Jurusan Teknik Elektro
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Item Kontrol Suhu Dan Kelembaban Pada Mesin Pengembang Roti Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy-Pid(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Hameliani, Wahyumithali; Aisyah, Siti ; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiBread is a type of snack that with times becoming a primary food on daily life. In the process of making bread, beside the composition of materials, there is a step that conclude whether the dough is ready for baking or not, which called Proofing. In this proofing process, the temperature and humidity will be controlled according to the required proofing standard. The trouble is to control the stable temperature at 35°C and 80% RH humidity when the proofing is being process so we can have the perfect dough before we start with the baking process. For this research, a machine was made to help the proofing process where the temperature and humidity can be controlled with using Fuzzy-Pid method to an oven so we can make the dough expand perfectly. To display the temperature and humidity inside the oven, the machine equipped with LCD Temperature Display with censor DHT22. Based on the research, we acquired a respectable result where the fastest time to reach the set point of 35°C and humidity 80% RH is 8 minutes. Room temperature 29.3°C and room humidity is 69%RH.Item Monitoring dan Identifikasi Orientasi Chip GPS Pada Mesin Tape and Reel Dengan Metode Template Matching(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-19) Noviardi, Heri; Amalya Fatekha, Rifqi; Soebhakti, HendawanTape and reel machines is one of the machines which serve to package the components are often used within the industry, which already packed components to be mounted on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) through the process of SMT machines (Surface Mounting Technology). Packaging components IC (Integrated Circuit) which have the necessary orientation accuracy is more, because when mounting components on the pitch pocket with inverted orientation will result in wrong orientation on the PCB file. Generally, tape and reel machines not equipped with a means of identifying the orientation of the component, in this study, the addition of a camera as a tool orientation detection using image processing components with template matching method. With this tool modification results obtained are consistent with the objectives of the research, namely monitoring and identifying the orientation of the components automatically, the results of tests carried out with 4 position orientation, the system can recognize the orientation of the components with a success rate of 98%.Item Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Kelembaban, Suhu Dan Intensitas Cahaya Tanaman Tomat Dengan Metode Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Iot(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-17) Aji Fitriansyah, Sandy; Risandriya, Sumantri K; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiControl and monitoring of moisture, temperature and light intensity are still using a manual watering or using greenhouses. Busy at work and limited time, cause the control of condition tomato plants is not accordance with plants and cause the plants dead. This study uses automatic control of fuzzy logic and Iot (Internet of Things) for basic of monitoring the condition tomato plants with the function of replacing manual control. DHT22 sensor, FC- 28 and LDR (Light Dependent Resistors) are used for detection of soil moisture, temperature, light intensity and humidity using for input parameters as automatic fuzzy controls, and DC 12v water pumping actuators and power window motors as controllers humidity. The results obtained in this study have a success rate of 98.38% in the work process.Item Pengontrolan Kadar Ph Air Pada Media Tanam Hidroponik Berbasis Mikrokontroller Dengan Metode Pid(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Arjuna; Wivanius, Nadhrah; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiControlling water pH content on hydroponics growing media very required becouse water pH content generally tend to be alkaline. This situation doesn’t meet the water pH ideal. pH for growing media differ according for type of plants. Designed using microcontroller Arduino mega 2560 based PID method for compares the value of actual pH levels are read by pH sensor with value of setpoint (value of desired pH levels). Comparison of result method PID is converted into an action the pump of acid and base until the desired setpoint is reached. The control equipped with solar cell modules with capacity 20 wp to fill a battery with 12 volts of capacity as a energy source on appliance.Item Sistem Pemetaan 2d Menggunakan Lidar(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Budianto, Asti; Prayoga, Senanjung; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiIn order to assist the work of people in the system mapping in a room that has a high danger level, it takes a robot that can change the map making process. Proficiency level so that the robot should have a good 2D mapping system, in order to describe the shape of the map is correct. Areas with a box-shaped with a size of 2.44 m x 1.6 m with a maze in which selected as an area of research. A common problem that arises is how the lidar sensor can measure the perimeter of the room and form a map of the room measured image. In this research will develop indoor mapping system using Lidar sensor capable of measuring the distance measuring room with a maximum length of 6 m and rotates 360 °. In this study, there is a mobile robot that serves to bring the lidar sensor navigation that has to search for a room, so the room mapping system in this study were able to describe a map of the room overall. For the input obtained from the map making process lidar sensor in the form of distance and angle values. Results of this research is expected to produce 2 dimensional mapping system directly in computer with the actual size of the object map.Item Sistem Penggiring Dan Penendang Bola Secara Otomatis Pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06) Su Jabbar, Ghylang; Prayoga, Senanjung; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiOn Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest Indonesia 2017 there are three robots that each has its functions, one of which is a robot who is in charge of being the scorer to the opponent's goal. In order to score a goal to the opponent's goal, robots should be equipped with the dribble and kicker system. On the determination of the direction of the opponent’s goal, the author makes the compass as a benchmark. For the dribble and kicker system, in this study the author apply the mechanical system. For the kicker system, the author apply the lever method to determine the position and distance needed to test the strength of the kicker. To detect the opponent's goal, the author uses the compass sensor CMPS 11 Tilt Compensated Magnetic Compass, by determining the direction that was used as a benchmark, the robot can know the opponent's goal.