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Item Pemotongan dan Timbangan Singkong Otomatis(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-18) Ramadhan, Faiqal Aditya; Risandriya, Sumantri Kurniawan; Analia, RiskaIn general, cassava cutting machines are made by manual tools such as knive or scraper that need long time to do. Thin cassava cutting machine made to produce the same thickness of cassava chips and practice. The pressure motor which writer use is DC Motor for Power Window, and the cutter motor will work when the pressure motor touched cassava bowl. The product will measured by loadcell sensor, if it read 1 kg then the second DC Motor push bowl to the right and repeat by the secong DC Motor push the opposite way into the bowl, and if both bowls are full, so the third motor will move down equal the second bowl’s rack and so it is. All the motors will turn of if the pressure motor touched the limit switch which located at the edge the device. So, with this system the number of production capacity will grow faster and concise. This machine produce 5kg per 3 minutes in advance produce 5Kg per 15 minutes.Item Pengendali Lampu Otomatis dengan Metode Fuzzy Menggunakan RFID Sebagai Identifikasi(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-04) Muis, Muhamad Dahrul; Risandriya, Sumantri K.Lamps are a source of lighting used in homes during dark room conditions. To turn on and off the lights in homes today still use manual switches and manual operation of lights cause ineffective and efficient use. Making this research aims to create a tool for turning on and off the lights with RFID with the distance between RFID Reader and RFID Tags that can be read with an acrylic cover is 1 cm and create an automatic room lights that can adjust to the intensity of light required by the room. This tool is expected to help in the process of controlling the room lights. The method used in making this room light controller is fuzzy logic produce light intensity issued by the lamp in accordance with the desire of the customer is dim, rather dim, or bright. Based on the research that has been done, obtained results where the fastest time achieved to achieve setpoint dim for 8,1 seconds, setpoint rather dim is 28,8 seconds and setpoint bright for 4 seconds.Item Transformasi Sistem Koordinat Lokal dan Global Pada Robot Mecanum Wheels(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-20) Sholeh, Muhammad Syaifudin; Soebhakti, HendawanMobile Robot consisting of four wheels Mecanum Wheel Drive can move by translating and rotating to the desired direction by using kinematic inverse equation. But the kinematic inverse equation is one of the things that still coordinate local as a reference for its movement. Robot movement still can not be used to achieve the goal because it coordinates the robot is always dynamic or follow where the direction of the robot moves. So in this research will be used method that can access local coordinate become global coordinate robot with coordinate transformation. The expected result of this research is the movement of robot and can move in the form of visualization. From the research that has been done the robot can move in accordance with the direction of the instructed when the output motor speed that has been described kinematik inverse does not exceed the maximum speed limit of the motor used. The maximum speed of motor used is 124 rpm. The error occurs because the system is still open loopItem Transformerless Power Supply(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-27) Nurlatifah, Nurlatifah; Sugandi, BudiPower supply is an Electronic device that function to supply voltage on other electronic equipments that require a DC supply such as computer power supply and adapter. Power supply are transformator (trafo) step-down to lower AC voltage. When viewof the size of the power supply that uses transformer size is larger, to reduce the size and cost of making a power supply in final project the author makes a power supply without transformer where voltage reduction processed using a non polar X-capacitor with high voltage in parallel with resistor to withstand inrush current and next rectification by diodes to convert AC voltage to DC voltage. Power supply use IC 7812 produces a voltage output 12 Volt DC and used as an adapter for a 5 meters LED light strip.From the design results obtained the size of the power supply becomes smaller and cheaper.Item Deteksi Benda Berdasarkan Warna dan Dimensi pada Mesin Pemisah Barang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Ramli, Dwi Ayu Imardiyanti; Sugandi, BudiHuman and Machine has a different visual ability, machine can make a million color on their visual, so people are among capacity vision. A machine can be aware of color and different objects at using reading, while all have to recall color and object he has seen. On the visual system machine, an optical instrument hail recording could not immediately be interpreted, definition on the identified by computer. Therefor a computer system needed processing first image. In part used is a feature color and dimension, used first is segmentation at visual. This project uses the RGB method. By the presence of problems were obtained a method of detection color and the dimensions on a machine barrier goods. By which objects of objects when detected by a camera will read color and dimensions of the object was. An object had been already determined by user for being and purpose of inspect whether an object of that is read in accordance or not with reference. By using the method color and dimension, the level of success of the color of the sorting of object and dimension accurate in which the percentage of error reached 6.17 %. Error setected due to insufficient light.Item Starting Up Sepeda Motor Automatic Menggunakan Remote Control dan Security System Menggunakan GSM(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-11-03) Agustin, Belly Andre Cindi; Risandriya, Sumantri KMaking and development of this application is motivated by the motorcycle security system that still depends on the distance, for example use the buzzer as an indicator. This system is less effective because if the buzzer continues to sound and then the battery will quickly be damaged. Making the system automatic starting up and security system using GSM is to create new innovations to make the use of motorcycles easier. This tool uses bluetooth HC-05 module and GSM sim900A module as the communication intermediary. From the results of the implementation that the automatic startup system using the remote control and security system using GSM can be operated with AT-Mega 328 microcontroller as the control center of the circuit. Work of the system starts up is when pressed the ON button then the motorcycle will turn on and when pressed the starting motorcycle will start the starter for 5 seconds, while for the security system when done manual starter GSM module will call the owner's phone number and after the motor delay will die. With this system motorcycle users more easily monitor and operate vehicle.Item Pengenalan Suara Terhadap Pergerakan Robot Beroda dengan Metode FFT(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Bayu, Krisina; Risandriya, Sumantri K.; Fatekha, Rifqi AmalyaSpeech Recognition to Mobile Robot Movement With FFT Method is a system that serves to move the robot direction based on the given sound. Usually to move a wheeled robot someone is still using the PC or remote control. With these problems researchers create a software system and hardware designed to recognize human voice commands. The voice signal will be processed on PC using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method in LabVIEW to find out the amplitude and frequency. Then to know the features of advanced sound, turn right and turn left using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) method then the result of these characteristics is converted into time domain then stored into reference template by DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) method. The experimental results show that the system can recognize forward sound, turn right, and turn left has an average success rate of 81.1% and has an average error of 18.8%. Sound recognition errors are caused because when the speech sounds forward, turn right, and turn left the environment is not always quiet.Item Robot Pendeteksi Manusia Menggunakan Sensor PIR(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Rusdi, Muhammad Ibnu; Pamungkas, Daniel SutopoThe higher the crime rate and also the rate of economic growth is slowing, causing a growing need for a surveillance system in the room. This surveillance system to anticipate the level of criminality such as theft, etc. Therefore the author making a tool that is: Human Detection Robots Using Sensor PIR, the Robot serving as supervisor of security which will make it easier for security officers in night shift. The workings of this robot will follow the walls of the left so that the robot is able to surround all the system navigation can use Ultrasonic sensors. The robot will be able to detect the presence of human beings through his movements using a PIR sensor help. Then the robot will send a warning to the security supervisor in the form of sound the alarm through the system interfacenya on android. Where the robot and allows supervisors to communicate in real time. Expected to design this tool later can help in terms of oversight.Item Blender Jus dengan Sistem Penakar Otomatis untuk UKM Jus Buah(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Muhajir, Gigih; Kamarudin, KamarudinA drink from fruit essence or also known as fruit juice, is a drink that loved by most of people. Nowadays, there a lot of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are involved in this industry of fruit juice making, because it’s the rapid culinary development in this batam city. Aside from the benefits of the fruit which is good for our health it’s also has a delicious and unique taste in each fruit. These days the making process of fruit juice is still in conventional way. Conventional dosing somehow using approximately of human feeling so that often inaccurate compositions are created. As a result the taste of the juice could be too sweet or even tasteless. To solve this problems, the writer created a device that could measure the composititions of each ingredients such as water, sugar, and milk using water flow sensor and solenoid valve. This device has 6 choices of portion quantities and 6 level options of sweetness which is sugarless, medium, sweet, sugarless without milk, medium without milk and sweet without milk. The given dose input will be processed by the microcontroller to control the solenoid valve and water flow sensor. The water flow sensor reads the water debit and the solenoid valve as the tap will automatically close when the desired volume is reached. The system in this blender has worked well on all portions and sweetness menus with an error percentage of 1.87%.Item Design of Experiment ( DoE ) Liquid Photoimageable Solder Masks ( LPISM ) PCB pada Teaching Factory Manufacturing of Electronics ( TFME ) Politeknik Negeri Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Zamzami, Ira; Asaad, Nur Sakinah; Wivanius, NadhrahIn an electronic circuit, a component that can connect to each other without using a cable on a board acts as the conductor for electrical current called a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Implementation of the PCB by screen printing process uses the LPISM (Liquid Photoimageable Solder Masks) application which in application for PCB plating by controlling the amount of solder masks in a single coating using the appropriate parameters with Design of Experiment (DoE) method. This method of DoE, aimed at improving quality using the minimum cost. LPISM will be implemented in Teaching Factory, Politeknik Negeri Batam to protect PCB lines not connected each other,to give proper dosage, and to reduce the using solder masks lamination, so laboratory assistant in Teaching Factory, Politeknik Negeri Batam can produce PCB using LPISM method with IPC-SM-840C standar or near using experiment data-24 with thikness of solder masks is 2,5 μ.