Studi Kasus Lampu Take Off Tidak Menyala Pada Pesawat Airbus A320 PK-LAJ
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Harahap, Irfan Dwi Anugrah
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The Airbus 320 aircraft has a Take Off Light system that serves to illuminante the runway during the taxi
and take off phases, there are two light units that provide lighting The Lights are mounted on the Nose Landing
Gear. In the Multifunctional Runway Light (MFRL) the Taxi and Take off Light system is included. This
research aims to observe a Take Off Light system that plays an important role to help lighting when in the Taxi
and Take Off phases and find out the causes of problems in the Take Off Light system. This research uses a
descriptive approach that aims to provide an overview of the Take Off Light system, with a focus on identifying
potential problems that may occur in it. The data analysis, where data is presented in the form of narrative
descriptions without involving numbers or mathematical calculations. The data collection method consists of
several stages, namely direct observation of the Troubleshooting Replacement of the Lamp of the Take Off
Light process on the Airbus 320 aircraft, interviews with aircraft technicians and literature studies from
sources such as the Aircraft Training Manual and Aircraft Maintenance Manual which are used as standards.