D-3 Teknik Elektronika

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/123456789/79





Search Results

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    Simulasi Navigasi Kapal : Point To Point Dengan Gps
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Istiana Putra, Eka; Risandriya, Sumantri K
    Ship is a marine transportation that used for connect the islands. So that we need a reliable navigation system for easy control. Autopilot is one of the alternative driver to run the ship automatically. By using electronics coordinate point that can determined by GPS module (GY.NEO6MV2). With the coordinates point, the driver can automatically determine the direction of the ship. In the control, the point coordinates in the input through the keypad and the results will be displayed on the LCD. Arduino Uno will process the goal with a predetermined mathematical formula to get the point coordinates of the destination of the ship. After that two propeller ship propulsion will determine the position of the destination. And the ship will change the position and heading towards the goal. To control the propeller, use Driver Monster moto shield Arduino (VNH2SP30) as controlling propeller speed and direction of rotary propeller. All the system is set by Arduino, so we need the right program in control. From the observation can be obtained the data input of the destination, tilt angle, distance goal, heading the ship, and the movement of the ship propellers.
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    Pengontrol Conveyor Pada Mesin Pengering Ikan Teri
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2016-12-29) Chairuddin; Wivanius, Nadhrah; Ridwan, Ridwan
    In the traditional process of drying anchovy should be stocked on top of the drying container so that the anchovy can be dried evenly, stocking here done manually which is stocked directly by hand so that this process can degrade the quality of anchovy, because becoming less hygienic. Therefore we need a spreader tool anchovy automatically. Here the researchers used as a spreader conveyor anchovy. Conveyor is designed to facilitate the drying machine anchovy in spreading the fish inside the machine. The working principle of this tool is to utilize the force of gravity to make the anchovy down from the entrance of the machine for the next fall to the first conveyor, then be dropped into a second conveyor with a spread to proceed to the drying process. Based on research that has been done the tool is able to spread 11 kg of anchovy in one time production.
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    Pengendalian Robot Mobil Menggunakan P5 Glove
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-12-01) Malik, Ibrahim; Sutopo Pamungkas, Daniel
    Mobile robots are classified into two, namely according to the environment in which the robot works and the tools used to move. The media used in the robot control there are various kinds of remote control, computer, joystick or gesture.Robot cars are classified into two, namely according to the work place environment and tools used to move. Media used in the control of the robot there are a wide variety of IE in the form of a remote control with cable media, computer, the joystick or the form of gesture. The use of cable media in the control robot looks less efficient, because it may interfere with the movement of the robot and often also unintentionally make cable interested resulting in relationship cables and other components are disconnected. Control of robot car using the gesture looks more natural and interactive. By utilizing one of the existing sensors in a tool that is P5 Glove with output data in the form of changes in the value of the resitansi then in accordance with our fingers in buckling, the robot car will move forward, backward, turn left, turn right, and griper an object. This research proposes a control method of robot car through the gesture of the hand by utilizing sensors that are in P5 Glove and output data in P5 Glove in a sport that uses a language that is C++ that would later produce a character with the same character in the car where the robot microcontroller of the character will be sent in wireless communication through the media bluetooth. In this control method there is still a weakness that is the use of P5 Glove tool is still relatively old or not too modern, so there are still wires that can make this tool less effective
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    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengaduk dan Penyaring Kerupuk Atom Otomatis untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah di Masyarakat Daerah Moro
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Supianto; Febriansyah Juwito, Arif
    Cracker is one of the foods consumed in Indonesia. especially in the area of the village. One of the many produced crackers is in sub district of Moro, production process the crackers in the area of Moro, still using manual equipment, using a small spatula as a tool to stir the cracker at a time when the process of frying, so that when the crackers are produced in large numbers. of course a small spatula is usually used can not give comfort to the user. For that it is designed to provide convenience to users in producing crackers. The working principle of this instrument by way of stirring the crackers during frying in accordance with the desired time. Testing this tool has produced a time of maturity crackers faster than manually. In a frying pan crackers 1 and 2 kg capacity with this tool has the maturity of 3 and 5 minutes faster. Where to use this tool only takes 20 minutes to 1 kg and 45 minutes for 2 kg, while the frying manually takes time for 23 minutes to 48 minutes and 1 kg to 2 kg.
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    Sistem Pengaman Kendaraan Mobil Menggunakan Sms
    (Sistem Pengaman Kendaraan Mobil Menggunakan Sms, 2017-02-24) Harianja, Idarwisyah; Aisyah, Siti
    The security system on Car Vehicle using sms is a tool created to make it easier for vehicle owners to determine the condition of the car alarm in the car. The components used in making this instrument, that is arduino uno, SIM900 GSM module, Voltage Reducer Module (LM 2596), etc. In this tool components used as a medium of SMS delivery is by SIM900 GSM Module, and lowering the voltage used in the tool is used as the lowering of the voltage of the source of the alarm on the car to the input voltage to the arduino. System device works is this tool utilizes Mobile as the second safety if broken locks or alarms on the vehicle sounded. This tool will give an alert via SMS to the owner of the vehicle, that vehicle in danger. From the observation data that can be found when the car was in the room were very covered with concrete then SMS is sent may have pending.
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    Simulasi Navigasi Kapal : Point To Point Dengan Gps
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Istiana Putra, Eka; Sumantri K
    Ship is a marine transportation that used for connect the islands. So that we need a reliable navigation system for easy control. Autopilot is one of the alternative driver to run the ship automatically. By using electronics coordinate point that can determined by GPS module (GY.NEO6MV2). With the coordinates point, the driver can automatically determine the direction of the ship. In the control, the point coordinates in the input through the keypad and the results will be displayed on the LCD. Arduino Uno will process the goal with a predetermined mathematical formula to get the point coordinates of the destination of the ship. After that two propeller ship propulsion will determine the position of the destination. And the ship will change the position and heading towards the goal. To control the propeller, use Driver Monster moto shield Arduino (VNH2SP30) as controlling propeller speed and direction of rotary propeller. All the system is set by Arduino, so we need the right program in control. From the observation can be obtained the data input of the destination, tilt angle, distance goal, heading the ship, and the movement of the ship propellers.