Studi Kasus Kebocoran Fuel di Area Fuel Drains Tank Ejector pada Mesin Pesawat Airbus A330-300 PK-GHC
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Salmahirah, Tsabita
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Kebocoran fuel pada mesin pesawat merupakan masalah serius yang mengancam keselamatan penerbangan dan berpotensi menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi perusahaan. Kebocoran fuel dapat terjadi karena berbagai faktor, seperti fastener yang sudah rusak atau kendur, internal sealant yang rusak, o-ring yang rusak, pemasangan komponen yang tidak benar, atau kegagalan sistem. Selain mengurangi efisiensi operasional dan meningkatkan biaya perawatan, kebocoran fuel juga dapat mengakibatkan risiko kebakaran atau ledakan yang dapat mengancam keselamatan penumpang dan awak pesawat. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kebocoran fuel berupa stain di area fuel drains tank ejector pada mesin pesawat Airbus A330-300 PK-GHC tepatnya di mesin sebelah kanan (engine 2). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab kebocoran fuel di area fuel drains tank ejector pada mesin pesawat Airbus A330-300 PK-GHC dan mengevaluasi langkah-langkah perbaikan yang efektif dan melakukan perawatan untuk mengembalikan kondisi pesawat dalam keadaan normal. Metode penelitian menggunakan dokumen manual pesawat dan observasi di lapangan untuk memahami secara komprehensif tentang kebocoran fuel yang terjadi. Setelah dilakukan visual check dan dibongkar ternyata ditemukan masalahnya di connector. Connectornya mengalami damage sehingga menurut AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Manual) 71-71-00-200-802-A- Inspection of Drain Tubes maka connector tersebut harus diganti. Setelah itu, dilakukan penggantian berdasarkan Troubleshooting Manual (TSM) task card nomor 71-71-42-000-804-A. Setelah diganti, dilakukan visual check kembali untuk memastikan bahwa kebocoran fuel sudah hilang atau tidak ada lagi.
Kata kunci: Kebocoran fuel, engine drains system
Fuel leakage in aircraft engines is a serious problem that threatens flight safety and has the potential to cause economic losses to the company. Fuel leaks can occur due to various factors, such as damaged or loose fasteners, damaged internal sealants, damaged o-rings, improper installation of components, or system failure. In addition to reducing operational efficiency and increasing maintenance costs, fuel leaks can also result in the risk of fire or explosion which can threaten the safety of passengers and crew. This research discusses fuel leakage in stain in the fuel drains tank ejector area on the Airbus A330-300 PK-GHC aircraft engine, precisely on the right engine (engine 2). This research aims to identify the cause of fuel leakage in the fuel drains tank ejector area on the Airbus A330-300 PK-GHC aircraft engine and evaluate effective repair steps and maintenance to restore the aircraft condition to normal. The research method used aircraft manual documents and field observations to comprehensively understand the fuel leakage that occurred. After a visual check and disassembly, it was found that the problem was found in the connector. The connector was damaged so according to AMM (Aircraft Maintenance Manual) 71-71-00-200-802-A- Inspection of Drain Tubes, the connector must be replaced. After that, a replacement was made based on the Troubleshooting Manual (TSM) task card number 71-71-42-000-804-A. After replacement, a visual check is performed again to ensure that the fuel leak is gone or no longer exists.
Keywords: Fuel leak, engine drains system
TECHNOLOGY::Engineering mechanics::Other engineering mechanics