Jurusan Teknik Elektro
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Item Kontrol Suhu Dan Kelembaban Pada Mesin Pengembang Roti Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy-Pid(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Hameliani, Wahyumithali; Aisyah, Siti ; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiBread is a type of snack that with times becoming a primary food on daily life. In the process of making bread, beside the composition of materials, there is a step that conclude whether the dough is ready for baking or not, which called Proofing. In this proofing process, the temperature and humidity will be controlled according to the required proofing standard. The trouble is to control the stable temperature at 35°C and 80% RH humidity when the proofing is being process so we can have the perfect dough before we start with the baking process. For this research, a machine was made to help the proofing process where the temperature and humidity can be controlled with using Fuzzy-Pid method to an oven so we can make the dough expand perfectly. To display the temperature and humidity inside the oven, the machine equipped with LCD Temperature Display with censor DHT22. Based on the research, we acquired a respectable result where the fastest time to reach the set point of 35°C and humidity 80% RH is 8 minutes. Room temperature 29.3°C and room humidity is 69%RH.Item Kontrol Dan Monitoring Pada Inkubator Bayi Berbasis Fuzzzy Logic(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Julius Nababan, Andreas; Deri Putra, AsrizalWhen the baby is in the womb, they could live inside his mother womb with the same temperature as their mother beetwen 36oC-37oC. When the premature babies were born, they cannot adapt to the temperature around them. Therefore, the newborn premature babies are needed to use an incubator. The incubator helps them to adapt to the environment. But, there is only manual incubator that available nowadays, which is the temperature controlled manually. The research aimed to make an automatic incubator that temperature and humidity was controlled automatically. Fuzzy logic is one of the methods that can control the paramaters. In this research, the setpoint of the temperature was set 36 – 37oC. The setpoint was reached during 300s.Item Sistem Kontrol Dan Monitoring Load Bank 150 Kw Berbasis Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-18) Dolly Harahap, Syukri; Febriansyah Juwito, ArifBy using automation technology, everyone can do anything without act direct manually. With the convenience offered, the human need for automation applications will always increase. One of The example is control of load bank. Load bank is needed in the commissioning process of medium voltage generating system. The manual operation of load bank is considered inefficient because it is ineffective in time and communication, which slows down the work. Control and monitoring of load bank based on Android is felt to be able to solve the problem. By using a smartphone we can control and observe the power loading system in one time. To apply on the load bank, it require a system which can communicate and perform commands remotely. Remote method can determine which execution will be done through android smartphone. In testing of load bank, control is done at different distances, The distance between the user and the load bank affects the decision-making speed of the device. The response is proper and accurate, the speed of the load transfer process occurs for 1,0 seconds from a distance of 50 meters, and 1.42 seconds from a maximum distance of 100 meters. The largest drop in voltage occurs at load 45 kW in amount of 3.25%.Item Kontrol Stabilitas 2 Axis Untuk Kamera Smartphone Berbasis Propotional And Derivative (Pd)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-24) Sulthony, Arkan; Deri Putra, AsrizalAlong with the times, smartphones became increasingly sophisticated. Even the quality of the camera has a good picture quality. However, when you want to capture images by way of photography or videography often get less good results because in a state of walking, running, or being in uneven places. In order for the image to be better, it takes a camera stabilizer tool or dreadlocks. With these tools the shots will become more stable, even when walking, running or uneven. Hardware components required in the tool are accelerometer and gyroscope sensors that serve as measuring angles on the X-axis (rool) and Y-axis (Pitch) when moving or still. Thus the noise on the sensor output will be filtered by using a filter kalman. In addition to these sensors, BLDC motor / servo motor also serves as a driver of the camera stabilizer tool or dreadlock, so the movement of the tool becomes softer. With this research, it was found that the tools that use the motors of servo motors are more stable and able to withstand 134gram loads that have dimensions of 143.5 x 71x 7.3 mm compared to tools that move using BLDC motors that still do not get stability in the tool due to drivers and controlling with propotional and Derivative (PD) is still not getting maximum results. With such a tool that movements using servo motors are able to assist the process of photography and videography, so the results of the image remains good even if in a state of running or running.Item Kipas Otomatis Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Andhika Fernanda, Dio; Juwito, Arif; Ridwan, RidwanFan is an electronic device which has function to produce wind. In general, fan still using manual system that need push button provided by manufacturer. By controlling fan using this manual system, it requires the operator to change speed of the fan. Therefore it is necessary to control the speed of the fan automatically. The automatic control used microcontroller with fuzzy logic method. By utilizing this method, we can adjust condition of the fan according to the value of two temperature sensors that will become fuzzy logic input. The result are obtained when the input fuzzy temperature 1 equals 30,74oC and temperature 2 equals 29,77oC, then output fuzzy it in the range 0-100% is 72.30% the result is mapped into PWM as input dimmer circuit. Then the PWM determined the speed of fan, and within 10 minutes if the PIR sensor did not detect any movement the fan will turned off until it detect any movement again.Item Solar Dryer Dengan Air Heater Berbasis Mikrokontroler Untuk Hasil Laut(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-17) Wiranata, Hendra; Wivanius, NadhrahFood processing by drying method is done commonly, especially for fish and squid. In this way, dried fish and squid can durable through heating. Heating can decrease the water content, so it can inhibit bacterial growth. Now, people are still dry using traditional way to dry seafood under the sun, but this way is very dependent on the weather, so drying takes a long time. This research will discuss about inovation of solar dryer system that working by maximizing the absorption of solar heat and channeling heat, and then drying evenly using fan and motor to replace the object side to be dried, and additional air heater will be used if solar heat is not maximal. In additional, the tool also features a load cell sensor to scale the object of drying, as well as a microcontroller system to control the solar dryer and air heater. Finally, the results of this research show that’s a decreasing in water content 98% faster with drying temperature 60 ◦C, so it can help community productivity in managing seafood.Item Kendali Posisi Linear Actuator Berbasis Pid Menggunakan Plc(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Hardiansyah, Randy; Gozali, M. Syafei; Toar, HandriLinear actuators on pneumatics have a fast linear motion capability, but are not matched with the ability to stop at every position of movement. Linear actuator movement are generally stop at both endpoints. So it is required a control of movement system of actuator linear position. In this study, the authors do research on how to design the control system to control the linear position of the actuator. This research used a PID control system with trial and error method in determining the constant value of PID and used PLC controller. From the test results of the actuator linear position control system, the required time to reach steady state from 0 cm to 30 cm position is 2,079 second. The testing result of linear actuator position control system using PID control gives a small error value of steady state that is 1 mm difference between the target position and the destination position.Item Alat Diagnosa Tingkat Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Umur, Dan Berat Badan Menggunakan Metode Back-Propagation.(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-15) Kurniawan; Wivanius, NadhrahNutrition status is a health status generated by a balance between needs and input nutrition. Method of assessment of nutrition status of toddler is anthropometry, that is calculation of nutrition status by using parameter of age, body weight, and height. In using anthropometry there are 3 methods of calculation: using weight and height body, using height body comparison with age and the last using age and weight body of toddler. Neural Network is a method that can be used to measure toddler nutrition. Artificial neural network systems do not use mathematical schemes to calculate toddler nutrition but use the data to run the learning method, thus getting the average point of data. Measurement weight body of toddler using sensor load cell and height body use ultrasonic sensor. data of measurement will be sent to arduino and visual studio software. data from sensor will be compared to average data from learning system. Tests conducted the learning process is divided into groups based on toddler age from 0 months until 12 months. The result of the artificial neural system will be compared with standart from goverment is book Sk Antropometri with total success of 91%.Item Optimalisasi Identifikasi Sidik Jari Menggunakan Metode Neural Network Pada Keamanan Sepeda Motor(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-16) Burhannudin, Alan; Risandriya, Sumantri KMotorcycle theft rate each year is quite high. The cause of the rampant motorcycle theft due to the weakness of the security system on the motorcycle. Therefore required a system that can overcome the breaking of a motorcycle. One of them by making a security system on a motorcycle. A growing security system is using fingerprints. Fingerprints or human fingerprints have different characteristics in each individual. To be able to use fingerprint as authentication tool used Fingerprint Scanner Sensor. But sometimes there are still errors that occur in the recognition process caused by the problem of less accurate sensor specifications. Therefore, the authors do research by making a motor security system using fingerprints that are integrated with Neural Network alghoritma. The Neural Network algorithm is used to optimize the fingerprint recognition process, thereby reducing the error in the identification process. The result of this research is to produce motorcycle equality system using fingerprint integrated with Algorithm Neural Network, so that motorcycle can only be turned on by motor owner.Item Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Kelembaban, Suhu Dan Intensitas Cahaya Tanaman Tomat Dengan Metode Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Iot(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-05-17) Aji Fitriansyah, Sandy; Risandriya, Sumantri K; Amalya Fatekha, RifqiControl and monitoring of moisture, temperature and light intensity are still using a manual watering or using greenhouses. Busy at work and limited time, cause the control of condition tomato plants is not accordance with plants and cause the plants dead. This study uses automatic control of fuzzy logic and Iot (Internet of Things) for basic of monitoring the condition tomato plants with the function of replacing manual control. DHT22 sensor, FC- 28 and LDR (Light Dependent Resistors) are used for detection of soil moisture, temperature, light intensity and humidity using for input parameters as automatic fuzzy controls, and DC 12v water pumping actuators and power window motors as controllers humidity. The results obtained in this study have a success rate of 98.38% in the work process.