Studi Kasus Pitot Tube Blockage pada Pesawat Boeing 737-900 PK-LFK

Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam





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Politeknik Negeri Batam


A Pitot tube is a tube that effectively measures the dynamic pressure of the air when an aircraft is moving. However, in practice, Pitot tubes often experience blockages that can lead to measurement errors, potentially resulting in accidents. These blockages are usually caused by dust, dirt, and ice that can clog the inlet of the airflow into the Pitot tube. This study examines the causes of Pitot tube blockages and seeks solutions to address such cases in the Boeing 737-900 aircraft. The background of this research identifies crucial issues related to the occurrence of Pitot tube blockages. The objective of this research is to ensure the functionality of the Pitot tube is restored to normal to maintain safety in flight operations. The research methods include manual inspection of the Pitot tube and checking the heater sensor located in the Pitot tube. Subsequently, the performance is carried out based on the Fault Isolation Manual (FIM), Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), and the steps outlined in the Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) for the Boeing 737-600/700/800/900, as well as the replacement of components if there are any issues according to the guidelines in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM). The results of the study indicate that the blockage in the Pitot tube was caused by ice formation inside the tube. The ice formation occurred due to the malfunction of the heater sensor within the Pitot tube.







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