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    Perancangan dan Analisa Jaringan Wifi Hotspot di PT Labtech Penta Internasional Menggunakan Mikrotik
    (Polieknik Negeri Batam, 2024-06-11) FITRI, EKA SYAH; TRIWINARKO, ANDY
    The expanding use of the internet in the digital era has become an essential necessity, spanning across organizational, educational, and business domains. PT Labtech Penta Internasional faces challenges in their business operations due to areas with blank spots and poor network access management. This leads to suboptimal network performance and delays in business processes. The NDLC method is employed to tackle these challenges in implementing hotspot networks. By leveraging the Network Development Life Cycle method at each stage to analyze problems, design, implement, monitor, and manage WiFi networks at PT Labtech Penta Internasional, efforts are made to mitigate blank spot areas by modifying and adding hardware in the blank spot areas. Access management is implemented to regulate the usage of the hotspot network with user credentials and user access. The objective of this research is to ensure more even coverage of WiFi signals across all areas and to establish effective network access management. The results of this study indicate that areas experiencing signal difficulties have received improved WiFi network access with better Signal Strength. Access management for users wishing to connect to the hotspot network includes user credentials and rate limits per user profile.
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    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-06-10) Hastuti, Dessy Nur; Triwinarko, Andy
    In the era of open internet connectivity, enterprises are faced with increasing security threats in the digital world. Therefore, protecting sensitive data and network performance are top priorities to achieve optimal operational performance. By implementing policies to restrict access to social media applications and streaming platforms, companies can strengthen defenses against cyber attacks such as phishing and optimize network infrastructure performance more effectively. This research uses the features provided by Fortigate 80F to block unauthorized applications and streaming platforms, as well as to perform real-time network traffic monitoring. Network performance is measured by applying Quality of Service (QoS) calculations that include throughput, packet loss, and delay parameters, which use TIPHON standards. The results of the research conducted at PT Sanipak Indonesia show that network security has been successfully improved by blocking phishing activities and network performance has also improved significantly, as evidenced by reaching index 4 on the TIPHON scale which indicates a high level of satisfaction.
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    Evaluasi Penerapan Standar ISO 27001 di Pusat Data X
    (Polieknik Negeri Batam, 2024-06-04) Lajuba,Sopia,Ayu; Triwinarko, Andy
    pusat data X data center is an important part of Telkom Indonesia (Persero) and TelkomGroup's plan to make Indonesia a global digital hub. The data center plays an important role in storing and managing sensitive data to support the development of Indonesia's digital ecosystem. However, the challenge faced by pusat data X is to ensure that information security runs well in its operations. This assessment is crucial to evaluate the degree to which pusat data X has implemented necessary security practices to safeguard sensitive data and ensure operational reliability. The aim of this study is to determine the level of information security maturity at pusat data X and offer recommendations based on the assessment. Analysis of the current maturity level reveals that the detection aspect of information security has attained the highest level of maturity, scoring 4.75. However, there was the lowest score on the identification aspect, specifically on the sub-aspects of asset management, risk management, and reporting, which achieved a score of 4.61. The overall average maturity is 4.67. In addition, gaps between actual conditions and the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard were identified, and recommendations have been provided to improve alignment. By comprehending the degree of adherence to the ISO 27001 standard, strategies for enhancement and advancement can be formulated to bolster information security at pusat data X, thus aiding Indonesia's endeavors to materialize its vision as a globally recognized digital hub with a robust and fortified infrastructure.