D3 Teknik Informatika

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    Sistem Informasi Dokumentasi Quotation Pada CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa Berbasis Website
    (2024-06-27) Sinaga, Yesi Novriany; Resda, Dodi Prima
    The Documentation Quotation Information System at CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa stands as a testament to successful design and implementation in the realm of web-based innovations. This sophisticated system is purpose-built to streamline the intricate processes involved in documenting quotation data, facilitating seamless email communication with clients, generating comprehensive reports, and monitoring the real-time status of ongoing projects. The development methodology employed in this endeavor is the Waterfall Method, ensuring meticulous planning with well-defined steps and systematic progress tracking. The web-based platform not only empowers the company with the ability to optimize and refine its operational processes but also serves as a robust tool for mitigating the risks associated with potential errors. The strategic implementation has, in turn, fostered a more productive and dynamic work environment. This newfound efficiency has yielded tangible results, positively influencing the overall productivity of the company and enhancing customer satisfaction. This case study serves as a compelling illustration of how information technology, embodied in the Documentation Quotation Information System, has orchestrated a transformative shift in the operational landscape of CV. Gabril Mitra Perkasa. Beyond mere functionality, the system emerges as a catalyst for significant and sustained benefits, strategically positioning the company to meet and exceed the evolving demands of a dynamic market. The successful integration of technology not only elevates the efficiency of day-to-day operations but also underscores the company's commitment to innovation and adaptability in the face of an ever-changing business landscape
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    Supply Chain Digitalization Strategy For Coconut Shell Charcoal To Reduce The Risk Of Loss In International Trade
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-03-25) Harahap, Nafisah Rahmadani; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia
    International business involves trade activities conducted between countries. To ensure the production of the best products, a company must have effective supply chain management. Digitalization is being widely adopted as a solution to address the challenges in international trade, keeping pace with technological advancements. This research aims to analyze the financial risks arising from the effectiveness of supply chain management in a company that produces coconut shell charcoal, utilizing digitalization. The research methodology includes a literature review, drawing data from various expert sources and readings. The findings of this research identify the challenges faced by coconut shell charcoal companies in their international supply chains and propose digitalization strategies to minimize financial risks. The results demonstrate that leveraging digital technology can enhance operational efficiency, reduce logistical barriers, and improve responsiveness to market demands. Implementing digitalization strategies offers significant benefits by enhancing overall company performance and customer satisfaction levels.
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    (2024-05-29) Hizam, Tirta Abdul; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia
    Dalam lingkungan bisnis yang kompetitif, manajemen sumber daya manusia menjadi sangat penting bagi keberhasilan suatu organisasi. Salah satu aspek yang memerlukan perhatian khusus adalah perencanaan tenaga kerja dan manajemen lembur. Dalam proyek ini, penulis mengembangkan aplikasi desktop yang bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi perencanaan tenaga kerja dan pengelolaan data lembur. Aplikasi ini menyediakan berbagai fitur, antara lain kemampuan untuk mendapatkan ringkasan jumlah pekerja per kelompok, mencatat jumlah pekerja setiap bagian, dan mencatat jam lembur setiap bagian. Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur penghitungan kebutuhan tenaga kerja ideal. Pendekatan pengembangan yang diadopsi adalah metode prototipe, yang dipilih untuk memastikan kemampuan beradaptasi dan tanggap aplikasi terhadap kebutuhan pengguna yang terus berkembang. Metode ini melibatkan pembuatan versi aplikasi yang berulang, memungkinkan adanya umpan balik dan penyempurnaan yang berkelanjutan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu perusahaan merencanakan tenaga kerjanya dengan lebih efektif, mengurangi biaya lembur yang tidak perlu, dan meningkatkan produktivitas pengelola data tenaga kerja. Kesimpulannya, aplikasi Manpower Planning dan Overtime Data Entry mempunyai potensi besar dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja organisasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia. Kata Kunci: Sumber Daya Manusia, Perencanaan Tenaga Kerja, Aplikasi Desktop
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    Pengembangan Aplikasi Clear To Build (CTB) Dengan Integrasi Real-time SAP Berbasis Web di PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam
    (2024-07-22) Ramadhan Putra Harahap, Nurakmal; Amalia Purnamasari, Dwi
    In this era of globalization, technological developments are very fast, especially in the field of information and communication systems in every company, organization, and even government, requiring the role of information technology in data management. The development of information technology has developed very rapidly and caused changes in the business environment to be unpredictable. One of the companies that adapt to information technology is PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam. Generally, manufacturing companies have a Supply Chain Management section using a process called Clear To Build. By implementing digitalization PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam developed a web application called SEMB-CTB (Clear To Build). The purpose of this application is to ensure that all products or goods are safe and meet all regulatory requirements before being mass produced. For the data retrieval process, SEMB-CTB applies SAP data integration in Real-Time by running jobs on SQL.
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    (2024-06-12) Mayalianti, Regina Athia; Sartikha
    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi saat ini, menjadikan hal ini berdampak signifikan terhadap kemudahan di sejumlah bidang, termasuk pendidikan, terutama dalam hal penyimpanan data akademik siswa. Rumah Sahabat Quran adalah Lembaga Pendidikan agama islam non-formal yang terletak di kota Batam. Dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan untuk kegiatan akademik di Lembaga ini maka penulis merancang sebuah sistem akademik berbasis web, sistem ini mencakup data pelajar, data pengajar, nilai, jadwal pembelajaran, data kelas serta dengan pembayaran dan pendaftaran pada Rumah Sahabat Quran. Dalam pengembangan sistem ini metodologi yang penulis gunakan adalah metode waterfall, sedangkan pengujiannya menggunakan BlackBox Testing, PHP adalah bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan, dan MySQL adalah database yang digunakan. Dari hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa Sistem Akademik Rumah Sahabat Quran berbasis Website telah berhasil di kembangkan. Pengembangan Sistem ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan kemudahan kepada penggunannya dalam akademik.
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    (2024-07-07) Firmansyah, Arief; Brajawidagda, Uuf
    Libraries are an effort to maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in a school. A library that is well organized and systematic, directly or indirectly, can provide convenience for the teaching and learning process in the school where the library is located. This is related to advances in technology, a system is needed in a library which is used to increase efficiency, effectiveness and informativeness when students borrow books from the library. The MTs Negeri 1 Batam Library needs a Library Website Information System that can make it easier for library admins to carry out their duties. An information system that has an effective, efficient and informative system as well as a high level of security for library data and makes the information system capable of being implemented well and according to needs.
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    Aplikasi Patrol System Berbasis Web Dengan Akses QR Code Menggunakan Android Pada PT Schneider Electric
    (2024-06-26) Utami, Indah Fauziyyah; Resda, Dodi Prima
    PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam adalah salah satu perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan industri 4.0, dengan begitu semua yang dilakukan secara manual akan diusahakan berubah menggunakan proses digitalisasi. Tetapi hingga saat ini masih banyak pencatatan data yang dilakukan secara manual. Contohnya pada satuan pengamanan (security) yang harus melaporkan hasil patroli mereka ke atasan melalui aplikasi Whatsapp. Maka dari itu, diusulkan pembangunan Aplikasi Patrol System Berbasis Web Dengan Akses QR Code Menggunakan Android Pada PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan para security yang akan melaporkan hasil patroli pada satu tempat secara langsung. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Prototype. Tahapan pengembangan sistem meliputi pengumpulan kebutuhan, membangun prototyping, mengevaluasi prototyping, mengkodekan sistem, menguji sistem, mengevaluasi sistem, dan penggunaan sistem. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu monitoring keamanan PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam sehingga menghasilkan pengelolaan data yang lebih efektif dan dapat merekap semua hasil laporan patroli secara real time.
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    Pengembangan Aplikasi Warehouse Mapping System
    (2024-05-08) Joediono, Agustinus; Sibagariang,Swono
    Gudang merupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam dunia industri karena menjadi pusat penyimpanan dan distribusi material. Perancangan dan pengembangan berbagai sistem dilakukan untuk membantu berjalannya alur kerja pergudangan, salah satunya ialah proses pemetaan material pada gudang. Projek Pengembangan Warehouse Mapping System diusung dengan harapan dapat memodernisasi proses pemetaan material pada gudang, dan projek ini dijalankan dengan menerapkan metode waterfall yang melibatkan langsung pengguna untuk mendapatkan gambaran lengkap tentang kebutuhan fungsional dan nonfungsional yang nantinya akan diterapkan pada sistem. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Javascript, dengan bantuan MySQL sebagai sistem manajamen database. Pengembangan yang dilakukan berhasil mengimplementasikan seluruh kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional yang direncanakan, dan dengan menjalankan pengujian black box, semua kebutuhan tersebut berfungsi dengan baik. Penerapan sistem ini memajukan proses kerja di Gudang dengan mengotomatisasi alur kerja dan membantu dalam memvalidasi data, sehingga mendukung pengguna dalam menjalankan alur kerja pemetaan gudang.
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    Perancangan Sistem Survei Kepuasan Tenant Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus: PT. BIIE)
    (2024-04-26) Hidayat, Agung Suaini; Arif, Hamdani
    PT BIIE (Bintan Inti Industrial Estate) is a company that handles industrial estates operating in Tlk. Lobam, District. Seri Kuala Lobam, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands. The tenant satisfaction survey is an action taken by the company that manages the industrial estate to find out how satisfied the tenants are with the services offered by the company. So far, the tenant satisfaction survey conducted by PT BIIE has used the manual method of surveying tenant satisfaction, namely by distributing questionnaire sheets to each tenant using paper sent by transportation to each tenant in the industrial estate, on the other hand, tenants also need to send questionnaire sheets back to their respective tenants. PT BIIE if you have filled out the survey. With the advancements seen in information technology and internet connectivity today, the idea of developing an online tenant satisfaction survey application is entirely feasible. In addition to cost reduction and minimizing paper waste, which negatively affects the environment, integrating a tenant satisfaction survey with the internet offers the convenience for customers to complete questionnaires from anywhere and at any time within a specified period. This study resulted in a web-based online tenant satisfaction survey application using the CodeIgniter 3 framework.
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    Rancang Bangun Platform Competitive Programming Sebagai Media Belajar Struktur Data dan Algoritma Berbasis Web
    (2024) Farizzi, Muhammad Al; Purnamasari, Dwi Amalia
    The design of a competitive programming platform as a medium for learning web-based data structures and algorithms is research carried out to build a platform that can be used to work on data structure and algorithm problems. This research was carried out using the waterfall method, the final result of this research is a web that can be used to work on questions which are expected to help improve fundamental understanding of data structures and algorithms which are the main foundation that is very important in making software. The conclusion of this research is the importance of understanding the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms in order to be able to create good software. This understanding can be improved by practicing a lot of questions so that we can use the right data structure based on the case at hand.