D-4 Teknik Mekatronika
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Item Alat Pengendali Arus pada Mesin Dc-400 Berbasis Mirokontroler dan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Ghafur, Muhammad Abdul; Istardi, Didi; Pratomo Ariyanto, NugrohoPower source is a device that serves to supply electrical current in type of welding SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding), an example is DC-400 machine. The output current of machine is set using a knob on the output control panel in order to generate heat as needed welding. Along with the development, welder realized that there are limitations in the way of controlling current on the machine. Distance control that requires users to go directly to the machine caused inefficiency in work. Therefore, we need a controller for adjusting the output current from long distance. It is necessary to create "Current Control Device for DC- 400 Machine Based Microcontroller and Android". This device can adjust the output current value from long distance and wireless which is a microcontroller as the central controller and android as the input source. From the results of research, the greater value of R1 in potentiometer is set, the greater welding current is generated. The average error between the welding current using the knob and remote is 4.65%.Item Analisis Kapasitas Baterai Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) pada Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (Agv)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Kristovel R.S Sibarani, Ronny; Soebhakti, HendrawanThe use of robots in everyday life continues to increase because the robot has many advantages such as Lithium Polymer Battery Capacity Analysis tool on Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) which is a system of controlling the amount of battery usage in robots such as controlling the battery usage on the robot and battery charging on the sensor and assuming the battery in the charging system. Analysis of the capacity of Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) batteries in Robot Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) researchers should analyze how to know the capacity of the battery when the robot is active and how to calculate the capacity of the battery against the distance or time of the robot. Lithium Polymer battery capacity analysis should use rechargeable batteries and use a voltage sensor where the voltage sensor serves as a detector of the amount of voltage used and current sensor ACS 712 5A which serves as a current detector and displays in 16x2 lCD which serves to display the value of voltage, current, capacity and battery power. The results of this study are expected to be used for other applications such as line follower robots, robotcopter, and other robot applicationsItem Checker Resistance Socket K-E Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Amin Simanjuntak, Christdeora; Sumantri K; Rudiawan Jamzuri, EkoPT.Infineon Technologies Batam is an International Scale Company that produces several IC controller to support Automotive Industry. In its production activities PT.Infineon Technologies Batam certainly has a special department to perform testing to IC’s PT.Infineon Technologies Batam Production. And One’s of the supporting accessories testing activities in PT.Infineon Technologies Batam is K-E Socket. And in the implementation of this K-E Socket usually must be done regularly to reduce the Over Reject that occurred in the Line Production. One of the treatments performed on this K-E Socket is by measuring the resistance of each pin’s K-E Socket. For K-E Sockets that have been repaired or maintained by K-E Socket technicians can be ascertained in good condition the resistance value of each’s K-E Socket pin. For that was designed a prototype to measure the resistance of K-E Socket. Checker K-E Socket Resistance is a Prototype made to measure the resistance value of each’s pin Sense and Force. The result of measuring this resistance value in Ohm units. K-E Socket to be tested measurement resistance is of its K-E Socket 300 Dura. The measuring instrument to be used is RS-232 UT61E Multimeter. And the results of the UT61E RS-232 Multimeter measurement will be displayed inside your PC or Laptop. And the measurement data will be stored in a Microsoft Excel database.Item Kendali Valve pada Burette dengan Indentifikasi Warna Larutan Titrasi(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Irawan, Dery; Aisyah, SitiIn the present of world industries, advance technologies are main important in order to survive in the middle of the competition. Many process of chemical analysis till now still have not maximized the potential of automation in the tools in their environment. An auxiliary tool for controlling valve on burette with color identification method is designed for facilitating operational on acidimetric titration. The valve will rotate automatically based on RGB image on samples read by camera, so that can be concluded the control system of RGB image data works in realtimeaccording to the condition specified by the value of the coefficient of variant R = 0% - 2.53%, G = 0.76% - 4.73%, B = 2.24% - 4%.Item Monitoring Kecepatan Angin Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-13) Suwardi; Prayoga, SenanjungInstrument measuring wind speed by using a web-based WiFi service. This instrument can measure physical quantities such as wind speed that works automatically and transmit measurement data via WiFi service. This instrument consists of a Anemometer wind catcher that is connected to the microcontroller Wemos and WiFi. Anemometer order to function so with this we used the fan as a source of wind, when the wind speed, the anemometer detects directly transmit data to the microcontroller Wemos, then the data will be processed by the microcontroller Wemos and sent via WiFi to be displayed in ThingspeakItem Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Keamanan Kunci Pintu Menggunakan Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Brian Trenggono, Okto; Febriansyah Juwito, ArifVigilance is the important things that required to create a security. But sometimes people remiss and less their alert to matters that relating to the security. Security it means a condition that free from dangers, this term is used with relation to the crime, all of accidents, etc. Security is the important thing for a home, where the people forgets to lock the door or someone had locked the door but hiding their key in some area around the houses that is not known by others just for avoid that key will be lost when they are not in home. If this continuous it will be lead to the unsafe situation.One way to resolve this problem is with control system and security monitoring using android. With this devices if the user forgets to lock the door, users can directly control their door lock on the house and at the same time users can monitoring all of the existing security sensor using their own android smartphone. In order to use this devices, android smartphone must be connected to the internet. Users only need click or unclick the button on the application for lock or unlock their door lock. Smoke sensor and pressure sensor that is located on the door lock detects any threat or danger, the system will immediately send the notice to the android smartphone in real time. So users can be faster to perform the necessary precautions.Item Sistem Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Level Tangki Settling Mfo Pada Pltd Batu Ampar Menggunakan Lab View(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-03) Arianto, Deni; Aisyah, SitiNowadays, communication system development had spread rapidly. This condition, made human job easily to monitoring and to control many things especially in industry era. At Batu Ampar diesel power plant, one of the most important parameter for keep fuel systemat settling tank level. Due to manually to fill the fuel to settling tank by operator, it made non effective because the distance between settling tank was so far from control room.Thiscondition can be removed by added ultrasonic sensor to measure the level of MFO fuel. After that, the data from sensor will transfer and process into microcontroller. We alsomade human interface system to display settling tank level by using LabVIEW. Based onresearch and analysis, we can took conclusion that these system will be more efficiently if parameter to monitor settling tank about 5 until 50 m. But it would be unefficient if theparameter to read the settling tank level more than 50 until 80 m because there was delay about 4 seconds. To switched on and off the transfer pump, happened delay along 2 seconds from 5 to 50 m. And for the parameter between 50 until 80 m, it took longer delay about 40 seconds.Item Sistem Pembayaran pada Kantin Secara Online Berbasis Web Menggunakan Rfid(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Prayetno, Dedy; Sani, AbdullahOnline transaction is familiar to be used for now, but there are some canteens still use conventional transaction system, which there are using physical money for the payment. Web-based online canteen payment system using RFID is a research that produces a system that can be used to facilitate users to make payment in the canteen. The result of the payment system uses RFID card that in KTP as a means of money replacement are the system will record all form of transactions in the canteen to be stored in the database and then the transaction data is sent to each users’mail after the transaction.Item Sistem Pergerakan Point to Point Mobile Robot dengan Kontrol Posisi Motor DC(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-20) Danil, Jufrika; Soebhakti, Hendrawan; Pratama, RizkyMobile robot is typically one of numerous types of robots, as it is the foremost used for Differential Wheel Drive that offers low cost. However, regardless of the type, the main issue from mobile robot is related to it’s drive system and it’s simple manually controlled with on-off controller. Furthermore, the automatic drive is necessitated to move to targeted points or positions with ease. Thus, implementing Forward Kinematics method which is received from time discrete feedback and inverse kinematic controlled by PID with feedback of internal encoder at DC motor is supposed to make robot moves automatically. This experiment shows that the driving control system can move the position of the robot where the average error for its movement/motion is 11.9% with respect to X axis, 11.4% with respect to Y axis, as well as 15.4% towards Theta with percentage of successful movement reaches 87.08%. Additionally. The error may due to slip of the wheels while moving as well as system of position’s feedback and the direction that is only obtained by time discrete.Item Streaming Android Terintegrasi dengan Sensor PIR Sebagai Sensor Gerak(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Khoirunnisa, Adila; Sumantri KStreaming is a continuous process of sending data that allows users to access files that have not been received entirely. Streaming methods can be applied in everyday life to monitor an activity outside the door. Activities can be negative or positive. Based on these problem, author designed activity detection system using PIR sensor to detect the movement of human body, so PIR sensor can be an automatic home bell when people come to visit. After PIR sensor detects, the camera android (client) will be active and send the live event streaming to android (user) so homeowners can easly monitoring directly. Result from this research is video streaming service using TCP protocol has fulfilled the standard of QoS (Quality of Service) TIPHON by using delay parameter in 3.95745ms with very satisfying category, throughput parameter in 327637.144bps with very satisfying category and packet loss parameter in 0.952% with satisfactory category. Based on the research, author hope this tool can help homeowners to monitoring activities outside the door from anywhere.