Analysis of Game Virtual Reality Mahakarya Vokasi Based on Player-Centered design (PCD) with User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Marpaung, Rezky Anju Picent
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Abstract— This research describes the process of doing
vocational work in a Virtual Reality (VR) adventure game called
VR Mahakarya Vokasi. The game is designed to provide an
interactive experience that allows players to engage directly in a
virtual adventure using VR technology. The development
process involves the design, implementation, and evaluation
stages, focusing on vocational product content. This research is
based on Player-Centric Design, which places the player at the
center of attention. The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
method was used to assess the quality of user experience. User
experience analysis of 20 respondents at the Vokasi Fest x
Festival Kampus Merdeka event at Ismail Marzuki Park,
Jakarta, on December 12-13, 2023. This research shows that the
VR adventure game is considered “Worthy” of use, which aligns
with the UEQ benchmark. Specific aspects include
Attractiveness (Excellent), Stimulation (Good), Novelty (Above
Average), Efficiency (Above Average), Dependability (Below
Average), and Perspicuity (Below Average). Overall, this game,
VR Adventure Mahakarya Vokasi, developed as a vocational
work, is considered worthy of use.
TECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Other information technology