D-4 Teknik Mekatronika

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    Pembuatan Heating Unit untuk Trainer Kit ED-6830 dengan Metode Fuzzy Logic
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Yazid, Muhammad Hafiz; Kurniawan, Sumantri; Ridwan
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    Perencanaan Kapasitas Generator Set Sebagai Cadangan Energi Listrik Gedung M Nasir Politeknik Negeri Batam
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-19) Sudarsono, Eko; Istardi, Didi
    Batam State Polytechnic is a developing campus in the world of education hence to improve the quality of lecture facilities Batam State Polytechnic build a new building which is named M Nasir Building Therefore to meet the needs of PLN's power project as the main energy source, but not forever electricity PLN always burning there are times when outages caused by various things. Therefore, in order to avoid blackouts from PLN, the was designed As backup of power souce when PLN was extinguished. Based on the measurements made over the 5-day period, the power measurements were performed on the SDP-1 panel, Date / Time: November 10, 2017 (12:00) -11 Nov 2017 (11:00 am), power measurement on the SDP panel -2 Date / Time: 13 Nov 2017 (14:00) -14 Nov 2017 (11:00), and power measurement on the SDP-AC panel Date / hours: 13 Nov 2017 (14:00) - 14 Nov 2017 (09:00 hours). From the measurement result on each panel of SDP each floor then do the calculation and obtained measured load data equal to 165,86 kW. So to serve the needs of electrical energy in the event of disruption of electricity supply from PLN in Building M Nasir required as a backup supply with a capacity of 257 KVA.
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    Kontrol Level Air pada Miniplant Menggunakan Kendali Fuzzy Logic dengan Antarmuka Labview
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-04) Tangkai, Amirul Malitang; Asaad, Nur Sakinah
    There are some measurement variable that should be controlled correctly in industry process. Variable control are so important to keep stability of system. Those variable are temperature, flow, pressure, and level. Water level control sometime have a storage tank that its level can be controlled and monitor.water level control mostly done by the controlling the percentage of the input valve of tank which that level controlled by the setpoint of the tank. Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor is use for reading the water level of the tank. The miniplant of the water level control using a method of fuzzy logic which display on the labview are build as a prototype of the water level control plant. Fuzzy logic controller is use for controlling the percentage of valve opened of tank. The method of fuzzy logic controller which used a centre of maximum method. When the number of the setpoint same as the actual level of water of the tank causing the stability of system. The result of this research show that when the setpoint goes up so the input valve of the tank will open than fill the tank until the number of setpoint same as actual level of water of the tank.
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    Pengontrol Pergerakan Prototype Troli Belanja Otomatis
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-17) Christevan, Iwan; Sutopo, Daniel
    Prototype Automatic Shopping Cart With Communication Bluetooth is a robot that serves as a shopping cart that can follow users automatically, without the need to be driven by being pushed or pulled, so it can facilitate users in shopping. To that end, the prototype trolley has the ability to detect the movement of its users and the distance users with prototype trolleys for the trolley can follow its users. The trolley robot control uses Arduino Uno that is placed on the prototype of the trolley, and uses a compass sensor to detect every movement of its users. The data from the compass sensor will be transmitted via the bluetooth slave in the user's waist bag to the bluetooth master in the prototype trolley which results will be used to use the servo motor as the prototype in the prototype trolley. From testing the prototype has done the trolley can follow the user effectively with a maximum load of 2 kg and the trolley can follow the user when walking in front of the trolley with the maximum speed of the user of 0.52 m/s or 1.87 km/h.
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    Kendali Lengan Robot Manipulator Menggunakan Kamera Stereo
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Alfianto, Ary; Sugandi, Budi; Toar, Handri
    Robot Manipulator is used in various processes, one of them in the field of medicine. Doctors use tools such as robot manipulator as a tool to translate hand movements to perform surgery. In other applications, the movement of the robot manipulator uses the joystick so in use it needs the ability to control the robot manipulator. Based on the above exposure the author makes a robot manipulator control system using hand movement, so from the results of the study designed a control system that connects the robot manipulator with stereo camera using TCP IP connection. The method used in this research is offline and online method, which is offline method that result of data received from stereo camera will be shown visual robot manipulator on PC, while method of online data received from input will be sent to PC server using communication of TCP IP to control the robot manipulator. The conclusion and result of this research, the robot manipulator can move in accordance with the movement of the hand offline and online, and the movement speed of the robot manipulator movement approaches the speed of hand movement when the internal speed of the robot manipulator is 100%.
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    Pengoreksi Lampu Belok Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Accelerometer dengan Metode Fuzzy
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Waluyo, Joko; Sumantri
    The manual switch on motor cycle is used to inform a rider movement when they are taking left or right, it means the sign light can not turn on automatically as movement when the rider take a turn right but switch on left. Accelerometer attached on side of front tire and motor cycle body to detect angel of maneuver to be used as motor cycle parameter, and use fuzzy logic as control to make decision which one of sign lights will be turned on automatically. Data that come from 2 accelerometers as input will be processed by fuzzy in microcontroller until it got analog data output that decide the right one or left one of sign light will turn on. Kalman filter will process output data from accelerometer to reduce and minimize the noises so that data will become more stable. Next, all system will be tested with give it angel per 5° from 75° to 105° (each one 15° to right way and left way). Result shows that the system successful make sign light turn on as motorcycle movement with give angel accuration score of accelerometer about 96.6% at 0° until 5° and decrease if angel detected by sensor getting larger.
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    Perancangan Sistem Pengukur Kesejajaran Tinggi Dua Benda Berbasis PID
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-20) Wicaksono, Guntur; Fahruzi, Iman
    In measuring the height alignment of two objects (flatness sloof leveling and foundation) a builder requires a small hose that had been filled with water in it, the pull of the point to be measured is then pulled thread as a reference height that occurs cutouts leveling horizontally (law related vessel Archimedes). With the measurement method, requiring long hose if it would measure 2 pieces distant point and of course with plenty of water volume and requires a long process so that the water be quiet and the measurement can be done. Therefore, the authors make a tool to replace the function of the tool digitally, by utilizing light. According to the nature of light that light travels in straight then this tool authors utilize the functionality of laser light that can reach remote places with light focus on one point. Then that the laser beam can emit light with a straight horizontal earth's gravity is required The parallel arrangement with the Earth using an accelerometer sensor and servo motors. To set the desired height in the tool takes the motor and an encoder sensors as feedback on the PID system to be created. Based on the results of tests performed, obtained good results. By using the value of Kp = 2, Ki = 0.01, Kd = 1, SP = 250 and Ts = 5 is obtained Rise Time = 593 ms, Peak time =706 ms, and steadytime = 932 ms. Then the range of the accelerometer sensor g on better response by using ± 16g.
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    Kendali Kecerahan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Dan Monitoring Berbasis Labview
    (Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2015-01-01) Sihaloho, Dedi Florensius; Aisyah, Siti ; Wikanta, Prasaja; Fatekha, Rifqi Amalya; Rudiawan, Eko