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    Pelaksanaan Penataan Akses Reforma Agraria Studi Kasus di Kampung Tua, Kelurahan Tanjung Riau, Kota Batam
    (2024-05-19) Saragih, Fratia Yunirahma; Chayati, Siti Noor; Wahyuni; Chayati, Siti Noor
    Access arrangement is one of the programs of agrarian reform that continues from asset arrangement. Access arrangement is considered as empowerment for communities whose land assets have been legalized through PTSL as determined by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning. The empowerment referred to is by providing ease of access in developing small businesses that already exist. Access arrangement is intended so that communities facing obstacles in their businesses can receive assistance in the form of capital provision, training, marketing strategies, and so on. Kampung Tua Tanjung Riau is the location for access arrangement in 2022, through data collection in that year various types of micro-medium small businesses (MSMEs) referred to as agrarian reform access objects were obtained. This study aims to determine how the implementation of agrarian reform access is carried out in Kampung Tua Tanjung Riau, using a qualitative approach method and field data collection resulting in types of businesses of agrarian reform access participants, business status, certificate utilization status (mortgaged/not mortgaged), and success indicators determined through business development post-empowerment and land ownership certificate (title) mortgaging for additional business capital. The constraints in the implementation of agrarian reform access arrangement in Kampung Tua Tanjung Riau are the lack of community understanding of the agrarian reform access program, where not all participants are registered for empowerment training, the abundance of similar businesses that are not balanced with existing market demands resulting in competition among MSME players, the majority of registered participants do not mortgage because they feel unwilling to bear the burden and it is not yet needed.
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    Pemetaan Kawasan Terlayani Infrastruktur Bangunan Pasar Kota Batam
    (2024-07-05) Natali, Suci Dayanti; Chayati, Siti Noor; Chayati, Siti Noor
    Persebaran pasar yang tidak merata membuat beberapa kawasan sulit untuk mengakses infrastruktur pasar tersebut, apalagi jika kawasan tersebut memiliki kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi. Maka diperlukan pemetaan kawasan yang dapat terlayani infrastruktur bangunan Kota Batam dengan pendekatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pola persebaran, density serta kawasan terlayani infrastruktur bangunan pasar baik berdasarkan jarak maupun berdasarkan waktu tempuh, dan mengetahui pemukiman mana saja yang dapat terlayani. Hasil dari penelitian ini memiliki pola persebaran yang mengelompok (clustered) dan nilai density dengan rentang 0 –1,04 sedangkan kawasan terlayani infrastruktur pasar Kota Batam berdasarkan jarak dan waktu dapat menjangkau beberapa kawasan Kecamatan dengan baik namun Kecamatan Bulang dan Galang tidak terlayani karena tidak ada nya pasar pada Kecamatan tersebut. Kawasan pemukiman yang dapat terlayani sudah menjangkau banyak pemukiman kecuali Kecamatan Bulang, dikarenakan tidak ada pasar dan jaringan jalan untuk ke pasar yang ada di Kecamatan lain kurang memadai.