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    Transformasi Sistem Koordinat Lokal dan Global Pada Robot Mecanum Wheels
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-20) Sholeh, Muhammad Syaifudin; Soebhakti, Hendawan
    Mobile Robot consisting of four wheels Mecanum Wheel Drive can move by translating and rotating to the desired direction by using kinematic inverse equation. But the kinematic inverse equation is one of the things that still coordinate local as a reference for its movement. Robot movement still can not be used to achieve the goal because it coordinates the robot is always dynamic or follow where the direction of the robot moves. So in this research will be used method that can access local coordinate become global coordinate robot with coordinate transformation. The expected result of this research is the movement of robot and can move in the form of visualization. From the research that has been done the robot can move in accordance with the direction of the instructed when the output motor speed that has been described kinematik inverse does not exceed the maximum speed limit of the motor used. The maximum speed of motor used is 124 rpm. The error occurs because the system is still open loop
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    Pengenalan Suara Terhadap Pergerakan Robot Beroda dengan Metode FFT
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Bayu, Krisina; Risandriya, Sumantri K.; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya
    Speech Recognition to Mobile Robot Movement With FFT Method is a system that serves to move the robot direction based on the given sound. Usually to move a wheeled robot someone is still using the PC or remote control. With these problems researchers create a software system and hardware designed to recognize human voice commands. The voice signal will be processed on PC using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method in LabVIEW to find out the amplitude and frequency. Then to know the features of advanced sound, turn right and turn left using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) method then the result of these characteristics is converted into time domain then stored into reference template by DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) method. The experimental results show that the system can recognize forward sound, turn right, and turn left has an average success rate of 81.1% and has an average error of 18.8%. Sound recognition errors are caused because when the speech sounds forward, turn right, and turn left the environment is not always quiet.
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    Robot Pendeteksi Manusia Menggunakan Sensor PIR
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Rusdi, Muhammad Ibnu; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo
    The higher the crime rate and also the rate of economic growth is slowing, causing a growing need for a surveillance system in the room. This surveillance system to anticipate the level of criminality such as theft, etc. Therefore the author making a tool that is: Human Detection Robots Using Sensor PIR, the Robot serving as supervisor of security which will make it easier for security officers in night shift. The workings of this robot will follow the walls of the left so that the robot is able to surround all the system navigation can use Ultrasonic sensors. The robot will be able to detect the presence of human beings through his movements using a PIR sensor help. Then the robot will send a warning to the security supervisor in the form of sound the alarm through the system interfacenya on android. Where the robot and allows supervisors to communicate in real time. Expected to design this tool later can help in terms of oversight.
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    Robot Otomatis KRI 2012
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-06-30) Syafi'i, Rian; susanto, susanto; Risandriya, Sumantri K.
    Automatic Robot KRI 2012, is a robot designed to participate in the annual robot contest that held by the DIKTI (Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi) which refers to the rules of contest organized by ABU Robocon (Asia Pacific Broadcase Union). Theme contest in 2012 was a robot that is can construct Peng On Day Gat is one of the traditional activities of the state that held in Hong Kong. Mission of Automatic robot KRI 2012 is take the basket and put it in the manual area. After that brings the Collector Robot to the Island. This robot is designed using multiple sensors as well as detection devices and navigation using actuators are used as prime movers in navigation and in conducting retrieval and laying down the object. The results achieved in the design of the robot is quite complex, developed a robot design in terms of mechanical, electronic and software applications where the robot has been able to work and easy to program and electronically controlled and accurate in making and laying objects.
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    Oan_Arc Robot Beroda Expert Battle Pemadam Api
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-06-25) Sitohang, Johanes; Kusuma, Ari Teja; Hasibuan, Hendy Singkop P.; Soebhakti, Hendawan
    A wheeler robot Expert Battle Oan_Arc, is a robot designed to extinguish the fire/candle and take the doll contained in a space that is shaped maze. This robot is designed from the three main parts, namely the mechanical, electronics and programming. All three parts into a single entity to perform its functions to extinguish the fire/candle and retrieve an object. The design of the robot is shaped like cars contractor, with a pair of pincers at the front of the robot. This robot move by DC motors and servo. Two wheels of each has a DC motor. Also installed two servo that serves to clamp the arm joints and shaft rotation doll fan extinguisher holder. While the fan used to extinguish fires that installed in a motor DC 12 V. These robots are designed using various sensors that function to do the execution of each room. Sensors used to detect the distance of the SRF wall/object, Magnetic Compass for detecting the direction of the position, Line Track Analog to detect differences in color of the floor. As the brain of this robot is to regulate the performance of all sensors is Microcontroller ATmega 8535. This circuit is used as the brain of the robot that authors create.
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    Mesin Penyeduh Kopi Otomatis
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Lubis, Nurlaily; AISYAH, SITI
    This automatic coffee makers machine is a tool to facilitate people to make coffee. There are some components used to manufacture this tool, such as Arduino uno, relay, servo motor, etc. Arduino uno used as micro controller and data processing. Relay contact is used to adjust the voltage. While Servo motor is used to control the release of the coffee’s ingredients and to regulate the water output. System device works is after we press the menu button, then the tool will directly process. If we choose the menu of coffee cream coffee cream manufacture preceded by servo motors on the active ingredient of coffee and then successively in the ingredients cream servo motors, servo motors on the water heater, coffee stirrer motors and servo motors in a container mixer will be active. And On the menu capucino cream manufacturing process similar to the process of making coffee cream just different in its initial servo motor on his capucino material was active and continued as the process of making coffee cream. Based on experiments done if we want to make a cup of coffee cream requires an average time for 39.4 seconds and if we want to make capucino cream requires an average time of 39.4 seconds
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    Implementasi Robot Jari Dengan Kendali Menggunakan Pc
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-02-24) Azmi, Rafikhal; Daniel, Daniel
    Robot finger is one part of the robot InMOOV. This system works with robots mimic the movement of a finger that almost resemble the fingers of a human hand. This research used a PC as a controller of the movements to the five fingers on the robot. To make the finger Robot is similar to human fingers that truly needed the design part of a finger, hand to the arm and then diprint using 3D printing. To move the fingers used five modified servo motor using ropes to pull each finger by using angles, as well as the Arduino Uno as the microcontroller to process data from the servo motor. From the results obtained, each finger has the distinction of position causing the difference in the angle of the fifth fingers when performing the movement mengenggam. Then the finger can begerak one by one with intesitas quick and slow. On the thumb and ring finger to get a perfect grip angle of movement on position servo 140 °, 150 ° middle finger, ring finger and little finger 95 ° 120 °.
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    Sistem Pengenalan dan Tracking Wajah pada Robot 2 DOF
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Al-Aidid, Sayed Maulana Iqbal; Pamungkas, Daniel Sutopo
    Face recognition needs accurate software system to get the optimally funcion in recognizing a human face with scanning. The system able to determine human face when detected. It’s has the same characteristics with faces in the database. In other sides, face tracking, face detection and face recognition is the priority. The method Haarcascade is used to detect the face on image or input from the camera and face recognition method is used Local Binery Pattern Histogram. The robot will know face owner’s if the face in the detection and input of the camera has the same characteristic as the pictures of face in the database. This system able to detect multiple faces in single frame. And also, the movement of the camera is able to follow the movement of the face. But have to make straight projecting position between face and camera.
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    3DoF Kinematik Robot Lengan
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017) Nugroho, Dionisius Adji; Soebhakti, Hendawan ; Toar, Handri
    This research contains of design in 3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) robotic arm, which was a small prototype of robot industry. The design of this research to simulate the actual movements of the robot industry. This robotic arm designed with kinematics using forward kinematics and inverse kinematics by showing the movement of any DoF. This design includes the mechanical design model and available to control with microcontroller by using Arduino UNO. Each DoF are driven by DC motor which is controlled by using microcontroller. This application of robot arm is connected using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Visual C# with calculation data covers kinematics. The result of this research obtained the lowest error percentage at special angle movements in the process of inverse kinematics at θ1, θ2 amounting to 0% of 0.011% and θ3 of 0.233%. While in the process forward kinematics retrieved the value of the error in x, y of 0%, and z of 0.39%.