D-4 Teknik Multimedia & Jaringan

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    Implementasi Bandwidth Management pada Wifi Cafe
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-27) Akbar, Ali; Kushardianto, Nur Cahyono; Roziqin, Arif
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    Desain Logo dan Corporate Identity Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Embung Fatimah Kota Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Fachroza, Ireza; Apriyani, Meyti Eka; Prasetiya, Happy Yugo
    This hospital is one of Regional public hospital that managed by Batam Government. Embung Fatimah Regional Public Hospital was built in location area around 38,000 m2 and building area around 11,392 m2. The area location of hospital is very adequate to develop the hospital and to improving service in the hospital. Along the hospital has many various service to patient and it has many specialist doctor, So the Minister of Health of Republic Indonesia decide to change hospital class of Embung Fatimah Regional Public Hospital to be Class B from C. This decision stamped on the Minister of Health of Republic Indonesia decision No : Hk.02.03/I/0154/2013 at 21 January 2013. However this Hospital is not has yet some characteristic to describe its identity. Whereas, this Hospital has some excellence, such as its service. Need a Logo and corporate identity to Introducing and describing the identity of Embung Fatimah General Public Hospital. So, people will be easy to know the identity of this Hospital using visual view.
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    Analisis Filtering Noise Menggunakan Metode Statistik Mean, Median pada Objek Citra Malam Hari
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Rahmad, Rahmad; Kirana, Mira Chandra
    Image filtering is one part of image quality improvement, by smoothing and eliminating noise on the image, both linearly and non-linearly. The mean filter is one linear filtering that works by replacing the pixel value intensity with the average of the pixel value with its neighboring pixel values. While the median filter is one of the non-linear filtering that sort the intensity value of a pixel group, then replace the pixel value that is processed with its median value. This study studied noise reduction techniques using the mean and median filter method, to reduce the noise subsequently conducted in a trial of multiple color images with 30 previously selected image seals, Test image is given the noise of Salt & Pepper shaped like black spots and White on the image to reduce the noise is required method of noise filtering using median and mean filter. Then analyzed the performance qualitatively by comparing the image output filter, image bernoise and original image by naked eye. Quantitatively measured through PSNR, SNR and MSE values. Testing more in depth on the performance of this filter by finding the value of the difference between each value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and get good results. The difference is in the value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and the difference that has been obtained through filtering noise. It is concluded that good noise filtering using median filter method mean method is not good to be used in testing noise filtering on image.
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    Analisis Akurasi Pergerakan Wajah dengan Penerapan Region of Interest
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Adriyanto, Handry Elsharry; Dzikri, Afdhol
    The accuracy of facial movement in the facetracking application has the result of rotation 3D objects that different according to the distance between the face with the camera, which in this paper will be tested starting from face detection with the parameters of light intensity level, the distance of the camera with face and part on the face like eye, nose and mouth. Then test the face movement every 10cm will be do face movement starting from 30cm to 110cm. Face movement testing is done with the frontal face of the camera detected then the face will be moved to the left, right, up and down the results of the face movement will also be seen on the rotation value of 3D objects in the facetracking application where the value of the rotation of each distance of movement Different. In addition, every movement of the face to the left, right, up and down will also be measured how much distance can be obtained so that the face cannot be detected by the camera. From the analysis and testing done will get the result of the ideal distance to perform the facial movement that has a good movement accuracy.
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    Analisis Perbandingan High Poly dan Low Poly pada Tahap Render Menggunakan Mental Ray pada Film Animasi 3D “Jati Diri Si Kacang”
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-14) Charliansyah, Candra; riwinoto, riwinoto
    Along with the development of technology demands of companies to movie in 3D animation is very high. Where required to produce 3D animated movie, fast and produces very good quality. It required a high understanding of the concept in the stage production. A comparative analysis of high poly and low poly phase using the mental ray rendering the animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang can be used as a reference for comparison to the production of 3D animated movie. As this comparison using a sample of 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, which are modeling consists of two categories: modeling high poly and low poly. Testing is done by taking a few scenes from the 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, where one scene more or less consists of five shot and one shot less than fifty frames. The test results will be using mental ray to render it so get a result that is used for the final comparison.
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    Analisis Pengaruh Warna Terhadap Aperture, Iso dan Shutter Speed (Exposure Triangle) Kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-07) Pratama, Andri Albertha; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetya, Happy Yugo
    Exposure sebuah foto akan menentukan seberapa terang atau gelap gambar akan mucul ketika gambar ditangkap oleh kamera. Ketika mengambil foto maka yang dilakukan kamera adalah menyesuaikan seberapa banyak cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa kamera DSLR tersebut. Untuk mengatur banyaknya cahaya yang masuk tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan tiga pengaturan yang terdapat pada kamera DSLR yaitu : aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Hal ini akan berbeda pada saat pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan pengaturan otomatis (mode auto), karena kamera akan mengukur cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa dan sekaligus menghitung nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed untuk menentukan nilai exposure yang menurutnya paling baik. Warna yang berbeda pada dasarnya memiliki respon yang berbeda pula terhadap cahaya. Kebanyakan permukaan benda yang berwarna akan menyerap sebagian sinar yang jatuh diatasnya dan akan memantulkan sinar yang warnanya sama dengan warna permukaan benda itu. Nilai exposure pada pengaturan otomatis tidak hanya ditentukan oleh nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed saja. Selain nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed, nilai exposure juga dipengaruhi oleh respon objek terhadap cahaya, jarak kamera dengan benda. Penggunaan filter tertentu pada lensa kamera serta jenis dan intensitas sumber cahaya pada saat proses pengambilan gambar. Sehingga tidak jarang hasil gambar yang ditangkap oleh kamera dengan menggunakan mode auto menghasilkan gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ekperimen. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan bantuan observer sebanyak 10 warna dasar, warna-warna yang mewakili komposisi RGB dan CMYK yang merata. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Anava Ganda menggunakan program SPSS 22 dengan taraf signifikan 5% (P < 0.05). Hasil penelitian diperoleh data meliputi pengaruh warna terhadap nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Pada objek warna yang mepunyai nilai shutter speed dan aperture tertinggi adalah warna putih. Komposisi warna Red, Green dan Blue memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap Shutter Speed. Sementara itu ditemukan bahwa Red, Green dan Blue berpengaruh sangat kecil terhadap aperture dan ISO bernilai konstan (tidak berpengaruh).
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    Pengujian Quality of Service (QOS) Renderfarm-Server Storage di PT Kinema Systrans Multimedia
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-05) Prayogi, Evander Maruahal; Arjo, Tri Ramadani
    This test aims to determine Quality of Service Renderfarm-Server Storage in PT. Kinema Systrans Multimedia through some QOS parameters are obtained. The tests will be performed 5 times, during the rendering process begins until the rendering process finish or success by the number of frames is one in every test. The rendering process in renderfarm influenced by many aspects, one of them is network. QOS parameters tested are: throughput, delay and packet loss. The research method is quantitative research methods. The test will using Wireshark application, version 2.1. Based on the tests performed, the results can be known how much the throughput parameter. For delay and packet loss parameters on the renderfarm and server storage network are in very good category.
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    Implementasi Game Jurit Malam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-01) Raharjo, Agung; riwinoto, riwinoto
    Liveliness of the Scout Movement has been diminishing due to the increasingly advanced technology in the form of gadgets and games. Knowing this, the authors apply a digital game media are named Jurit Malam. Games designed to restore scout spirit. Authors apply Jurit Malam game using the Unity 3D app version 4.5.4 as the game engine and Autodesk Maya 2014 as application modeling of objects created. Jurit Malam can be played by a student night with a road game certainly touching objects that are associated with the scouts to take a point. But when taking the wrong object, the point that has didapatsebelumnya will be reduced. This game has 5 scenes, objects related to scout and enemies that will block the adventures of the main character. Based on the testing of the respondents games Jurit Malam was worth playing, and based on functional testing Jurit Malam games are part of the comparison to the percentage of the level of difficulty, And theoretically a great game that should not be too easy and should not be too difficult. if in totalkan this game has 63% of the response of the players who declared "difficult" and "fairly easy" from the total percentage can be concluded Jurit Malam was a great game and can be played, but still requires the development and improvement of the game that is on the game instructions and game objects contained in Jurit Malam.
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    Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Uang Menggunakan Model Tutorial
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-24) Almurizal, Nurhidayat; Sitorus, Maya Armys Roma; Alfian, Alfian
    Based on the curriculum of 2006, there is money introduction subjects on social studies lesson for 3rd grade primary school. Money introduction subjects in schools are still using conventional learning such as books, blackboards, and lectures. In this research the delivery of learning medium was delivered using interactive multimedia with tutorial model. Interactive multimedia as money introduction learning medium using tutorial model is a learning application created using Adobe Flash software. This interactive multimedia application created using Luther Sutopo multimedia development methodology. This Interactive multimedia applications is used as a learning medium for 3rd grade primary school students which is equipped with introduction of money material in the form of texts, images, and animations that accompanied by a character. The testing of this interactive multimedia research consists of application feasibility testing and significance testing. Paired Sample T-Test is used for significance testing to see the results of comparison between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of application feasibility testing to 3rd grade primary school students, which is based on several aspects obtained that interactive multimedia as a learning medium introduction of money using tutorial models have an attractive appearance. While the results of significance testing on an experimental class that the use of interactive multimedia as money introduction learning medium can improve learning outcomes for money introduction subjects for 3rd grade primary school students.