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    (2024-07-02) Ferary, Anom; Anjelina
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah E-SERVQUAL mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan, khususnya pada industri perbankan di Kota Batam. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang dikumpulkan secara langsung dari 96 pengguna mobile banking BCA, BRI, dan Mandiri dan juga menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan uji analisis regresi linier berganda. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik Lemeshow dan data dianalisis menggunakan bantuan software IBM SPSS Statistics 19 dan Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa E-SERVQUAL pada site organization, reliability, responsiveness, user friendliness, dan personal need tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Sedangkan, E-SERVQUAL pada efficiency berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa efficiency memainkan peran penting dalam mendorong penyediaan layanan perbankan dan situs mobile banking, serta dalam menurunkan waktu dan upaya yang dibutuhkan oleh nasabah untuk menyelesaikan transaksi atau mendapatkan layanan.
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    (2024-07-04) Sianturi Vicky; Saputra Hendra;
    In the fabrication processes associated with the marine and oil/gas industries, the Indonesian city of Batam is home to numerous welding operations the most frequent of which is SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding). The primary disadvantage of this joining process however is that all of these techniques require a high heat to melt the components together and cause distortion. One such material that used are ASTM A36. to counter this problem is making a support to adjust the material prior welding that called Jig/Fixture since welding distortion occur when welding process it made. with the purpose to maintain the material to be adjust in a fixed position so that even after weld its still maintain its designated position. so it need more study for consideration during the tool design phase, and with that a computerized analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) program to help knowing deformation pattern, thermal response of T-Joint Weld under applied load that can obtain approximated result. The result of the analysis with T-Joint A-36 material with 277.41 MPa is the stress value (von mises). The material type of ASTM A-36 has a deformation value of 0.77 mm. In the meantime, 15 is the safety factor value for the material type of mild steel. Thus, substance with a safety factor value of ≥1, mild steel material is deemed safe to employ as a supporting fixture in this design.
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    (Politeknik Negri Batam, 2024-07-03) Simanjuntak, Samuel Rodi Kemri Jefri; Purba, Syahputra Adi;
    Abstrak PT Philips Industries Batam merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufacturing, salah satu proses produksi yang dilakukan di PT Philips Industries Batam adalah proses molding. Molding merupakan proses material plastik dilelehkan di barrel dan disuntikan ke dalam mold yang tertutup rapat kemudian lelehan tersebut memenuhi ruang pada mold sesuai dengan bentuk produk yang diinginkan. Pada dunia industri proses molding memiliki beberapa jenis defect yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk. Pada penelitian ini penulis akan berfokus pada mesin yang beroperasi di PT Philips Industries Batam yaitu mesin Haitian MA 1200 dan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan jenis-jenis defect pada mesin Haitan dan data tersebut diambil selama 3 bulan terakhir. Jumlah defect tertinggi akan di identifikasi untuk mencari faktor penyebab terjadinya defect, hal ini dapat dilakukan menggunakan analisis data berupa QC 7 tools yaitu diagram pareto, dan fishbone diagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab dari defect tersebut. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi parameter pada mesin Haitian MA 1200 yang menyebabkan defect flow mark dan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki tingkat kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Dari lima kali percobaan, nilai pengaturan parameter yang optimal terdapat pada perobaan ke lima. Pengaturan parameter ini terdiri dari settingan start post inject 1 dengan nilai 63, inject 2 dengan nilai 42, pressure inject 1 dengan nilai 165, inject 2 dengan nilai 155, dan setinggan pressure hold 1 dengan nilai 55, hold 2 dengan nilai 45, serta flow hold 1 dengan nilai 18 dan hold 2 dengan nilai 13. Pengaturan parameter tersebut berhasil memperbaiki defect flow mark pada mesin Haitian MA 1200. Kata kunci: Proses Molding, Defect, Haitian MA 1200, Fishbone Diagram Abstract PT Philips Industries Batam is a company engaged in manufacturing, one of the production processes carried out at PT Philips Industries Batam is the molding process. Molding is the process of plastic material being melted in a barrel and injected into a tightly closed mold then the melt fills the space in the mold according to the desired product shape. In the industrial world, the molding process has several types of defects that can affect product quality. In this research the author will focus on the machine operating at PT Philips Industries Batam, namely the Haitian MA 1200 machine and this research is carried out by collecting the types of defects on the Haitan machine and the data is taken for the last 3 months. The highest number of defects will be identified to find the factors that cause defects, this can be done using data analysis in the form of QC 7 tools, namely pareto diagrams, and fishbone diagrams. This study aims to determine the causal factors of these defects. This study identifies the parameters on the Haitian MA 1200 machine that cause flow mark defects and aims to improve the quality level of the products produced. From five trials, the optimal parameter setting value is found in the fifth trial. This parameter setting consists of setting start post inject 1 with a value of 63, inject 2 with a value of 42, pressure inject 1 with a value of 165, inject 2 with a value of 155, and the height of pressure hold 1 with a value of 55, hold 2 with a value of 45, as well as flow hold 1 with a value of 18 and hold 2 with a value of 13. The parameter setting successfully improved the flow mark defect on the Haitian MA 1200 machine. Keywords: Molding Process, Defects, Haitian MA 1200, Fishbone Diagram
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    Supply Chain Digitalization Strategy For Coconut Shell Charcoal To Reduce The Risk Of Loss In International Trade
    (Journal of Applied Business Administration, 2024-03-26) Rahardjo, Stephanie Audrey; Harahap, Nafisah Rahmadani; Olifia, Jessica; Olifia, Jessica
    International business involves trade activities conducted between countries. To ensure the production of the best products, a company must have effective supply chain management. Digitalization is being widely adopted as a solution to address the challenges in international trade, keeping pace with technological advancements. This research aims to analyze the financial risks arising from the effectiveness of supply chain management in a company that produces coconut shell charcoal, utilizing digitalization. The research methodology includes a literature review, drawing data from various expert sources and readings. The findings of this research identify the challenges faced by coconut shell charcoal companies in their international supply chains and propose digitalization strategies to minimize financial risks. The results demonstrate that leveraging digital technology can enhance operational efficiency, reduce logistical barriers, and improve responsiveness to market demands. Implementing digitalization strategies offers significant benefits by enhancing overall company performance and customer satisfaction levels.
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    Econo Product Quality Analysis
    (2024-05-07) Luaha,Yohanes Melka Jaya; Arifin, Muhammad
    The quality of semiconductor products has a big role in supporting the development of modern technology. Econo Products Low and Medium Power modules, Econo Products can helptechnological developments. This research aims to explore the concept of product quality in the context of the semiconductor industry, analyzing the factors that influence quality andcreating good quality results.
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    (2024-06-14) Firdaus, Muhammad; Prebianto, Nanta Fakih
    The role of machinery is crucial in production to keep it optimized. The capacitor manufacturing process consists of assembly and final inspection. Analysis of the final inspection improvement shows that the decline in machine performance is caused by the repetition of inspection which causes lost time and affects the daily production time. The cause of detection errors is unpredictable and still unknown. This research measures the performance of machines in the manufacturing industry with the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method and uses 7QC tools such as fishbone and flow charts. After the project was completed, it was found that the decline in the performance of the final inspection machine was due to a lack of focus in the analysis. The limited data after the final lot made it difficult to determine cameras with high inspection errors because inspection repetition data was not recorded. In this study, data from 10 manual inspection lots on each machine were taken, the average impact of re inspection was 14.1%, and the average performance after re-inspection was 81.6%. Camera 3 has the highest number of defects at 34% and camera 4 at 29%. The higher the number of camera defects, the greater the performance degradation in the inspection process.
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    Analysis of Tear and Service Life on Capillary Process Framebond Machine HK 133
    (2024-07-06) Fauzan,Muhammad Al; Maulidiah,Hana Mutialif
    The Capillary Bonding process is an important method in the assembly of semiconductor components that involves joining with the use of adhesive materials. The capillary is one of the main components along with the blade contained in a wire bonding machine system. Wire bonding machine system with a process using the HK-133 type which can affect productivity in the bonding process. Productivity in the bonding process. This study aims to analysis the frequent occurrence of rejects caused by calibration limits which include blade and capillary replacement. The analysis method used in this research is qualitative analysis. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely describe and analysis the problems, The research shows that every calibration and capillary limit that has been replaced will have an impact on good results, as well as increase productivity on the machine framebond HK 133.
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    Analysis Defect of the Econo PIM 3 Module in the Endtest Process (KWK 4)
    (2024-06-14) Siregar, Willi Prayogi; Wikanta, Prasaja
    The Econo PIM 3 Module is one of the module Processed through KWK 4 Machine in the Endtest Process Area. This module has a defect called Bent Pin and Burn Pin, so this research was prepared to find out the causes of the problems that occur and make improvements to prevent the occurence of these defects.
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    Pengendalian Tekanan Panas Pada Pekerja di Accommodation Platform PT. X
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-08-13) Sinaga, Anju Alfarado; ; Stefani, Windy
    Dalam lingkungan kerja yang panas, tenaga kerja menghadapi beban tambahan berupa tekanan panas yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit akibat panas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengendalian terhadap tekanan panas yang dialami pekerja di sektor konstruksi dalam pembangunan sebuah platform. Suhu lingkungan diukur menggunakan alat pemantau lingkungan termal. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB) Indeks Suhu Basah dan Bola (ISBB) adalah 33,87℃, termasuk dalam kategori berisiko tekanan panas sangat tinggi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan tindakan pengendalian untuk mengurangi tekanan panas yang dialami oleh pekerja. Tindakan pengendalian meliputi bentuk rekayasa teknik, pengaturan shift kerja, dan pengadaan program Kesehatan. Sehingga disarankan untuk pekerja untuk mencukupi air minum agar terhindar dari dehidrasi.
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    (2024-07-30) Situmorang, Rafael; Soebagiyo, Slamet
    Perkembangan teknologi dan globalisasi telah mendorong inovasi cepat dalam sektor manufaktur minyak dan gas. Untuk tetap kompetitif, perusahaan manufaktur harus meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi, salah satunya melalui pengurangan lead time. Lean manufacturing yang berfokus pada pembuatan macro untuk mengurangi lead time dalam pembuatan shop packet terbukti efektif dalam mencapai tujuan ini dengan meminimalkan pemborosan dan memperpendek waktu pra-produksi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam bagaimana penggunaan macro dalam konteks lean manufacturing mengurangi lead time serta mengidentifikasi tantangan yang mungkin timbul. Fokus utamanya adalah pada optimalisasi proses produksi dengan meminimalisir pemborosan, seperti produksi berlebih dan pergerakan pekerja yang tidak efisien. Penggunaan shop packet yang terstruktur dan didukung oleh macro juga menjadi kunci dalam meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas, membantu pekerja menyelesaikan tugas dengan lebih cepat dan akurat, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan kualitas produk.