D-4 Teknik Multimedia & Jaringan
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Item Analisis Akurasi Pergerakan Wajah dengan Penerapan Region of Interest(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Adriyanto, Handry Elsharry; Dzikri, AfdholThe accuracy of facial movement in the facetracking application has the result of rotation 3D objects that different according to the distance between the face with the camera, which in this paper will be tested starting from face detection with the parameters of light intensity level, the distance of the camera with face and part on the face like eye, nose and mouth. Then test the face movement every 10cm will be do face movement starting from 30cm to 110cm. Face movement testing is done with the frontal face of the camera detected then the face will be moved to the left, right, up and down the results of the face movement will also be seen on the rotation value of 3D objects in the facetracking application where the value of the rotation of each distance of movement Different. In addition, every movement of the face to the left, right, up and down will also be measured how much distance can be obtained so that the face cannot be detected by the camera. From the analysis and testing done will get the result of the ideal distance to perform the facial movement that has a good movement accuracy.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Motion Grafis Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dengan Metode Semiotika Peirce(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-18) Anggraini, Yuni; Antoni, Condra; Prasetyaningsih, SandiT9echnological development at the moment is very influential in life. One form of utilization of technological development today is in the form of using the media to deliver public service ads. Motion grafiss more widespread use as a medium to deliver the message because it is considered more attractive and cost effective. Making motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of smoking is also one form of media messaging technology curve. Motion grafis public service announcements about the dangers of cigarettes was analyzed and implemented by the method of Semiotics of Peirce. In this study, in the design phase, namely when design the objects that will be used to do the analysis based on the typology of signs by analyzing icon,index, and symbols contained in each object design. The research result is aproduced motion grafisspublic service announcements presented in MP4 format. The results of the analysis of icon, index and symbol based semiotic typology mark against motion grafiss are: (1) Icon able to represent a source of reference of images disease caused by cigarettes through a form of replication, imitation or expression characteristics from what was intended. (2) Index is able to carry out the functions as a marker that implies a design object in question. (3) Symbol able to perform the function as markers that reinforce a design object in question.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Penggunaan Mel Script Untuk Rigging Karakter Pada Film Animasi 3d Jati Diri Si Kacang dengan Prinsip Squash And Stretch(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Ramonda, Febrian; RiwinotoToday the use of 3D animation increasingly popular, because it can be applied to various aspects, and has a wide range of benefits. But 3D animation has some flaws in the manufacturing process. Some of them are the amount of resources, time, and effort required and there are several fatal human errors in the manufacturing process of 3D animation, as in the rigging. Of course, one of principle of animation is squash and stretch that one of many form of rigging. One solution to these problems is to use MEL script. For that purpose, the research was made on the implementation of MEL script on rigging. This research uses several characters in a 3D animation film as the test sample. Testing method used consisted of calculating the speed of the process of rigging, analysis of the number of human errors that occur, also comparasion of volume from an object that use squash and stretch. Results of the test proved that the method of MEL scripts can make the process of 3D animation of the rigging to be more effective.Item Analisis dan Implementasi Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam Berbasis Fingerprint(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Dwi Prakastia, Sigit; Cahyono, Nur; SartikhaItem Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Shot Animasi 3d Oleh Animation Supervisor dan Lead Animator Sebagai Shot yang Layak untuk Diperlihatkan Pada Sutradara(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) David, David; Riwinoto; Rahmi, AnisOftenly what happens in the animation learning and what happens in animation industry are not alike. This leads to frequent rejections of shots that have been created by new animators. As a result, it inhibits the production of animation in the industry. Therefore many things that need to be learned first when we are just starting to enter into the animation industry in order to have a considered as a decent shot. Therefore, this research is done by researching an animation project that is expected to be a reference. This study aims to reveal what factors affect the acceptance of 3D animated shot by animation supervisor and lead animator as a decent shot to show to the director of case study X. This disclosure is done through interviews with subjects in X project. The results of the research concluded several important factors affecting the approval of 3D animated shot in X project.Item Analisis Film "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)" Menurut Fungsi Vladimir Propp(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-10-08) Ferinda, Tania; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetyaningsih, SandiItem Analisis Filtering Noise Menggunakan Metode Statistik Mean, Median pada Objek Citra Malam Hari(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-06-02) Rahmad, Rahmad; Kirana, Mira ChandraImage filtering is one part of image quality improvement, by smoothing and eliminating noise on the image, both linearly and non-linearly. The mean filter is one linear filtering that works by replacing the pixel value intensity with the average of the pixel value with its neighboring pixel values. While the median filter is one of the non-linear filtering that sort the intensity value of a pixel group, then replace the pixel value that is processed with its median value. This study studied noise reduction techniques using the mean and median filter method, to reduce the noise subsequently conducted in a trial of multiple color images with 30 previously selected image seals, Test image is given the noise of Salt & Pepper shaped like black spots and White on the image to reduce the noise is required method of noise filtering using median and mean filter. Then analyzed the performance qualitatively by comparing the image output filter, image bernoise and original image by naked eye. Quantitatively measured through PSNR, SNR and MSE values. Testing more in depth on the performance of this filter by finding the value of the difference between each value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and get good results. The difference is in the value of PSNR, SNR and MSE and the difference that has been obtained through filtering noise. It is concluded that good noise filtering using median filter method mean method is not good to be used in testing noise filtering on image.Item Analisis Framing Dan Type Of Shot Pada Film Dokumenter “ Earthlings ”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-09-05) Fahmi, Muhammad; Antoni, CondraThe Earthlings film is a documentary film that tells about animal’s tortures. The film shows that many animalss are treated and killed in unnatural ways. The researchers uses framing analysis from Zhongdang Pan and Kosicky (Eriyanto. ( 2009 ) to see how reality is organized, narrated, written, and emphasized in the film. Further, type of shots to determine individual emphasis on shooting.Item Analisis Graph Editor Ease In dan Ease Out dengan Value Graph(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-04-17) Damu, Ayyadin; Riwinoto; MariaAnimation ease in and ease out the value of graph is crucial dal am workmanship every frame count with a movie shot is limited, due to address the limited frame count using value graph to adjust ease in and ease out. There are two methods used in this research that the value graph and deviation deviation (standard deviation). Value graph is the coordinate value of a graph that can affect the movement and position of the character in 3D animation, while the deviation deviation (standard deviation) is a statistical value used to determine how the distribution of data in the sample and how close the individual data points of the average value of the sample. Observation data used is swing and pendulum animation. Animation swing version has 3 pieces each have a value range on the 2 first keyframe graph respectively -120, -100 and -130 with an average deviation deviation 67.69680305, 79.60766893, 52.79835856. While pendulum aniamsi has 3 pieces of each version has the average range value graph on keyframe 4-11 is 10,07379, 14, 83451, 26,25119 with deviation deviation 7,211590762, 9,191676474, 14,50964475. Based on the qualitative test animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that in the swing, animation has the greatest deviation graph deviation value 79.60766893 quality ease in and ease out the best 73.3%. While. At the pendulum animation, the animation has a qualitative test against animation expert respondents as many as 15 people can be concluded that the pendulum animation, the animation has a deviation value deviation graph 9.191676474 quality best ease in ease out by 66.7%.Item Analisis Isi Kuantitatif Efek Kekerasan Pada Film Animasi Oscar Oasis Bedasarkan Exaggeration(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-06) Wiraatmaja, Angga; Antoni, CondraFilm and animation is a media that is loved by many people, especially among children, because it can be a medium of learning and increase knowledge. However, without being aware of in every movie or animated spots there are scenes of violent nature that should not be seen by children because it can cause side effects on the child because in general the children easily imitate what he sees. One of the precise solutions to how parents are more careful about what the children watch and know the level of positive and negatively side of the animation in the child's favorite. So, do the research and take an animation program Oscar Oasis animation on episode 1-30 to be analyzed how big the level of positive and negative by 12 principles of animation that is exaggeration principle and use descriptive method quantitative then continued by analyzing the level of exaggeration effect and violence Which arose in the film. From the results of the test, it shows how high the exaggeration effect is based on the count of time and there are several types of violence such as Beating, Abuse, Swarming, Slaughtering, Rough / Sharp Throwing, Kicking and Fights contained in the Oscars Oasis animation program on episode 1-30.Item Analisis Pengaruh Warna Terhadap Aperture, Iso dan Shutter Speed (Exposure Triangle) Kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-07) Pratama, Andri Albertha; Wibowo, Ari; Prasetya, Happy YugoExposure sebuah foto akan menentukan seberapa terang atau gelap gambar akan mucul ketika gambar ditangkap oleh kamera. Ketika mengambil foto maka yang dilakukan kamera adalah menyesuaikan seberapa banyak cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa kamera DSLR tersebut. Untuk mengatur banyaknya cahaya yang masuk tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan tiga pengaturan yang terdapat pada kamera DSLR yaitu : aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Hal ini akan berbeda pada saat pengambilan gambar dengan menggunakan pengaturan otomatis (mode auto), karena kamera akan mengukur cahaya yang masuk melalui lensa dan sekaligus menghitung nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed untuk menentukan nilai exposure yang menurutnya paling baik. Warna yang berbeda pada dasarnya memiliki respon yang berbeda pula terhadap cahaya. Kebanyakan permukaan benda yang berwarna akan menyerap sebagian sinar yang jatuh diatasnya dan akan memantulkan sinar yang warnanya sama dengan warna permukaan benda itu. Nilai exposure pada pengaturan otomatis tidak hanya ditentukan oleh nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed saja. Selain nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed, nilai exposure juga dipengaruhi oleh respon objek terhadap cahaya, jarak kamera dengan benda. Penggunaan filter tertentu pada lensa kamera serta jenis dan intensitas sumber cahaya pada saat proses pengambilan gambar. Sehingga tidak jarang hasil gambar yang ditangkap oleh kamera dengan menggunakan mode auto menghasilkan gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah ekperimen. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan bantuan observer sebanyak 10 warna dasar, warna-warna yang mewakili komposisi RGB dan CMYK yang merata. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Anava Ganda menggunakan program SPSS 22 dengan taraf signifikan 5% (P < 0.05). Hasil penelitian diperoleh data meliputi pengaruh warna terhadap nilai aperture, ISO dan shutter speed. Pada objek warna yang mepunyai nilai shutter speed dan aperture tertinggi adalah warna putih. Komposisi warna Red, Green dan Blue memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap Shutter Speed. Sementara itu ditemukan bahwa Red, Green dan Blue berpengaruh sangat kecil terhadap aperture dan ISO bernilai konstan (tidak berpengaruh).Item Analisis Perbandingan Engine Render Mental Ray, Maya Software dan Maya Hardware pada Teknik Low Poly Animasi 3d Jati Diri Si Kacang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-15) Adewinata, Heru; RiwinotoAnimation novice when performing the rendering process is still confused because uninitiated choose quality rendering good results. The need for more research on the problem rendering to determine the best image quality in accordance with current standards do the rendering process. The method used for the best picture quality mengeahui necessary to test render to see the results of a program that will serve as the data generated. The experiments were performed using a comparison between the results from different rendering engine to find the best results. By comparative analysis of animators render out the best image quality standards of rendering. In a classification model and the same configuration, Mental ray produces images that are good enough but the rendering process takes longer than Maya 2.0 software and the virtual hardware, while the hardware Maya 2.0 is a relatively fast compared to Maya Software and Maya Hardware 2.0.Item Analisis Perbandingan Engine Render pada Maya 2017(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-05-25) Naziyah, Nurul; Widyastuti, HildaWhen make the 3D animated film production in process there are several phases to be done like Modelling, Texturing, Rigging, Animating, Lighting setups, and Rendering. Rendering is the most important process to completing making 3D animation because choosing Engine Render absolutely have effect of image quality and rendering time. Because the importance of rendering is part in the animation, so that in order to know the quality of the rendering to get the best images in Engine Render Autodesk Maya 2017 and the fastest time when performing the process of rendering, then it needs to be done research to find out Engine Render with the best image quality and Engine Render with the fastest rendering time by using 3 different 3D animated film. The research will be conducted to find out the quality of the image here using the Histogram where to test rendering results from each Engine Render on Autodeks Maya 2017. Research did with doing render to all Engine Render with 3 diffirent 3D animated film using 30 shots, 20 shots and 10 shots, then comparing the result with test One Way Anova. Then doing analysis of the results of the rendering of each of the three animated films so that obtained results from the final assignment of the Engine Render with the fastest rendering time is Maya Hardware 2.0 and for the best image quality of the results testing is Arnold Renderer.Item Analisis Perbandingan Faktor Penentu Kepopuleran Film Animasi Box-Office dengan Metode Collaborative Filtering(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-28) Citra Prasasti, Dita; Rahmi, Anis; Irawan, SudraProduction of Animation Film Box-Office needs much fund and time. When an animation studio decided to release a film, they need determining factor which can guarantee popularity of a film so it sells well. Popularity of a film influences by may factors. To examine which factors determining popularity of an animation film, this research use collaborative filetering method. In this research, the parameters are MPAA Rating, Star Value, Genre, Studio, and Time Release. The result of this research showed that the most determining factors of popularity in a film are MPAA Rating, Star Value and Genre. The result of the examine using collaborative method needs as many as possible user to get the accurate result.Item Analisis Perbandingan Gameplay dan Emosi Pemain pada Game Populer di Play Store(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-11) Mahfud, Nurul; riwinoto, riwinoto; Lumombo, LionyAndroid provides a new era to the game industry in the world. People no longer have to play the game using a console or PC, because they can easily find a variety of games on mobile devices through Play Store. That's because the android system facilitates game developers to publish games through Play Store, both paid and free games. But the Play Store is also a challenge for developers to make an interesting game. Although publishing games in Play Store is not difficult, in fact developers have to face tough competition so that the game can become popular. This research use method fullerton to know the gameplay of three popular game in Play Store top 10 that can last for a period of one year. Additionally, this research also analyzes the prominent emotion of the players in the third game. The results of this study are expected to be a reference in generating qualified gaming applications.Item Analisis Perbandingan High Poly dan Low Poly pada Tahap Render Menggunakan Mental Ray pada Film Animasi 3D “Jati Diri Si Kacang”(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-14) Charliansyah, Candra; riwinoto, riwinotoAlong with the development of technology demands of companies to movie in 3D animation is very high. Where required to produce 3D animated movie, fast and produces very good quality. It required a high understanding of the concept in the stage production. A comparative analysis of high poly and low poly phase using the mental ray rendering the animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang can be used as a reference for comparison to the production of 3D animated movie. As this comparison using a sample of 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, which are modeling consists of two categories: modeling high poly and low poly. Testing is done by taking a few scenes from the 3D animated movie Jati Diri Si Kacang, where one scene more or less consists of five shot and one shot less than fifty frames. The test results will be using mental ray to render it so get a result that is used for the final comparison.Item Animasi 2D Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Tentang Pengaruh Berbahaya Narkoba dalam Tubuh(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-22) Alimi, Patricia; riwinoto, riwinoto2D animation is a collection of images that are sorted based on the frame so that it appears moving like video. The processes in making this 2D animation is the process of making a story that includes a search of ideas and preparation of synopsis, followed by sketching characters and storyboard. After the sketch is created, the next step is to create animations with Adobe Flash software. After the rendering process, continue t the editing and compositing based scence using Adobe Premiere Pro software. After finished the annimation, stored it in the form of movie files. The general concept contained in this 2D animation creation is the concept of work that aims to study the effectiveness of using 2D animation as a medium of education in conveying a message of support counternarcotics using the illustration process of entry of drugs into the body and damage the human immune organs as well. 2D animation is presented with a colorful layout and narrative. This 2D animation using sound and visual effects to attract the attention of the audience. Next, animation will be distributed to school as a supporter of the learning process and tested pre-test and post-test with the result of the average pre-test 42.67 and post-test of 84. Based on T test results, obtained tcount 11.68> ttabel 1.7 which can be concluded there is a significant change between students understanding about the dangers of drugs after watching 2D animation.Item Aplikasi Kamus Aneka Bahasa Daerah Berbasis Smartphone Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-16) Rizaldi, Agil; Sitorus, Maya Armys Roma; Prasetyaningsih, SandiThis abstract contains summary of your thesis ini English. It should contain at least 200 words. This abstract also should give the reader a good impression, to attract the reader to explore the rest of the book.Item Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Sebagai Media Pembelajaran dengan Model Drill and Practicebmengunakan Metode Pengembangan Hannafin dan Peck(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-05) Pandani, Dea; Dzikri, AfdholThis research was motivated by the problems is the lack of relevant learning media utilization. This study aims to help the learning process of students kindergarten age (4-5 years) in studying general knowledge and science, the concept of shape, pattern, size, and color using drill and practice models and determine the effectiveness of the use of interactive multimedia on learning outcomes. This interactive multimedia development methodologies are created using Hannfain and Peck. The study involved students Nur Hidayah Islamic kindergarten Sei drum, Village Mangsang as many as 30 people. Collecting data in this study conducted with test method. The data obtained from the test method quantitatively analyzed descriptively. Interactive multimedia development is designed based on the storyboard. To measure the success rate of this interactive multimedia, then performed a test. This test consists of functional testing applications and tests of significance. Of the two tests performed on the significance test diperolehlah the Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 which means they learning via interactive multimedia works so well.Item Augmented Reality Visualisasi Lingkungan Kampus Politeknik Negeri Batam Menggunakan Metode Single Marker(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-10) Edward, Jhon; Apriyani, Meyti Eka
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