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Item Pengendalian Robot Perintah Suara Dengan Metode Fuzzy(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-03) Miswanto, Septian; Sumantri, Sumantri; Fatekha, Rifqy AmalyaThe voice command robot controller with fuzzy method is a system that the function is for controlling the direction of movement of robot based on command that given. Generally, a robot use remote or PC. Because of these problem, the researchers will create a tool that is a wheeled robot that can be governed by using voice input. The voice command is processed and sent by LabView, then it will be processed by the microcontroller so that the robot moves according to the instruction that given. The working system of this robot use the degree of change with HMC5883L sensor. This robot has some set point such as forward command voice (0o), turn right command voice (90o) and turn left command voice (-90o). The results of this experiment shows that the robot can move forward, turn right and turn left at the main building of Politeknik Negeri Batam that the average success rate is 67.22% and average error is 32%, at the teaching factory of the State Polytechnic of Batam with the average success rate is 60% and average error is 39.4%. The movement error in the robot is caused due to the height that affects the earth's magnetic field.Item Tester Resistansi Mesin Rasco – 1800 Berbasis Labview(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-09) Nopri Andi, Putra Ananda; Rudiawan, EkoItem Sistem Pemantauan Level Ketinggian Resin Berbasis Internet Of Things (Iot)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-03) Ruslan, Ahmad; Aisyah, SitiInternet of things is defined as a technology that enable to control, communicate, cooperate with various hardware, data and virtualize all the real thing in the internet and others through the internet. In this research, a system-based resin level monitoring system based on website using ultrasonic wave measurement method from ping sensor. The data of the ping sensor will be processed inside the microcontroller and ethernet shield assigned to send sensor data using internet connection. Internet connection obtained from router TP-LINK MR3020 by using LAN cable. Sensor data will be store in the databse MYSQL and then will be displayed on the website. Results of the test showed that the value of the serial output with manual measurement not have much different, with the error of 0.80%. For real time readings on the website the measurement values of the monitor series with those on the website are the same.Item Kendali Motor Dc Pada Smart Koper(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Pradana, Rezky Hari; Istardi, Didi; Sugandi, BudiWhen at the airport plane, it can be seen that the suitcase became one of the most commonly used equipment for traveling by the general public. Generally, the suitcase is equipped with a handle and wheels to facilitate / lighten the owner in carrying luggage by withdrawal. The extent of the area and the distance traveled from certain counters at the airport of the plane and the weight of luggage in the suitcase sometimes makes the luggage owner easy to feel tired because the suitcase should always be drawn with the owner's hand to carry it. From the problem, a researcher conducting research in the form of smart trolley follower based on technical vision. Smart trolley is a mobile robot equipped with a computer as a controller and camera from Android device to track and follow colored objects automatically. From the research and the problems that have been described, the author was inspired to create smart suitcases that can move to follow the owner. Smart suitcase in question is a suitcase equipped with a computer and a microcontroller as a controller, motor drive and stereo camera to track / detect objects by doing color filtering and simple shape checker in order to measure the distance and angle of objects so that smart suitcase can move to follow the object brought by the owner. The object used in this research is a unique pattern to represent the identity of smart luggage owners. In order for smart suitcases to move to follow the owner, then used fuzzy logic algorithm with fuzzy rules that have been determined and implemented on the smart suitcase to determine the movement of DC motor in smart suitcase. In this research the smart suitcase made angle measurements using the stereo camera performed at an angle of 80°, 85°, 90°, 95° and 100° there is an error (error) measurement when the object angle away from the angle perpendicular to the front of the stereo camera. So from the measurement angle has the largest mean error of 1.17% at an angle of 100°.Item Pengendali Suhu Dengan Pendingin Thermoelectric Sebagai Pengganti Pendingin Kimia(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-01-20) Supriyanta, Andreas; Sani, AbdullahItem Kendali Tangan Robot Menggunakan Sinyal Electromyography(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-06) Prasetyo, Eko; Pamungkas, DanielItem Automatic Cooker Hood(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-09-14) Waluyo, Agus; Kamarudin, KamarudinThe kitchen is a room to process food until it is ready to be served. A good and healthy kitchen must be kept clean. Excessive smoke from cooking results will disrupt health. Cooker hood, is a smoke absorber, in general it is still manual, using the control panel to adjust the cooker hood looks less practical, because it cannot compensate for excessive smoke. From these problems the researcher makes an automatic smoke-suction system, if the smoke conditions no dc motor will be off, when DC motor smoke is detected it will be activated at normal speed, when smoke is detected more the speed of the dc motor will spin faster. In this system uses the mq7 sensor as an indication of smoke, current sensor as an indication of the current in the system. To adjust the DC motor speed, the researcher uses the PID method, the motor speed changes according to the smoke conditions. In this study, it is expected to simplify the work when cooking process and the cook is not disturbed by excessive smoke.Item Positioning Dan Manuver Robot Krsbi Beroda 7.1 Berbasis Arm(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-07-06) Pratama, Khasia Vidra; Prayoga, Senanjung; Pratama, RizkyRobot soccer competition is needed the right and good movement in positioning, for running the strategy like what planning already made. Because of that in omnidirectional wheel robot which already installed rotary encoder that used invers kinematics for moving to direction which has been ordered. But it’s have lack if just using invers kinematics because wrong movement is happened so in this case is needed forward kinematics as feedback for increase the accurate positioning of robot. In this study PID system controller will be used for decrease the error value from target position faced to real robot position. And for increase the speed of processing data then used STM32F407 ARM Cortex-M4, which have clock CPU until 168 Mhz. The desire result from this study is increasing the accurate for the target position of robot using PID controller and speed up the processing of data using microcontroller that had high capacity then all changed position of robot will be described in visual formItem Pemantauan Rumah Pintar Untuk Sistem Manajemen Daya Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Rohmiyati, Rohmiyati; Gozali, Muhammad Syafei; Wijanarko, HeruMonitoring system is an alternative that can facilitate a more effective and efficient work system. To support the system, then an online system via the website can be used to perform monitoring functions either in the office, building, or in the house where we live. Existing studies prove that controlling and monitoring of electrical equipment is essential and necessary for residential homes. The system can be accessed from an Internet- connected PC, so monitoring systems make it easy for homeowners to monitor and control home appliances remotely just by typing a predefined Link (created) in the address bar. The present study aims to create a home based monitoring system for web-based power management systems. This system works with hardware and software. In hardware is done connection sensor to port NodeMcu. Then from NodeMcu connected to the Monitoring system. The sensors connect to each load that they want to measure at home. In software, PHP is used as a programming language and SQLyog is used as its database. This system is only for monitoring the parameters generated by the sensor. And the load that is monitored is the load of lights and the load that is on the socket. The results of the experiment show that the monitoring system can be accessed by the user, can monitor the electricity usage of load the lamp and load the socket by using the sensor as a detector, the data received by the server is able to be stored into the database and the electricity charged can be displayed on the web through visual graphics . The success rate of this monitoring system is 100%.Item Deteksi Benda Berdasarkan Bentuk Dan Dimensi Pada Mesin Pemisah Barang(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-06-04) Sitorus, Riwan Dony; Sugandi, BudiTechnological development is inseparable from the human life today and has become a necessity as we perform daily activities. The increase will need technology we can see with the innovation and technology in computer matches the times. One application of the technology of a computer is processing the image or image processing. The use of a variety of image processing can improve the quality, tracking, and identifying an object. In addition, there are still many methods are used as needed to solve a problem. In this case the author realize the use of image processing for object detection applied in appropriate forms and dimensions. The result of the camera capture webcam as object detection and use the sorting machine as the mover then the object will be detected. As for the classification of objects detected by the camera webcam that is essentially based on the shape of the object form of circle, square form, and the form of equilateral triangle with a Shape Matching method with. On dimension objects, reading starting from the smallest objects, medium, and large size range corresponds to object in pixels that have been obtained. So for testing in the conversion pixel to the millimetre was obtained by a percentage error of 0.9%.