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    Implementasi Framework Mvc Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus Aplikasi Kamus Teknologi Informasi)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-02-28) Hardiman, Efrizal; Raihana, Raihana; Mufida, Miratul Khusna
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    Slider Kamera Tanpa Kabel
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-10-19) Kurniadi, Didi; Analia, Riska
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    Aplikasi Pencatat Data Makan Karyawan di Kantin Menggunakan or Code Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018) Nasution, Pratama Aditiya; riwinoto, riwinoto
    PT. Scheneider Electric Manufacturing Batam has implemented several programs that digitized applications to reduce paper and environmental use are most effective for the use of natural and waste related to company activities, as for the applications of the program include: 1. line Audit Aplication, 2. Smart Visit Aplication, 3. Replenishment Packing Box Aplication. From the above information mention that the required applications related to the programs in PT.Scheneider Batam Electricity Manufacturing, especially in the canteen where the entertained employees write their data on paper, the data that must be written in the name, badge number, department, shift and signature as a reinforcement of data authenticity, this data recording to know total data of employees eat in the canteen everyday, therefore needed android application based on QR Code for employees concumtion data record at canteen. With this application the employees want to eat in the canteen only need to show QR Code on their badge to canteen officer to be scanned without need write their data on paper anymore. To reduce paper used also an important environment from the use of natural resources, waste and emissions, related activities on PT.Scheneider Electric Manufacturing Batam.
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    Aplikasi Pemesanan dan Penjualan Cat Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-08-11) Kurniawan, Ninuk; Widyastuti, Hilda
    The booking process and manual paint sales, customers come directly to the factory paint and face to face with paint makers, consumers here will describe the paint to be purchased in the form of kind, type and price bargaining between the consumer and the paint maker. This manual process has a problem that if consumers do not have time to come to the factory paint and face to face with the paint maker, the other way is paint maker contacted via telephone but also has weaknesses, among others, the paint manufacturer's difficult to describe the desired paint and maker paint forget mentioned delivery date because there is no record of the booking. So I made the "Application-Based Paint Sales Order and Android" This application can assist consumers in making the order the paint and also see information paints to be ordered. This application also petrified paint makers in taking orders and describe the desired paint consumers and also specify the date and method of delivery of the paint
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    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pengingat Aktivitas Berdasarkan Lokasi Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-09-27) Febianto, Dimas Rendy; Nasrullah, Muchammad Fajri Amirul
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    Modul Pembelajaran Android Interaktif
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-02-20) Sanjani, Sanjani; Rahman, Ilham Hafizd; Mufida, Miratul Khusna
    Android is an operating system whose development is currently very wide, and the android operating system users continue growing, but it is growing applications in the android operating system is also on the rise. Even a lot of the meet learning about android on the internet, but learning separately so in need of the android learning modules package in an interactive boxed namely Android Interactive Learning Module. Interactive module is an interactive medium that allows Android users in learning. In making an Interactive Learning Module Android using Adobe Flash CS5 Professional software and Camtasia Studio 6. Android Interactive Learning Module is an interactive module that development is done using a computer and operationalized dikomputer well. With this module learning about the android that are widely spread in the internet can be packed into a single package boxed instructional media in an interactive and interesting.
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    Mobile Learning Siswa (Pengelolaan Materi Pelajaran dan Diskusi)
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-22) Aprianto, Kevin; Sembiring, Evaliata Br
    Current education has grown in line with technological developments. With this development is expected to make the community and young people with advanced and educated vision. But it all depends on how to take advantage of technological developments to support the existing learning system. Some of the results of technological developments now such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and other gadgets that can easily access various information on the internet wherever we are, making it one of today's mobile information media that can be used as a medium of learning. In the current learning system, all kinds of material given to students are generally still in textbook form. This leads to the management of learning materials by teachers or educators limited by the content of books and forms of information in books that are mostly text and some descriptors. However, by utilizing the gadgets that exist today, the form of information from the subject matter not only in the form of text in textbooks, but also in the form of documents, video and audio. In addition, addressing the ability of gadgets in communicating such as chat, video call, etc., opens opportunities for discussion among students, as the discussion is one of the learning methods. Therefore it is necessary that learning applications that can run on android operating system for gadget-gagdet above (mobile learning) that has an attractive appearance for students / students with good learning material management and able to facilitate discussion activities among students / students who use it.
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    Absensi Menggunakan NFC Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Purnomo, Adi; Saputra, Christian Ade; Warayudha, Adhitya; Triwinarko, Andy
    At this time the existing system of student attendance in Batam Polytechnic still using manual attendance system that uses paper. This raises several issues including: the long absences, use of student attendance in the form of accreditation forms of paper that are vulnerable to damage and loss of data, as well as student attendance files stacked resulting in Batam Polytechnic staff have difficulty in student attendance data perekapan process and delay the process issuance of SP (Warning Letter). Batam Polytechnic since 2010 always issued KTM (student ID card ) equipped with RFID chips. On the other hand, Android has the NFC technology (Near Field Communication) which is a set of RFID- based wireless connectivity technology. This thesis research that utilizes NFC technology on Android to help overcome the problems of student attendance system in Batam Polytechnic sperti, facilitate staff in the process perekapan student attendance data and publishing process SP (Warning Letter) students become distracted and in accordance with the schedule.
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    Mobile GIS Berbasis Android Pemetaan Industri di Kota Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-29) Agha, Zaki A; Triwinarko, Andy; Hamuna, Baigo
    Android-based mobile GIS application is a service that combines digital maps in vector and smartphone media to search industry in Batam. This application is online. Currently the information presented only provide location of region, users who are not familiar with the location will be difficult or take a long time to find the location of industry. Therefore it is necessary to design an application that is able to provide information on the location of industries in Batam. This thesis did research and development of Android-based mobile GIS applications to provide information the location of industry in Batam. These applications have been built with the ability to show map of Batam are taken from geoserver, handle the search process, displays information and maps location of industry as desired user.
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    Aplikasi Kunjungan Kehamilan Berbasis Android
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-05-28) Qodir, Abdul; Apriyani, Meyti Eka
    The problem that cause the death of a baby is lack of information about pregnancy health and awareness of pregnant women to exercise control to the doctor or midwife. This application is designed to facilitate pregnant women to obtain information and to control the prenatal visit. This application can display patient's visits schedule and displays a patient's health information. Application also have menu to register the queue online, shows the number of patients queuing and queue runs. The application is developed using Java programming language with Eclipse emulator, Android OS, the PHP programming language and MySQL database and object- oriented programming concepts.