D-4 Teknik Multimedia & Jaringan
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/123456789/74
Item Game edukasi 3D Mengumpulkan Sampah di Labirin Berbasis Desktop dengan Implementasi Fuzzy Logic(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-05-25) Ali, Muhammad; riwinoto, riwinotoThe game is a good learning tools to introduce someone to something. In the present game is much a demand by the public, in addition to the media could be used for learning, simulations of daily activities, as well as an educational tool. One of the games that are educational games developed is worthy of the trash. Therefore the author develops Educational Games Collecting Garbage in the maze. In this game the player will play in the maze, the player is required to collect waste as much as possible in the shortest time-there are 2 types of garbage to be found that an organic and organic waste. Player also have to always remember the way that never took place and find a way out of the maze. This educational game also uses artificial intelligence techniques in the form of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Logic is a method of decision making by using rules that are unclear or floating. Implementation of fuzzy logic plus in this game makes the game more interesting, so player will compete to get the best results, while leaving no task as collecting garbage. Fuzzy logic is implemented in this game there are three stages, namely fuzzifikasi, Penalaran, and defuzzifikasi. There are also 2 variable input in the assessment of the value of the end of the game the score and time. From the second variable is a rule implemented in 9 rule scores and end the game. Fuzzy logic is applied in the sugeno method of this game on the calculation of defuzzifikasi. The results of testing this game player on the predictions produce a 78.5 degree of accuracy.Item Desain Logo dan Corporate Identity Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Embung Fatimah Kota Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Fachroza, Ireza; Apriyani, Meyti Eka; Prasetiya, Happy YugoThis hospital is one of Regional public hospital that managed by Batam Government. Embung Fatimah Regional Public Hospital was built in location area around 38,000 m2 and building area around 11,392 m2. The area location of hospital is very adequate to develop the hospital and to improving service in the hospital. Along the hospital has many various service to patient and it has many specialist doctor, So the Minister of Health of Republic Indonesia decide to change hospital class of Embung Fatimah Regional Public Hospital to be Class B from C. This decision stamped on the Minister of Health of Republic Indonesia decision No : Hk.02.03/I/0154/2013 at 21 January 2013. However this Hospital is not has yet some characteristic to describe its identity. Whereas, this Hospital has some excellence, such as its service. Need a Logo and corporate identity to Introducing and describing the identity of Embung Fatimah General Public Hospital. So, people will be easy to know the identity of this Hospital using visual view.Item Perancangan Video Animasi 3D Smarthphone "MyPhone 4X" Sebagai Media Promosi(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Putra, Dian Pratama; Wibowo, Ari; Zega, Selly ArtatyMobile technology is now growing rapidly so that when the previously can only call and answer it, now has developed into a smartphone that can be connected directly to the internet so it can perform various activities. The development of multimedia-based information technology are now evolving with the times, if previously we obtain the information only in the form of text now available many kinds of media that can give us the information needed, such as graphics, animation, audio, and video. Supported the development of these technologies, we need a media advertising to introduce the goods and services produced. Good advertisement should be direct and to persuade people to buy. The design of 3-dimensional animated advertisement aimed to introduce products MyPhone 4X Series, as well as showing the advantages and features offered on these products. The use of three-dimensional animation as a technique of making these ads because of easier and cheaper when compared to making the product prototypes. Advertising produced will be uploaded on the video sharing site service provider, that is youtube and expected results can attract the attention of viewers who have seen it.Item Perancangan Video Animasi 3D Sebagai Promosi Barang Produksi Smart Televisi (Synergy Smart Tv)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Malik, M. Mulyo; Wibowo, Ari; Zega, Selly ArtatyTelevision is one of the well-known telecommunications medium that serves to receive moving images along with sound , either black and white or color images . Television also has become a daily necessity that is used as a medium of entertainment among the lower class to the upper class . The development of technology makes the spread of television in the world very rapidly and make a television production increased . One is the latest technology smart TV , with many television manufacturers producing smart TV , then there is competition or competition smart TV sales. One of these manufacturers are producing Synergy Synergy Smart TVs , require a media campaign to show the technology and features of the products , one of which is to create a media campaign themed advertising with 3D animation techniques . It is hoped that this can present a feature ads in the form of 3D animation technology that can attract the attention of the audience .Item Teknik Blocking Camera dalam Pembuatan Acara Talk Show “Camp_Us”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Azizi, Asyraf; Apriyani, Meyti EkaIn this thesis, will be made a talk show program on the hot topics of the surrounding students, faculty, campus management and other related around campus. This event was created to meet a need to improve information for students on campus. In order to provide an understanding for the concept of Camp_Us student is presented in the form of delay or edit events, talk show aims to attract the attention of students. Because if this show does not attract the attention of students, of course this will make students reluctant to watch this show. In the production process of a talk show, a director requires a cameraman who is responsible for all technical aspects of recording images. Cameraman has a very important role in the smooth running and success of a program. A cameraman must ensure that there are no errors did when he took the picture. He must ensure that he took a sharp image (focus), the composition of the image (framing) the right, setting the sound level or the appropriate level, color image corresponding to the original color (natural) and he had to get a picture (photo) is best. Talkshow program is expected to be a benchmark for the development of broadcasting in the campus, especially for multimedia learning, which can better understand the role of a cameraman.Item Perancangan Video Animasi 3D Smartphone "Synergy Galaxy One" Sebagai Media Promosi(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015) Setiawan, Bambang; Wibowo, Ari; Zega, Selly ArtatyThe need for a smartphone with advance technology seemed to be the principal thing. The number of smartphone that circulated among the general public with variety of feature, but is not accompanied by low prices. This condition makes the smartphone SYNERGY Galaxy One comes with sophiscation and features that facilitate general public use of this smartphone. This smartphone requires that advertisment can package convenience features that smartphone have. From this description, it can be made advertisment campaign, which will advertisment will be packaged in the form 3D animation combined with the editing process involving certain effect. From this advertising is expectated to further facilitate the public in choosing a smartphone that suits its needs.Item Analisis Pengaruh Warna Terhadap Aperture, Iso dan Shutter Speed (Exposure Triangle) Kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-07) Pratama, Andri Albertha; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetya, Happy YugoExposure sebuah foto akan menentukan seberapa terang atau gelap gambar akan mucul ketika gambar ditangkap oleh kamera. Ketika mengambil foto maka yang dilakukan kamera adalah menyesuaikan seberapa banyak cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa kamera DSLR tersebut. Untuk mengatur banyaknya cahaya yang masuk tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan tiga pengaturan yang terdapat pada kamera DSLR yaitu : aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Hal ini akan berbeda pada saat pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan pengaturan otomatis (mode auto), karena kamera akan mengukur cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa dan sekaligus menghitung nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed untuk menentukan nilai exposure yang menurutnya paling baik. Warna yang berbeda pada dasarnya memiliki respon yang berbeda pula terhadap cahaya. Kebanyakan permukaan benda yang berwarna akan menyerap sebagian sinar yang jatuh diatasnya dan akan memantulkan sinar yang warnanya sama dengan warna permukaan benda itu. Nilai exposure pada pengaturan otomatis tidak hanya ditentukan oleh nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed saja. Selain nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed, nilai exposure juga dipengaruhi oleh respon objek terhadap cahaya, jarak kamera dengan benda. Penggunaan filter tertentu pada lensa kamera serta jenis dan intensitas sumber cahaya pada saat proses pengambilan gambar. Sehingga tidak jarang hasil gambar yang ditangkap oleh kamera dengan menggunakan mode auto menghasilkan gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ekperimen. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan bantuan observer sebanyak 10 warna dasar, warna-warna yang mewakili komposisi RGB dan CMYK yang merata. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Anava Ganda menggunakan program SPSS 22 dengan taraf signifikan 5% (P < 0.05). Hasil penelitian diperoleh data meliputi pengaruh warna terhadap nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Pada objek warna yang mepunyai nilai shutter speed dan aperture tertinggi adalah warna putih. Komposisi warna Red, Green dan Blue memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap Shutter Speed. Sementara itu ditemukan bahwa Red, Green dan Blue berpengaruh sangat kecil terhadap aperture dan ISO bernilai konstan (tidak berpengaruh).Item Augmented Reality Visualisasi Lingkungan Kampus Politeknik Negeri Batam Menggunakan Metode Single Marker(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-10) Edward, Jhon; Apriyani, Meyti EkaItem Implementasi Game Jurit Malam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-01) Raharjo, Agung; riwinoto, riwinotoLiveliness of the Scout Movement has been diminishing due to the increasingly advanced technology in the form of gadgets and games. Knowing this, the authors apply a digital game media are named Jurit Malam. Games designed to restore scout spirit. Authors apply Jurit Malam game using the Unity 3D app version 4.5.4 as the game engine and Autodesk Maya 2014 as application modeling of objects created. Jurit Malam can be played by a student night with a road game certainly touching objects that are associated with the scouts to take a point. But when taking the wrong object, the point that has didapatsebelumnya will be reduced. This game has 5 scenes, objects related to scout and enemies that will block the adventures of the main character. Based on the testing of the respondents games Jurit Malam was worth playing, and based on functional testing Jurit Malam games are part of the comparison to the percentage of the level of difficulty, And theoretically a great game that should not be too easy and should not be too difficult. if in totalkan this game has 63% of the response of the players who declared "difficult" and "fairly easy" from the total percentage can be concluded Jurit Malam was a great game and can be played, but still requires the development and improvement of the game that is on the game instructions and game objects contained in Jurit Malam.Item Iklan Google Glass Pada Aspek Gps Dan Telepon Dalam Bentuk Animasi 3D(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-10) Abrahamsz, Yunita Sari; riwinoto, riwinotoItem Perancangan dan pembuatan Game Pertualangan “The Water"(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-10) Girindrabrahma, Girindrabrahma; riwinoto, riwinotoGame Adventure / adventure is a type of game that has a lot of action with battle models. This adventure game has its own interest, which is usually used to provide excitement in playing the game because the main character can do a lot of action / action and has a plot / storyline from the beginning of the game until the game. Gameplay running, jumping, swinging, climbing stairs, and so are the types of games Adventure Platformer. Examples of this genre include Donkey Kong, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, and Rayman are much favored by all people, both children, adolescents, and adults. Because the game is now not only as a media entertainer, but in the game we can also provide information, messages, which the play we can take that message is packaged in a story on the game. The author makes an adventure game "The Water" as well as the form of a 2D game development in unity 3d application also provides a story about the adventures of a young man named Ebba, who traveled around the middle of the drought-struck look for the source of life. Users will be able to take on the meaning of the story contained in the game during play. Meaning that can take the form of visualization we view what if we have a barren earth to drought everywhere, so that we are aware that inportant greening that must be preserved. Based on the results of functional testing game The Water has been able to function well, and based on the results of the respondents from the four aspects, namely control of the computer, the software aspect, the aspect of the level of difficulty, and visual aspects, respondents give good results of each aspect of the testing The Water game so the game is worth playing.Item Film Pendek Animasi 3D “Starting From A Sincerity” dengan Penerapan Teknik Blocking Camera (Pada Puncak Masalah dan Solusi)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-10) Anggraini, Aprilitia; riwinoto, riwinoto; Zega, Selly ArtatyAnimated films are widely viewed as entertainment children and adults. But actually animated films not only for entertainment, but there is a positive side that can be taken, unfortunately a lot of people liked the animated film comedy. The authors make a 3D animated film "Starting From a Sincerity" aims to provide a positive element to the film community with the film that has elements of character, so that they can emulate and imitate the content of the message of movies they watch. And the 3D animated film indispensable Camera Blocking good for the audience to more easily understand the story of the film. The authors developed a film based on the stages of pre-production, production and post-production. The document that is produced is the synopsis and storyboard. This film production produced 5 scenes 58 shots with a duration time of 4 minutes 56 seconds. In making the film uses three camera technique, namely Field of view, angle shots and camera movements. From the results of a survey of two types of respondents, special respondents and respondents generally, that the film is of particular respondent side has successfully implemented a blocking technique a good camera, but the delivery of the message is still unsatisfactory and in general respondents already successfully implemented a good moral message, visual form and audio but still expressed in terms of duration less short by linkert scale.Item Implementasi Game Petualangan Labirin Rahasia Menggunakan Unity 3D(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-04-16) Farhati, Fitri; riwinoto, riwinotoCurrently, the development of technology is very influential on the development of the game, not least in Indonesia. Games become an alternative to the means of entertainment for the elderly, the young, and children - children. Adventure game became one of the favorite types of games. Chosen for the current adventure games adventure games into entertainment media to eliminate boredom after a day of activities. Authors apply Secret Labyrinth Adventure Game Unity 3D application uses version 4.3.4 as the game engine and Autodesk Maya 2014 as a modeling application on the object - the object created. Secret Labyrinth Adventure Game can be played by all ages (minimum 10 years. This Secret Labyrinth Adventure Game players must find a way out to get to the finish point, but in the game there are 3 Secret Labyrinth Adventure Game that will be randomized each time the game. At each - each maze There are obstacles that will reduce blood players and there are treasures, if players take the treasure then the player will get a score. Based on functional testing all functions of the game has been well executed, while based on the testing of the respondents of this game from the visual aspect and level of ease this game already acceptable to be played.Item Pembuatan Film Pendek Berjudul Eyes for Eyes dengan Menerapkan Efek Visual Film Action pada Bagian Pengenalan Cerita(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-06-26) Setiono, M. Agus; riwinoto, riwinoto; Prasetiya, Happy YugoItem Implementasi Efek Chroma Key Pada Blue Screen Untuk Pembuatan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat “Jauhi Narkoba”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-08-08) Hamzah, Ujang Amir; Apriyani, Meyti EkaItem Implementasi Color Mood pada Video Klip PYGMY Marmoset Berjudul Cerita Senja dengan Metode Perancangan Villamil Molina(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-01-17) Clara Manurung, Ruth; Alfian, AlfianThe development of Technology made the creative industry created more innovations. As in Cinematography where coloring a video and film has become a trend to support the story or the screenplay. In this study, will be create a video clip with Cerita Senja song by Pygmy Marmoset and implementation the color mood. Designing the video clip using a Villamil Molina method. This method consists of Development there is make a story. Then Preproduction there are make a storyboard, made a list of stuff for shooting schedule of shooting, permission for using the song. Next step is Production where it is to start shooting. In step Postproduction, there is editing step and implementation the color mood. The last step is Delivery, where in this step the process is looking for the responden of audience for the color mood, is it the color mood matching with the lyric of Cerita Senja. Then author make online questionnaires with total of correspondent is 43 people. The result of the questionnaires of implementation color mood in the video is successful.Item Pengenalan Aktivitas Berkendara Berbasis Sensor Accelerometer dengan Fitur Auto Feedback Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-13) Anbeni, Reipki; Arjo, Tri RamadaniNowadays, the use of mobile phones is one of the causes of traffic accidents. It is very alarming considering the use of mobile phones is one of the human activities which nowadays are often performed. This study is trying to give a solution to reduce the causes of traffic accident caused by the use of mobile phone while driving by utilizing the accelerometer sensor contained on smartphones. Data on accelerometer sensor is classified using K-Nearest Neighboar algorithm to determine whether mobile phone users are driving or not driving. This study also make auto feedback application that can automaticaly reply the messages when mobile phone users are driving so that is expected to create safe driving conditions. In order to determine the accuracy of the algorithm to classify the activity of driving, then conducted testing on “auto feedback” application by sending several messages while mobile phone users are driving and when not driving.Item Deteksi Sql Injection pada Web Menggunakan Metode Code Review dan Penetration Testing(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-13) Kortisa, Yogi; Arjo, Tri RamadaniVarious types of websites are developed today with the higher level of complexity, it still has the risk of security holes that can be exploited by cyber criminals. One type of attack is the most common SQL injection. This study aims to test the effectiveness of the methods Code Review and Penetration Testing in detecting SQL injection security holes in the web. In this study 360 Review proposed an approach in implementing both the detection method. The first stage is to test the Code Review method to find SQL Injection, and then use the results back to plan the Penetration Testing method. The results of this study can help web developers in understanding the potential SQL injection security holes in its application to then determine the choice of method is effective in detecting the gap.Item Analisis Perbandingan High Poly dan Low Poly pada Tahap Render Menggunakan Mental Ray pada Film Animasi 3D “Jati Diri Si Kacang”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-14) Charliansyah, Candra; riwinoto, riwinotoAlong with the development of technology demands of companies to movie in 3D animation is very high. Where required to produce 3D animated movie, fast and produces very good quality. It required a high understanding of the concept in the stage production. A comparative analysis of high poly and low poly phase using the mental ray rendering the animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang can be used as a reference for comparison to the production of 3D animated movie. As this comparison using a sample of 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, which are modeling consists of two categories: modeling high poly and low poly. Testing is done by taking a few scenes from the 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, where one scene more or less consists of five shot and one shot less than fifty frames. The test results will be using mental ray to render it so get a result that is used for the final comparison.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis Fingerprint(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Dwi Prakastia, Sigit; Cahyono, Nur; Sartikha
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