Browsing by Author "Prayoga, Senanjung"
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Item Algoritma Menghindari Lawan pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Tinambunan, Devi Gusnaensi; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungKRI is an Indonesia robot contest which consists of 4 main categories and one of them is the Indonesia Soccer Robot Contest (KRSBI). On the rules during the game of Wheeled KRSBI, the robots are strictly forbidden to hit or push the opponent robot. If that is the case then the robot will get a yellow card. The robots also are at risk of getting a red card then ejected from the field if the robot hits an opponent with a bang. To prevent this, the author has designed an algorithm to avoid and reduce the intensity of a robot doing a physical contact with opponents. The algorithm was formed from the combination of vision cameras and sensors ping. The camera will detect the opponent robot based on the color of its identity. Color identity must be filter for separating it from the background so it can be identified. The filter used is the color filter HSV plus filter erosion, dilation, and controls the blob. The opponent's robot detection is also facilitated with the use of a Parallax Ping sensor. Sensors ultrasonic wave shooting into the opponent's robot and then receive back the reflections so that known distance between them. After testing done against this system, robot Barelang 7.1 can detect opponent robots with good result. The robot can detect his opponent from a distance of 50 cm to 5.5 meters. Once detected, the robot would avoid his opponent while approximately ≤ 40 cm.Item Implementasi Perencanaan Jalur Menggunakan Algoritma Dijkstra pada Robot Roda Mecanum(2023-12-23) Prayoga, Senanjung; Ompu Sunggu, Elmaria; Prayoga, SenanjungDengan kemajuan teknologi, banyak pekerjaan manusia yang berisiko digantikan oleh robot. Robot harus dapat bermanuver secara mandiri tanpa kendali manusia. Penelitian ini mengembangkan robot yang mampu bergerak dari titik awal ke tujuan serta menghindari tabrakan menggunakan algoritma Dijkstra, yang efektif dalam mencari jalur terpendek. Algoritma ini diimplementasikan pada robot mecanum yang dilengkapi dengan mikrokontroler Arduino, mini PC, baterai, motor DC dengan encoder, driver motor, dan perangkat lunak terkait. Penelitian ini menguji lima peta dengan titik awal dan tujuan yang sama, namun dengan letak halangan yang berbeda. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa robot mecanum berhasil menemukan jalur dan menghindari halangan dengan baik. Dengan kecepatan maksimal rata-rata 2,6 m/s, robot dapat menempuh jarak 3,2 meter tanpa halangan dalam waktu 14,96 detik, serta jarak 4,2 meter dengan halangan dalam waktu 22,82 detik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi algoritma Dijkstra dalam perencanaan jalur dan navigasi robot, serta menggarisbawahi pentingnya penggunaan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang tepat untuk mencapai kinerja optimal. Hasil ini dapat menjadi dasar bagi pengembangan lebih lanjut dalam bidang robotika, khususnya dalam aplikasi robot otonom di lingkungan yang dinamis.Item Implementation Inverse Kinematics for Precise Control of a Mecanum Wheels Robot(2023-12-22) Prayoga, Senanjung; Simanjuntak, Yossy Imelda Nathasia; Prayoga, SenanjungPerkembangan teknologi robotika telah membuka peluang baru dalam implementasi sistem navigasi yang lebih kompleks dan fleksibel. Salah satu inovasi yang muncul adalah penggunaan Robot mobile dengan roda mekanum pada robot, yang memungkinkan pergerakan omni-directional tanpa mengubah orientasi robot. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan Inverse Kinematics (IK) untuk mencapai kontrol posisi yang presisi pada robot beroda mekanum. Metode IK diterapkan untuk menghitung nilai kecepatan linier (Vy) dan kecepatan lateral (Vx) dari roda mekanum, sehingga robot dapat mencapai posisi yang diinginkan dengan akurasi yang tinggi. Pengujian juga dilakukan dengan menerapkan kontroler PID Posisi pada robot untuk mengikuti lintasan yang telah ditentukan. Pengujian PID pada robot seluler menggunakan metode trial and Error. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akurasi pergerakan robot dalam lingkungan yang terstruktur, dengan mengikuti serangkaian Waypoint yang telah ditentukan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan PID dengan parameter Kp= 0.25, Ki= 0.01, Kd= 0.1 menghasilkan peforma yang paling stabil dan halus, dengan rata-rata Error posisi 0.1% pada sumbu x dan y = 0.02%, serta Error orientasi (Theta) sebesar 0.003 %. percobaan lainnya memperlihatkan peningkatan Error dan overshoot ketika tuning parameter PID tidak optimal. Penggabungan antara IK dan Kendali PID pada robot selular ini terbukti efektif dalam mengontrol pergerakan robot saat mengikuti lintasan.Item Kompor Pintar Pencegah Kelalaian(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-29) Arieska, Muhammad Rizki; Prayoga, SenanjungThe fire caused gas cylinders became the hit of the scary things in the community. To cope with this has been a lot of tools created to reduce or prevent fire caused the hit of the gas tube. One of them is modify knob regulator with a sensor or other electronic component mounting on a gas stove. at present it has many tools that were created automatically turn off the gas burner or shut the gas cylinder regulator knob. Has a lot of tools created to close gas cylinders or turn off the gas stove now. But on a system that has been created there are still some deficiencies that cause is still the onset of negligence not only caused the leakage of gas cylinders but neglect the user who left the gas stove in a State is on. To address the shortage, then a single tool for reducing omissions by using Ultrasonic sensors to detect the presence of users who are on the front burner so that when the left burner can be turned off automatically combined with the regulator knob on the couple using servo motor and added SIM900 as an early warning. The results of the experiment showed negligence can be inevitable by using this tool so that it can resolve the problems that occur.Item Modul Praktikum GLB dan GLBB Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Sirait, Irwanto; Prayoga, Senanjung; Arifin, MuhammadAutomation technology is technologies where everyone can do something without having to act directly. With the convenience offered, the human need for automation will always increase. One example is sience practical module there GLB (uniform linear motion) and GLBB (accelerated linear motion) based labview, Operation practical module GLB and GLBB manually is not optimal on operation. Practical module GLB and GLBB based labview is deemed able to solve these problems. Simply by pressing the push button on the panel, then we can operate the module after that read grafic with labview application.Item Monitoring Kecepatan Angin Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-13) Suwardi; Prayoga, SenanjungInstrument measuring wind speed by using a web-based WiFi service. This instrument can measure physical quantities such as wind speed that works automatically and transmit measurement data via WiFi service. This instrument consists of a Anemometer wind catcher that is connected to the microcontroller Wemos and WiFi. Anemometer order to function so with this we used the fan as a source of wind, when the wind speed, the anemometer detects directly transmit data to the microcontroller Wemos, then the data will be processed by the microcontroller Wemos and sent via WiFi to be displayed in ThingspeakItem Perancangan Strategi Bermain pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Rivina, Amelia; Prayoga, Senanjung; Rudiawan Jamzuri, EkoIn a soccer game other than a soccer robot capable of herding and kicking the ball, there must be coordination with other robots in order to play well and get the highest score. So robot must be equipped with a communication system that allows the robot to run its play strategy. The problem that arises is the possibility of a collision between two striker robot when heading to the ball. So in this research developed communication system between two striker robot with communication of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) through WLAN network to run play strategy. In running the strategy of playing there is a jury computer to set the game that is Referee Box while the computer that acts as a coach of each team that is Basestation. Test results show 90% of both robots can run a strategy that has been prepared play using TCP communications, while the length of transmission time to send and receive data in communicate of 0.254727 ms.Item Positioning Dan Manuver Robot Krsbi Beroba 7.1 Berbasis Arm(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Vidra Pratama, Khasia; Prayoga, SenanjungItem Positioning Dan Manuver Robot Krsbi Beroda 7.1 Berbasis Arm(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Pratama, Khasia Vidra; Prayoga, Senanjung; Pratama, RizkyRobot soccer competition is needed the right and good movement in positioning, for running the strategy like what planning already made. Because of that in omnidirectional wheel robot which already installed rotary encoder that used invers kinematics for moving to direction which has been ordered. But it’s have lack if just using invers kinematics because wrong movement is happened so in this case is needed forward kinematics as feedback for increase the accurate positioning of robot. In this study PID system controller will be used for decrease the error value from target position faced to real robot position. And for increase the speed of processing data then used STM32F407 ARM Cortex-M4, which have clock CPU until 168 Mhz. The desire result from this study is increasing the accurate for the target position of robot using PID controller and speed up the processing of data using microcontroller that had high capacity then all changed position of robot will be described in visual formItem Rancang Bangun Pengering Pakaian Otomatis Berbasis Solar Thermal Collector(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-12) Muhammad El-Sulthany, Raffael; Prayoga, SenanjungThe process of clothes drying usually becomes problem when it comes to space limitations and when the wheather does not reliable. Accordingly there will be done a research to find the alternative solution in clothes drying methods by using Solar Thermal Collector which can accumulate solar heat. The proper application for Solar Thermal Collector is the main purpose of this research, where the solar heat which concentrated by the collector will be used in the drying sistem, that occured in the drying area, so any hindrance such as rainfall and space limits does not affect the process. The heat will be transfered into the drying area using air compressor and integrated with DHT11 sensor and controlled by microcontroller Arduino Uno R3 that give full controls to the system. The humidity value 65% declared as the sistem activation measurement as the humidity value of the sensor detects a value more than 65%, the sensor will activated the sistem. After obtaining data from several objects, it can be concluded that the drying process isn’t always work as we’re expected, and didn’t fully work on some objects which had unique textures such as jeans and wool.Item Simulasi Saklar Transfer Otomatis Menggunakan Arduino Dan Pengiriman Pesan Otomatis(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-08-21) Azarya Dongoran, Septian; Prayoga, SenanjungThe main power supply is PLN (State Power Plant) is not always continuous in distribution, a time must occur blackout that may be caused by interference on the transmission system or distribution system. To anticipate the outage, in this final project I will make ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) by using arduino program the data communications system receives and sends the commands to the circuit for moving the electrical home from PLN to the generator generator and vice versa, and then before the switching , GSM sim800l will send short message information via SMS smartphone the user, with in obtaining this automatic message then we can know information about genset in this simulation tool presented in genset instead of indicator light.Item Sistem Deteksi Gawang Pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Riandi, Imam Agus; Sugandi, Budi; Prayoga, SenanjungA soccer robot must be able to drive and kick the ball towards the goal in a soccer game. A soccer robot must be equipped with a goal detection system using camera as the main sensor. The majority problem is intensity of light can affect successful introduction of white goal, where the level of light intensity can cause brightness of a color different so it is difficult to detect a color. In this research developed a detection system by using a combination of contour detection and color filtering. The results show success rate of 85.18%, where the system can detect goal in range of distance from 1.5 m to 9 m. System testing is performed on three different positions: left, center, and right. The system created has an average process speed of 27.47 fps (frames per second) which indicates that the value is categorized as normal for an image processing system.Item Sistem Monitoring Anak saat Berkendara Sepeda Motor untuk Orang Tua dengan SMS(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Saragih, Dhany Marthin; Prayoga, SenanjungTo prevent the violations committed teenagers in driving motorcycle, then it can be done with a system of monitoring of motorcycle speed and accident information system through by SMS. The purpose of this research is the parents can monitor their child while driving motorcycle. To detect the speed, system using inductive proximity sensor. If the speed exceeds a certain limit, then system will give a warning and the system will send SMS warning to parents. Whereas to know an accident happen to the child, the system will detect the tilt on motorbike with ADXL345 accelerometer sensor, the slope in question is the slope when the motorcycle fell away. Then the system will read the coordinates of the accident location via GPS. The GPS data then parsed into a link. So if an accident happen on the child, the parents can find out the location quickly by pressing the link. The experiment results indicate when motorbike fall to left or to right direction, system will be detect that condition as an accident. Whereas the SMS alert will be sent only if the speed was more than 65 Km/h for more than 3 seconds.Item Sistem Pemetaan 2d Menggunakan Lidar(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Budianto, Asti; Prayoga, Senanjung; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiIn order to assist the work of people in the system mapping in a room that has a high danger level, it takes a robot that can change the map making process. Proficiency level so that the robot should have a good 2D mapping system, in order to describe the shape of the map is correct. Areas with a box-shaped with a size of 2.44 m x 1.6 m with a maze in which selected as an area of research. A common problem that arises is how the lidar sensor can measure the perimeter of the room and form a map of the room measured image. In this research will develop indoor mapping system using Lidar sensor capable of measuring the distance measuring room with a maximum length of 6 m and rotates 360 °. In this study, there is a mobile robot that serves to bring the lidar sensor navigation that has to search for a room, so the room mapping system in this study were able to describe a map of the room overall. For the input obtained from the map making process lidar sensor in the form of distance and angle values. Results of this research is expected to produce 2 dimensional mapping system directly in computer with the actual size of the object map.Item Sistem Penggiring Dan Penendang Bola Secara Otomatis Pada Robot Barelang 7.1(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06) Su Jabbar, Ghylang; Prayoga, Senanjung; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiOn Wheeled Soccer Robot Contest Indonesia 2017 there are three robots that each has its functions, one of which is a robot who is in charge of being the scorer to the opponent's goal. In order to score a goal to the opponent's goal, robots should be equipped with the dribble and kicker system. On the determination of the direction of the opponent’s goal, the author makes the compass as a benchmark. For the dribble and kicker system, in this study the author apply the mechanical system. For the kicker system, the author apply the lever method to determine the position and distance needed to test the strength of the kicker. To detect the opponent's goal, the author uses the compass sensor CMPS 11 Tilt Compensated Magnetic Compass, by determining the direction that was used as a benchmark, the robot can know the opponent's goal.Item Tendangan Ke Gawang Berdasarkan Kemiringan Lintasan Bola Pada Robot Barelang Fc (Goal Kick From Moving Ball Task)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-20) Ferdeansyah, Akhbar; Prayoga, SenanjungRobot soccer is a humanoid robot that can dribble and kicking the ball towards the goal. In this case the robot used is a robot Barelang FC who follow RoboCup humanoid league. At the RoboCup humanoid league competitions are technical challenges, one of them is goal kick from moving ball. In this section, the robot should kick the ball moving from side of the field and the ball will be rolled from the top of the sloping track of different heights. Needed a software system that can make decisions and respond well to the ball. The approach used is to determine the coordinates of the ball movement parameter calculation. And then put into a software robot so that the robot can take the right decision on the movement of the ball that has been calculated by the robot. Where the height of the ball that will be rolled over the sloping trajectory altered to test the accuracy of the robot to move the ball. The test results show that the robot can execute the ball rolled from a well-tilted track of all experiments with three different experimental systems ie the execution system based on the ball time to the robot, ball execution system based on the GLBB equation, and the ball execution system by utilizing the robot head changes with 100% success percentage.