This design uses a quantitative experimental method. The stages carried out include secondary data collection, product design, manufacturing, testing, and product evaluation. This design is a bracelet equipped with an airbag and GPS module and uses the LoRaWAN network as data communication. The results of data communication testing, it can be concluded that the range of LoRa data communication reaches a distance of 2 km. Based on the test results, it is also concluded that the average error on the NEO-6MV GPS module ranges as far as 1.82 meters from the actual position. The airbag capacity test shows that the airbag used as a buoy can be used by victims with a body weight of up to 86 kg. The results of the power calculation in this design show that the battery discharge and charging time are about 27 hours and 7 hours, respectively.Item Design of an IoT-Based Marine Transportation Accident Rescue and Detection System by Using Solar Panels as an Energy Source(2023-12-21) Senjaya, J. Royan Nera; KamarudinThe use of sea transport is a means of mobility between islands that is often used by the Indonesian people. Data on shipping accident investigations by the KNKT in 2018-2021 show that the number of victims who died / disappeared was 342 people. The purpose of this design is to reduce the number of victims of sea transportation accidents. This design uses a quantitative experimental method. The stages carried out include secondary data collection, product design, manufacturing, testing, and product evaluation. This design is a bracelet equipped with an airbag and GPS module and uses the LoRaWAN network as data communication. The results of data communication testing, it can be concluded that the range of LoRa data communication reaches a distance of 2 km. Based on the test results, it is also concluded that the average error on the NEO-6MV GPS module ranges as far as 1.82 meters from the actual position. The airbag capacity test shows that the airbag used as a buoy can be used by victims with a body weight of up to 86 kg. The results of the power calculation in this design show that the battery discharge and charging time are about 27 hours and 7 hours, respectively.Item Prototype Monitoring Data Pada Mesin(2023-12-21) Permata, Wisma Febriamelia; Syalsabila, Hazwani; Ridwan; Daulay, IndraPada era industri 4.0 saat ini sebagian besar pekerjaan telah digantikan dengan mesin. Hal tersebut dirancang untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia, salah satu contohnya ialah sistem otomasi dalam proses produksi. Sistem otomasi saat ini telah banyak mengotomatisasi berbagai proses industri dengan cara menggabungkan sistem mekanik, elektrik, dan program. Namun, ada kalanya sistem otomasi pada mesin mengalami kesalahan atau error sehingga memerlukan proses monitoring. Saat ini, proses monitoring pada mesin masih menggunakan metode konvensional, yaitu dengan pencatatan secara manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan proses monitoring membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama sehingga dapat menunda proses produksi. Selain itu, terdapat kemungkinan dalam kesalahan pencatatan data akibat human error. Oleh karena itu, Prototype Monitoring Data Pada Mesin dirancang untuk dapat melakukan proses monitoring pada mesin. Pada sistem ini, CX-Programmer digunakan sebagai simulator PLC yang kemudian akan terhubung ke Visual Studio yang digunakan sebagai user interface dari monitoring data. Adapun data yang ditampilkan pada user interface di Visual Studio ialah jumlah barang masuk dan keluar, jumlah barang yang diproses, lokasi error, dan cycle time. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa sistem monitoring yang dirancang dapat terkoneksi antara program PLC dengan Visual studio dapat membaca data dari CX-Programmer sebagai simulator PLC. Adapun data yang ditampilkan pada user interface di Visual studio merupakan jumlah barang masuk, barang keluar, jumlah barang yang diproses, lokasi error, dan cycle time. In the current industrial era 4.0, most jobs have been replaced by machines. It is designed to facilitate human work, one example is the automation system in the production process. Today's automation systems have automated many industrial processes by combining mechanical, electrical, and program systems. However, there are times when the automation system on the machine experiences errors or errors that require a monitoring process. Currently, the monitoring process on the machine still uses conventional methods, namely by recording manually. This results in the monitoring process taking quite a long time so that it can delay the production process. In addition, there is a possibility of data recording errors due to human error. Therefore, the Prototype Monitoring Data on Machines is designed to be able to carry out the monitoring process on the machine. In this system, CX-Programmer is used as a PLC simulator which will then be connected to Visual Studio which is used as the user interface of monitoring data. The data displayed on the user interface in Visual Studio is the number of incoming and outgoing items, the number of items processed, the location of errors, and cycle time. The results of the analysis show that the monitoring system designed can be connected between the PLC program and Visual studio can read data from CX Programmer as a PLC simulator. The data displayed on the user interface in Visual studio is the number of incoming goods, outgoing goods, the number of goods processed, error location, and cycle time.Item RANCANG BANGUN BUS TRACKER BERBASIS ANDROID(2023-12-20) Sinaga, Sabina Feriyani Septosa; Panjaitan, Eko Aryanto; Fahruzi, ImanAbstract—Bus tracker is a thing that can track the location of the bus in form of coordinate points that can be observe in real time on the android application that installed on the smartphone. This android application is build for the people bus user community to make it easier to knowing the locationof the bus and the time when the bus is arrive. This research method uses a combination of GPS technology (Global Positioning System) to determine the position and GSM technology as a bridge for sending data from the microcontroller to the database. The results of this researchwill be useful and attract other people to participate in using the bus as the main transportation in order to reduce traffic jam.Item RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM MONITORING KUALITAS AIR KOLAM BUDIDAYA IKAN AIR TAWAR MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR DAN GSM BERBASIS ARDUINO(2023-12-29) DinulFikri,Muhammad; Wahyudi Eko,Prihadi MuhammadAir merupakan elemen utama dan paling dijaga dalam pemeliharan kolam ikan. Jika kualitas air yang digunakan dalam kolam baik, maka ikan dalam kolam dapat hidup dengan baik. Ada beberapa faktor penentu kualitas air dalam pemeliharan ikan air tawar yaitu keasaman (pH), suhu, dan tingkat padatan terlarut atau TDS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem monitoring kualitas air kolam budidaya ikan tawar berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) agar dapat dilakukan monitoring secara jarak jauh. Sistem yang akan dibangun secara real time menggunakan jaringan internet dan menampilkan kondisi air kolam di aplikasi web. Alat ini mampu memantau nilai pH, kadar kekeruhan dan suhu air pada kolam melalui platform Thingspeak. Pengujian ini dilakukan disalah satu kolam yang beralamat disei beduk Tj.piayu Kota Batam.Item Rangkaian RLC Sebagai Pengganti Ballast Pada Lampu TL(2023-12-21) Saragih, Deddy Setiady;Rangkaian RLC sebagai pengganti ballast dalam lampu fluorescent merupakan solusi yang menarik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi, umur pemakaian, dan mengurangi ukuran rangkaian. Dengan melakukan studi mendalam, desain yang baik, serta pengujian yang cermat, diharapkan perancangan alat ini dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan teknologi pencahayaan yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Rangkaian RLC menggunakan komponen resistor (R), induktor (L), dan kapasitor (C) untuk mengatur aliran arus listrik pada lampu. Dengan mengganti ballast menggunakan rangkaian RLC, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi energi, umur pemakaian, dan keandalan sistem pencahayaan. Setelah itu Rangkaian RLC lampu TL akan di bandingkan dengan dengan ballast pabrikan apakah daya yang digunakan lebih hemat atau lebih boros.