D-4 Teknik Mekatronika
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/123456789/71
Item Pengontrolan Rumah Pintar untuk Sistem Manajemen Daya Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-06-04) Helen, Mei Rani; Gozali, M. Syafei; Wijanarko, HeruThe diminishing of natural resources at this time could have an impact on the need of electric energy in human life. The use of uncontrolled electrical energy can cause damage and more burden on the house so it must be kept well controlled. Currently, the technology to make electrical energy savings has been much to the stage of controlling electrical equipment with the system remotely. However, from that system we must know the equipment is controlled in accordance with the commands given and to get the information it needs a feedback such as indicators that become parameters of control success done. On this system using a Microcontroller device that will be the center of the control of data processing sensors and NodeMcu as a data sender device to the web. data transmission communications used are I2C and wireless communications, then all data sent will be received and stored by Raspberry as a system server. To perform such control can be done through the web so, that electrical appliances at home can be controlled remotely.Item Mesin Pengaduk Dodol Kendali PID(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-08-12) Marga Anggar Kusuma, Raja; Nasrullah, Muhammad; Susanto, SusantoItem Cbuck Boost Converter Trainer Kit(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-12-17) Handoko, Riski; Istardi, Didi; Gozali, M. Syafeistudents which will take college level every year. However in the trainer kit procurement as a learning tool have problems due to the limited number of trainer kit. Especially in Power Electronics lessons that still lacks of trainer kit for practice. Buck-Boost converter is a circuit with the input of DC voltage and generate output voltages with opposite polarity to the input (negative polarity). The generated negative voltage output can be set larger and smaller than the input. In this thesis the author designed a buck boost converter trainer kit which uses 12 VDC input, frequency of 10KHz, and using a duty cycle with a range of 20% to 80%. The voltage generated by using a duty cycle of 20% is -2.12 VDC and currents 0.21 A with 74.2% efficiency, while 80% duty cycle generates a voltage of -8.46 VDC and currents 0.08 A with 11.05% efficiency. At the moment of 80% duty cycle and the generated voltage is not greater than the input, this is due to the selection of L and C values which is less efficient.Item Kendali Kecerahan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Dan Monitoring Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-01) Sihaloho, Dedi Florensius; Aisyah, Siti ; Wikanta, Prasaja; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; Rudiawan, EkoItem Monitoring dan Identifikasi Orientasi Chip GPS Pada Mesin Tape and Reel Dengan Metode Template Matching(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-19) Noviardi, Heri; Amalya Fatekha, Rifqi; Soebhakti, HendawanTape and reel machines is one of the machines which serve to package the components are often used within the industry, which already packed components to be mounted on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) through the process of SMT machines (Surface Mounting Technology). Packaging components IC (Integrated Circuit) which have the necessary orientation accuracy is more, because when mounting components on the pitch pocket with inverted orientation will result in wrong orientation on the PCB file. Generally, tape and reel machines not equipped with a means of identifying the orientation of the component, in this study, the addition of a camera as a tool orientation detection using image processing components with template matching method. With this tool modification results obtained are consistent with the objectives of the research, namely monitoring and identifying the orientation of the components automatically, the results of tests carried out with 4 position orientation, the system can recognize the orientation of the components with a success rate of 98%.Item Plant Integrity Monitoring Menggunakan Ultrasonik Dengan Metode Fuzzy Decision Support Berbasis Wireless(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-19) Wibowo, Wahyu; Risandriya, Sumantri K; Rudiawan, EkoItem Perancangan Sistem Pengukur Kesejajaran Tinggi Dua Benda Berbasis PID(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-20) Wicaksono, Guntur; Fahruzi, ImanIn measuring the height alignment of two objects (flatness sloof leveling and foundation) a builder requires a small hose that had been filled with water in it, the pull of the point to be measured is then pulled thread as a reference height that occurs cutouts leveling horizontally (law related vessel Archimedes). With the measurement method, requiring long hose if it would measure 2 pieces distant point and of course with plenty of water volume and requires a long process so that the water be quiet and the measurement can be done. Therefore, the authors make a tool to replace the function of the tool digitally, by utilizing light. According to the nature of light that light travels in straight then this tool authors utilize the functionality of laser light that can reach remote places with light focus on one point. Then that the laser beam can emit light with a straight horizontal earth's gravity is required The parallel arrangement with the Earth using an accelerometer sensor and servo motors. To set the desired height in the tool takes the motor and an encoder sensors as feedback on the PID system to be created. Based on the results of tests performed, obtained good results. By using the value of Kp = 2, Ki = 0.01, Kd = 1, SP = 250 and Ts = 5 is obtained Rise Time = 593 ms, Peak time =706 ms, and steadytime = 932 ms. Then the range of the accelerometer sensor g on better response by using ± 16g.Item Pengendalian Keran Air untuk Mengatur Debit Air Berbasis Fuzzy Logic pada Mikrokontroler(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-20) Rinaldi; Sumantri; Fahruzi, ImanIn charging the rechargeable gallons of water is usually still use semiauto or charging system water use On / Off button to turn on the water pump for filling water into a gallon, without knowing the amount that has been removed from the water pump to achieve the maximum amount that can be accommodated by the gallons of drinking water . If less then the operator will be on / off the pump motor to achieve the desired amount of water discharge (flow rate) is unchanged from the water pump, when excessive made available in a gallon of water to gush out and make a puddle of water in a water filling drink. Therefore, the authors make a tool to regulate the flow of water that can later be applied as filling drinking water refills automatically by means of input amount of water discharge want mililitter issued in units or litter and water filling tool will do its job automatically issued in accordance with the amount of water discharge is entered by regulating the flow of water (flow rate) without using a water pump motor for utilizing the gravitational force of the earth, the water discharge arrangements done in the tap water channel opener. Based on the results of tests that have been done, and get good results, ie controlling the tap water using fuzzy logic to get the value of the average error percentage of 5.71%. Setting Value 1 L / min average percentage error is 4%, the setting value of 2 L / min average percentage error is 5%, the setting value of 3 L / min average percentage error is 6%, the setting value of 4 L / min average percentage error is 6.5%, setting the value 5 L / min average percentage error is 7.07%.Item Perancangan Inverter Dari Solar Cell Untuk Menggerakkan Exhaust Fan Dengan Daya 40 Watt(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-23) Halim, Basyir; Istardi, DidiItem 3DoF Kinematik Robot Lengan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017) Nugroho, Dionisius Adji; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Toar, HandriThis research contains of design in 3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) robotic arm, which was a small prototype of robot industry. The design of this research to simulate the actual movements of the robot industry. This robotic arm designed with kinematics using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics by showing the movement of any DoF. This design includes the mechanical design model and available to control with microcontroller by using Arduino UNO. Each DoF are driven by DC motor which is controlled by using microcontroller. This application of robot arm is connected using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Visual C# with calculation data covers kinematics. The result of this research obtained the lowest error percentage at special angle movements in the process of inverse kinematics at θ1, θ2 amounting to 0% of 0.011% and θ3 of 0.233%. While in the process forward kinematics retrieved the value of the error in x, y of 0%, and z of 0.39%.Item Aplikasi Fuzzy Output Nonsingleton pada Microcontroller(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-07) Sonny, Rezky Nova; SumantriItem Monitoring Kecepatan Angin Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-13) Suwardi; Prayoga, SenanjungInstrument measuring wind speed by using a web-based WiFi service. This instrument can measure physical quantities such as wind speed that works automatically and transmit measurement data via WiFi service. This instrument consists of a Anemometer wind catcher that is connected to the microcontroller Wemos and WiFi. Anemometer order to function so with this we used the fan as a source of wind, when the wind speed, the anemometer detects directly transmit data to the microcontroller Wemos, then the data will be processed by the microcontroller Wemos and sent via WiFi to be displayed in ThingspeakItem Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Keamanan Kunci Pintu Menggunakan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Brian Trenggono, Okto; Febriansyah Juwito, ArifVigilance is the important things that required to create a security. But sometimes people remiss and less their alert to matters that relating to the security. Security it means a condition that free from dangers, this term is used with relation to the crime, all of accidents, etc. Security is the important thing for a home, where the people forgets to lock the door or someone had locked the door but hiding their key in some area around the houses that is not known by others just for avoid that key will be lost when they are not in home. If this continuous it will be lead to the unsafe situation.One way to resolve this problem is with control system and security monitoring using android. With this devices if the user forgets to lock the door, users can directly control their door lock on the house and at the same time users can monitoring all of the existing security sensor using their own android smartphone. In order to use this devices, android smartphone must be connected to the internet. Users only need click or unclick the button on the application for lock or unlock their door lock. Smoke sensor and pressure sensor that is located on the door lock detects any threat or danger, the system will immediately send the notice to the android smartphone in real time. So users can be faster to perform the necessary precautions.Item Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Sensor Mpu 6050 Dan Tracking Lokasi Dengan Gps Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Sakti, Rio; Aisyah, SitiTraffic accidents that occur on a motorcycle is very common and its caused by several factors such as bad road conditions and human error. When an accident occurs, there are several contributing factors that make the crash become worse such as the gas lever suddenly jammed and motorists become panic. After the accident occurred, the driver often unconscious and make it difficult to help.To minimize the impact caused by the accident, a device are invented that automatically turn off the motorcycle and sending a location data when the accident occurred. This tool has a system that uses an accelerometer module, relay and bluetooth that connected to arduino so when the motorcycle crashed, it drastically changes the value of the accelerometer. Relay module will break the current source that connected to the motorcycle so the rotation of the motor will stopped automatically. The bluetooth module sends data or commands to the android smartphone belonging to motorists for sending short messages (SMS) to the closest associates (family) that accident was happened. From testing it was found that Motorcycles can be turned off automatically and sms notifications can be sent well when the motorcycle crashes or motorcycle angle is above 60 degree angle and below -60 degree from upright position.Item Sistem Kontrol Pemberian Nutrisi Pada Budi Daya Tanaman Aeroponik Berbasis Fuzzy Logic(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Safrimawan, Arif; Asrizal, AsrizalAeroponics method is one of many ways of cultivating plants without using the soil. Aeroponics is generally used for cultivating of vegetable crops such as kangkong. In this method, the roots are placed in the floating position. The nutrient solution is supplied to the roots with fogging technic using sprayer that connected to the water pump. Generally, nutrients supply using timer system. But, it is not very effective. Therefore, the new system are designed to control nutrient supply based on the needs of plants. In this system, the parameters are humidity and temperature. The value of humidity and temperature from the DHT 22 sensor would be an input for fuzzy logic. Then, it was processed by microcontroller. The output value from microcontroller in time unit would activate the water pump to supply nutrients solution to the root. This system also had data logger, so the data from microcontroller could be saved. This device was able to work to supply nutrient solution for kangkong, with temperature set point 33oC and temperature error is 3.32%-5.28%.Item Kontrol Dan Monitoring Pada Inkubator Bayi Berbasis Fuzzzy Logic(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Julius Nababan, Andreas; Deri Putra, AsrizalWhen the baby is in the womb, they could live inside his mother womb with the same temperature as their mother beetwen 36oC-37oC. When the premature babies were born, they cannot adapt to the temperature around them. Therefore, the newborn premature babies are needed to use an incubator. The incubator helps them to adapt to the environment. But, there is only manual incubator that available nowadays, which is the temperature controlled manually. The research aimed to make an automatic incubator that temperature and humidity was controlled automatically. Fuzzy logic is one of the methods that can control the paramaters. In this research, the setpoint of the temperature was set 36 – 37oC. The setpoint was reached during 300s.Item Sistem Navigasi Robot Eco pada Kontes Robot Abu Indonesia 2016(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Iswandi, Puji; Soebhakti, HendrawanKontes Robot Abu Indonesia (KRAI) 2016 takes the theme of “Clean Energy Recharging The World”. In the game, every team must have two robots: eco and hybrid, eco and hybrid work together to bring and install wind turbine propeller. Eco robot only allowed to use one actuator to bring wind turbine propeller from start zone until wind turbin station via the energy supplied by the hybrid robot. The proper method to facilitate the work of robot are eco robot should follow the line of the field and avoid the walls island in the river floor, but the problem that arises is eco robot only can do the steering. To overcome these problem, in this study developed steering system eco robot using motor dc with control PID follow line and PID position. The experimental results show that the system success rate is 83,33%, 53,33% the robots are successful without retry and 30% successful with the retry.Item Kontrol Traffic Light Otomatis Berbasis Image Processing(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Lathif Asari Djavendra, Geminiesty; Aisyah, Siti ; Rudiawan Jamzuri, EkoThe traffic light is a very important part for the means of road transport, especially in the big cities. Increasing the number of vehicles currently causes increased density on the roads that can cause congestion. Therefore, a proper traffic light control system is required to reduce road congestion. The camera can be one of the alternatives to monitor the condition of road vehicle so that traffic light control can be more efficient. The image data has been obtained from the camera and then processed using a combination of image processing methods with background subtraction techniques. This technique serves as a comparison object image with a reference image so it can be known the number of white pixels on the image subtraction results. Based on the number of white pixels that have been obtained, it can be seen the percentage of vehicle queue length and vehicle density. The percentage of data that has been obtained, then sent to the microcontroller in order to control the duration of the flame of the green light at the traffic light in accordance with the queue length and vehicle density. Based on the research that has been done, the control of traffic light using image processing method combination of background subtraction technique so that it can be known the density and the length of the vehicle queue based on the image of the image processing until the accuracy of each 77.03% and 91.18%.Item Robot Hybrid Pada Kontes Robot Abu Indonesia 2016 (Climbing Task)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Nico Simanjuntak, Alex; Soebhakti, HendrawanThe last task in Robot Contest ABU Indonesia 2016 is Climbing Task which must done by Hybrid Robot to win the game. In this task, Hybrid Robot must climb the engine pole to assembly the propeller in the engine station. A system is developed to complete the task using polyurethane wheel and power window motor. EDF is used as actuator to turn the robot while climbing with PD Controller and get feedback from rotary encoder. The experiment show that the robot can align with line in the field in 0.3 second and climb the pole with error average 2.17°. Robot can assembly propeller with success rate 65% and time average needed is 6,46 seconds. Robot fail to assembly the propeller occurred by mechanical weakness.Item Pengontrolan Oksigen Terlarut Pada Tangki Pengangkutan Ikan Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Ariswandi; Ridwan, Ridwan; Wivanius, NadhrahControlled transport tanks for live fish are important things that are needed by the distibutor to keep the fish alive and fresh to the destination. Therefore, need a system that can control and maintain dissolved oxygen stability (Dissolved Oxygen) in water in fish transport tanks. A closed tank transport system requires pure oxygen for the survival of the fish in it. This parameter (oxygen levels) can be used as input obtained from Dissolved Oxygen sensor input to create a control system using fuzzy logic method, where fuzzy logic will compare the error and deltaerror value, so that the output oxygen can be adjusted to the requirement. The end result of this control system research shows that the transportation tank has been able to maintain the stability of dissolved oxygen in water according to the fish consumption requirement that is set with the 7.5% error rate.