Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Kegiatan dan Layanan Gereja Katolik Paroki Santo Petrus Batam Berbasis Web

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Siringo Ringo, Sindy Margaretta
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Santo Petrus Parish Catholic Church which was established in 1990 in Lubuk Baja District, Batam City, Riau Islands, is the first parish in Batam Island. However, the system of delivering information and managing important data in this parish is still done manually by delivering it directly during worship. This causes a limited reach because the information delivered is only obtained by parishioners who are present at the time of worship. Data management of parishioners, communities, and donations is also still manual, causing limitations in collecting donations and prayer requests, as well as obstacles for people who want to register as members or join the church community. To overcome this, an information system is needed that is able to manage announcements, parishioner data, community data, donation data, and prayer requests online. This system aims to assist parishioners in accessing information online, making donations, joining the community, and submitting prayer requests, as well as assisting church administrators in managing various important aspects that require parishioner involvement. the system was built using the laravel framework using the php programming language, as well as MySQL as a database.
HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::Technology and culture, TECHNOLOGY::Information technology