D4 Logistik Perdagangan Internasional

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/PL029/1756


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    Penerapan Lean Warehousing Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Aktivitas Gudang Pada PT. XYZ
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024) Theresia, Novia; Hendrawan, Bambang
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja aktivitas gudang pada PT. XYZ dengan pendekatan lean warehousing yang berfokus meminimalisasi waste yang ada pada aktivitas penerimaan material di newcont store dan main store khususnya material kabel dan LPG. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi waste yang terjadi adalah value stream mapping, process activity mapping, dan fishbone diagram. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwasanya terdapat beberapa waste yang terjadi di newcont store dan main store. Dimana pada newcont store, waste yang lebih dominan adalah excessive transportation dan waiting. Sedangkan pada main store, waste yang lebih dominan adalah inappropriate processing dan unnecessary motion. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dibutuhkannya perbaikan dan penambahan material handling, sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan penerimaan material menjadi lebih singkat.
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    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-07-31) Sihombing, Dyne Estina; Zuliarni, Sri
    Sistem I-BOSS merupakan sistem yang dikembangkan dengan tujuan memaksimalkan pelayanan perizinan di Batam dengan berbasis online dan terintegrasi dengan semua pelaksana kepentingan sehingga tercipta pelayanan perizinan yang efesien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pengguna website I-BOSS di Direktorat Lalu Lintas Barang Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam dengan integrasi model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan user satisfaction. Untuk penelitian ini digunakan kuesioner berdasarkan pendekatan kuantitatif dan disebarkan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, kriterianya pelaku usaha yang pernah melakukan pelayanan perizinan melalui website I-BOSS. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan model persamaan struktural (SEM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perceived ease of use berpengaruh terhadap perceived usefulness dan user satisfaction, kemudian attitude toward using dipengaruhi oleh perceived usefulness dan mempengaruhi user satisfaction. Perceived usefulness dan attitude toward using juga memediasi pengaruh perceived ease of use terhadap user satisfaction.
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    (2024-08-12) Hendrian, Suci; Zuliarni, Sri
    The E-learning Brismart application is an application system developed to improve the quality and performance of employees at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia to realize the company's goal of becoming The Most Valuable Banking Group in Southeast Asia and Champion Financial Inclusion. This study aims to analyze the effect of E-learning Brismart as a training medium intended for workers at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia using the Task Technology Fit (TTF) theory evaluation model. The research activities used questionnaires as a quantitative approach for PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kc Batam Nagoya employees. The analysis results show that E-learning Brismart affects employee performance at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Batam Nagoya Branch Office, as evidenced by the positive correlation between variables.
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    Risk Mitigation Analysis of Delays in The Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Using The House of Risk (HOR) Method
    (2024-07-15) Syela, Ciara Ayu; Harlan, Fandy Bestario
    PT XYZ is a company engaged in shipping that provides sea transportation services such as ship rental and ship management. In carrying out its business operations, PT XYZ needs to procure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which in its business operations has a lot of urgency in activities and order lead times that change every time, causing delays in PPE delivery by suppliers. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to apply the House Of Risk (HOR) technique to analyze risk agents or risk causes related to the risks caused, as well as identify and measure the impact of risks related to procurement operations on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). In this study, 20 risk events and 20 risk agents were identified. The results of data processing from HOR phase 1 of ARP obtained 3 dominant risk agents from a total of 20 risk agents using a pareto diagram with the concept of 80:20. In HOR phase 2, 6 handling strategies were obtained. Using the Pareto 60:40 principle, the main mitigation strategy is determined by obtaining 4 strategies that can be implemented from 6 prioritized mitigation strategies based on their effectiveness.