D-3 Teknik Elektronika

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Search Results

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    Perbaikan Motor Pompa Air Satu Phasa
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-18) Manurung, Alpin; Juwito, Arif F.
    Over time, many created a tool that can facilitate us in performing daily activities, one of which is the engine water pump. With the engine water pump we no longer trouble to move water from one place to another. If the engine water pump used in a long period of time and sustained, would cause an increase in temperature in the motor water pump, this will cause damage to the pump motor water as the temperature of the motor is too hot, round motor that weakened and dead total. To fix this damage needs to take action to check the motor water pump such as checking the round motor supply voltage, with checking the value of resistance of the main coil on prisoners and detainees, check out their auxiliary coil values custody insulation between the primary and the auxiliary coil coil, and check between the body and the primary coil is fused or not. After doing some checking on the motor pump water then the next step is to do the repairs one way rewinding (TCR) copper wires on motor water pump. But after doing the process of rewinding, the prisoners and the speed of the motor will not be the same as the factory-made because the process of rewinding is done by manual.
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    Kompor Pintar Pencegah Kelalaian
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-29) Arieska, Muhammad Rizki; Prayoga, Senanjung
    The fire caused gas cylinders became the hit of the scary things in the community. To cope with this has been a lot of tools created to reduce or prevent fire caused the hit of the gas tube. One of them is modify knob regulator with a sensor or other electronic component mounting on a gas stove. at present it has many tools that were created automatically turn off the gas burner or shut the gas cylinder regulator knob. Has a lot of tools created to close gas cylinders or turn off the gas stove now. But on a system that has been created there are still some deficiencies that cause is still the onset of negligence not only caused the leakage of gas cylinders but neglect the user who left the gas stove in a State is on. To address the shortage, then a single tool for reducing omissions by using Ultrasonic sensors to detect the presence of users who are on the front burner so that when the left burner can be turned off automatically combined with the regulator knob on the couple using servo motor and added SIM900 as an early warning. The results of the experiment showed negligence can be inevitable by using this tool so that it can resolve the problems that occur.
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    Modul Praktikum GLB dan GLBB Berbasis Labview
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Sirait, Irwanto; Prayoga, Senanjung; Arifin, Muhammad
    Automation technology is technologies where everyone can do something without having to act directly. With the convenience offered, the human need for automation will always increase. One example is sience practical module there GLB (uniform linear motion) and GLBB (accelerated linear motion) based labview, Operation practical module GLB and GLBB manually is not optimal on operation. Practical module GLB and GLBB based labview is deemed able to solve these problems. Simply by pressing the push button on the panel, then we can operate the module after that read grafic with labview application.
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    Robot Otomatis KRI 2012
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-06-30) Syafi'i, Rian; susanto, susanto; Risandriya, Sumantri K.
    Automatic Robot KRI 2012, is a robot designed to participate in the annual robot contest that held by the DIKTI (Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi) which refers to the rules of contest organized by ABU Robocon (Asia Pacific Broadcase Union). Theme contest in 2012 was a robot that is can construct Peng On Day Gat is one of the traditional activities of the state that held in Hong Kong. Mission of Automatic robot KRI 2012 is take the basket and put it in the manual area. After that brings the Collector Robot to the Island. This robot is designed using multiple sensors as well as detection devices and navigation using actuators are used as prime movers in navigation and in conducting retrieval and laying down the object. The results achieved in the design of the robot is quite complex, developed a robot design in terms of mechanical, electronic and software applications where the robot has been able to work and easy to program and electronically controlled and accurate in making and laying objects.
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    Pengendalian Robot Mobil Menggunakan Leap Motion
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-01) Rhomadony, Ilham; Daniel
    The development of robotic control technology from human- controlled robot movement from close range, can be controlled from long distance using joystick or remote control which is less effective so that conducted a research of controlling robot easier, by using hand gesture so controlling robot become more natural, the purpose of this research is to produce a system of controlling the Mobile Robot using Leap Motion. The research method is used to use one of the sensors in Leap Motion which is processed using C# programming language that produces a character which is sent to the Mobile Robot using wireless, so the Mobile Robot will move based on the character that received by the Mobile Robot. The results to be gained from this research are the control of Mobile Robot in accordance with the human hand movement. From this research can be concluded that Leap Motion can control the Mobile Robot more easily with the human hand movement.
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    Vending Machine Berbasis RFID
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009) Khusairi, Geri; Fikri, Ahmad; Wikanta, Prasaja
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    Mengecek Kondisi Baterai PLC Nais Menggunakan Arduino
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Sakinah, Suci Yuli; Sani, Abdullah
    To minimize the risk of data loss on PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) memory rapidly when voltage of back-up battery has been depleted, especially those still using external back-up battery. Then someone created a system to monitor battery condition by using Arduino and XBee. This research is a developed of Multipoint system that exist in XBee, by using two XBee as a transmitter and one XBee as a receiver. In order that the XBee able to receive information from the Arduino, need to install ADC (Analog to Digital) Converter to Arduino. The results of the delivery data from the Arduino to XBee will be show in graphs by use LabVIEW program.
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    Sistem Penguncian Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Aplikasi Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-10) Riady, Hari Tubagus; Sakinah, Nur
    In each building certainly has a door that is used. In addition to these doors is a top security measures. Therefore, safeguards on a door must be maximized. This research aims to improve the security of a door being more maximum, so there are no vain people without permission to enter the door. There are several ways to maximize the security of the door, one of them namely the magnetic system. A magnetic system are attached to an electric current with a voltage of 220 volts with the help of the application on the door and it will not be accessible to people who are not interested.
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    Sistem Telemetri pada Payload Radiosonde Secara Real Time dengan Komunikasi Wireless
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Marja, Ferdiansyah; Aisyah, Siti ; Fatekha., Rifqi Amalya
    In predicting the weather, there are many parameters used. In addition, the speed in getting these parameters to be ignored. Therefore, retrieval of weather data in real time is needed. This study aims to predict the weather in real time and save the data. In measuring weather parameters, there are many ways to get it, one of which is a radiosonde. That is a measuring device with weather parameters flown a balloon with helium gas. At the time of the radiosonde is in the air, sending air parameters via radio waves with a frequency of 433Mhz. 433Mhz frequency selection because besides resistant to weather disturbances, this frequency is also a provision of the committee Komurindo -Kombat 2016. After transmitted over radio waves, the data is immediately displayed in the GUI (Graphic User Interface) and saved in *.txt format which is also determined by Komurindo-Kombat 2016 committee. the result showed radiosonde work well with the stability of experimental data transmission up to 95%. 5% error due to his existing radio wave interference. Interference caused by obstacle that exists between payload with Ground Segment (GS).
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    Self Balancing Skateboard
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Yudhistira, Wildan; Kamarudin